Page 45 - Studio International - November 1971
P. 45


            simultaneously with two cameras. I was    in symbolic human form, was being subjected to
            concerned with turning the face into raw   and shaped by the linearity of the intestinal
            material, like plastic, then creating an external   tract. I would eat one, and then another, and
            situation that was going to change the face, the   then the other, suggesting some process for
            way it looked. You could say I wanted to alter   stacking one on top of the other.
            it by forcing it to express the sensation of fear.   ws: Maybe we could end with some of your
            ws: You had a video camera trained on your   latest projects.
            face while a person from a couple of stories up   DO : At the moment I'm preparing two pieces.
            threw rocks at your body ?                One is an electron microscope with an attached
            DO : They threw rocks from the circumference   video projector which will show a live specimen
            of a circle with a five foot radius at the centre of   that I will produce internally.
            which I was standing. I wanted the circle to   ws: You are getting deeper and deeper into
            demarcate the range of aim. The effect of the   your body.
            rocks being thrown would then register on my   Do : Well, it's one project that works on the   24
            face. It would express the anticipation of real   cellular level, like the X-rays of my stomach.
            hazard. Of course, it was windy and cold   The concerns sort of overlap and I tend to go
            outside, and my face recorded that too, but   back to things and revive ideas that push one
            essentially I was captive to the stimulus which   ahead.
            flowed right through me to the face.      ws : What's the other piece ?
            ws : You said it wasn't completely successful   no : I'm using 35mm cameras with motor drive
            because you didn't continue it for very long.   to document very closely certain facial
            DO : I stopped short. I began to raise objections   transactions with my daughter. I've been doing
            to an artist placing himself in this position. The   this for some time now. The stills are put into
            risk was too great. I'm glad I did it for a short   oversized carousels and synched with sound. I
            while, but the commitment was too great. An   have the equipment to programme the way the
            artist does not live in a vacuum. I didn't want   slides go through the carousel. What I am
            to be responsible for the effect this piece might   actually involved in with my daughter is
            have on those who were following my work. I   affecting her, stimulating her response, fusing
            wasn't making the statement I felt would be   her response with mine, allowing her to affect
            interpreted from this work.               me too. q
            ws: When did you do the Gingerbread Man
            Do: In February 1971. It's a ten-minute
            performance in which I eat three complete
            gingerbread men. Originally I was going to eat
            them and try to reclaim them, to conjure them   19, 20, 21, 22
                                                      Land Incision (Documentation) 1969
            up through my digestive tract.
            ws: Vomit?                                23
            Do : Yes, and remake the figures.         Ground Mutations— Shoe-prints
            ws : How did the film work out ?          Kearney, New Jersey 1969
            Do: Well, it doesn't show the convulsions. I was   24
            interested in the fact that this edible material,    Footprints 1970
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