Page 74 - Studio International - November 1971
P. 74
Current & Francis Bacon, by John Russell. 117 plates (59 in
colour) including 9 colour fold-outs, £4.95,
forthcoming Thames and Hudson.
The Graphic Works of the Impressionists, introduction
by Jean Leymarie, catalogue by Michel Melot. 445
books illustrations (17 in colour), £8, Thames and Hudson.
Apollinaire on Art-Essays and Reviews 1902-18,
edited by Le Roy C. Breunig. 16 pages of photographs
£2.50 and £1.25, Thames and Hudson.
Giacometti, by Richard Hohl. 196 illustrations,
ART PRE-1890 including 4 hand-mounted colour plates, £m. 5o ,
The Sculpture of Verrocchio, by Charles Seymour Jr. Thames and Hudson.
192 pages, 183 illustrations, £4.20, Studio Vista.
Sargent Watercolours, by Donelson F. Hoopes. 88
pages, 32 colour illustrations, £5.50, Studio Vista. MISCELLANEOUS
Archaic Greek Art 620-48o BC, by Jean A Manual of Film-Making, by Barry Callaghan. 61
Charbonneaux, Roland Martin, Francois Villard. illustrations (9 in colour), £2.50 and £1.25, Thames
444 illustrations, including 97 colour plates, £10.50, and Hudson.
Thames and Hudson. Townscape Paintings and Drawing, by J. G. Links. 288
The Renaissance and Mannerism in Italy, by Alastair pages, 193 black and white photographs, £5, Batsford
Smart. 178 illustrations (31 in colour), £2.10 and Books.
1.25, Thames and Hudson. Sources of Illustrations 1500-1900, by Hilary and
The Renaissance and Mannerism outside Italy, by Mary Evans. 168 pages, 200 illustrations, £5, Adams
Alastair Smart. 178 illustrations (31 in colour), £2.1o, and Dart.
and £1.25, Thames and Hudson. Metaphysical Art, by Massimo Carra, foreword by
Baroque and Rococo Art, by A. C. Sewter. 177 Caroline Tisdall. 233 illustrations (8 in colour), £2.10 to
illustrations (3o in colour), £2.10 and £1.25, Thames and £1.25, Thames and Hudson.
and Hudson. A Concise History of Posters: 1870-197o, by John
Ruskin in Italy: Letters to his Parents,1845, edited by Barnicoat. 25o illustrations (5o in colour), £2.10 and
Harold I. Shapiro. 284 pages, 8 plates, 34 text figures, £1.25, Thames and Hudson.
£4'75, Oxford University Press, London. Modern Primitives: Naive Painting from the Late
The Drawings of Michelangelo, by Frederick Bartt. 553 Seventeenth Century until the Present Day, by Oto
illustrations (16 in colour), £9, Thames and Hudson. Bihalji-Merin. 34o illustrations (220 in colour), £6.50,
Bosch, by Carl Linfert. rot illustrations, including 48 Thames and Hudson.
hand-mounted colour plates, £7.50, Thames and Japan: Art and Civilization, by Louis Frederic. 43o
Hudson. illustrations, 95 maps and line drawings, £10. 50,
Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens, by John Thames and Hudson.
Travlos. 721 illustrations, including 545 photographs Mosaic: History and Technique, by Peter Fischer. 120
and 176 drawings, £25. Thames and Hudson. plates (16 in colour), £3.95, Thames and Hudson.
Flemish Painting: The Age of Rubens and Van Dyck, by The National Gallery of Canada, by Jean Sutherland
Leo van Puyvelde, translated by Alan Kendall. 244 Boggs. 220 plates (32 in colour), £12, Thames and
pages, 42 coloured illustrations, 102 black and white Hudson.
illustrations, £9.25, Weidenfeld and Nicholson. Art at Auction 1970-71, edited by Philip Wilson and
The Temple of Konarak: Erotic Spirituality, by Alan Annamaria Macdonald. 120 illustrations in colour,
Watts, photographs by Eliot Elisofon. 8o photographs, 30o pages of illustrations in black and white, £6,
£4.50, Thames and Hudson. Thames and Hudson.
Annibale Carracci: A Study in the Reform of Italian The Hollywood Musical, by John Russell Taylor and
Painting around 159o, by Donald Posner. In two Arthur Jackson. 280 pages, 13o illustrations (12 in full
volumes: vol. one-184 pages, 121 comparative colour), £3.95, Secker & Warburg.
illustrations, 5 colour plates; vol. two-1o4 pages, 35o Australian Painting 1788-1970, by Bernard Smith.
plates, 5 in colour. £15 the set, Phaidon. Second edition, 44o pages, 240 plates (6o in colour),
Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, by C. R. Leslie. £8.75, Oxford University Press Melbourne.
434 Pages, 58 plates (14 in colour), £1.10, Phaidon. Death, Heaven and the Victorians, by John Morley.
Symbolic Images: Studies in the Art of the Renaissance, 208 pages, 127 illustrations (12 in colour), and 12 line
by E. H. Gombrich. 290 pages, 170 illustrations, £5, drawings, £5, Studio Vista.
Phaidon. Identity Kits: A Pictorial Survey of Visual Signals, by
The Paintings of Titian, vol. two: The Portraits, by Alan Fletcher and Germano Facetti. 152 pages, 25o
Harold E. Wethey. viii+ 448 pages, 276 plates (4 in illustrations (24 in colour), £5.50, Studio Vista.
colour), £12.50, Phaidon. Encounters: Essays on Literature and the Visual Arts,
Italian Gothic Sculpture, by John Pope-Hennessy. edited by John Dixon Hunt. 212 pages, 56 illustrations,
240 pages, 108 plates, rot text illustrations, £8, £3.50, Studio Vista.
Phaidon. Politics and Film, by Leif Furhammar and Folke
The Great Century of British Painting: from Hogarth to Isaksson, translated by Kersti French. 256 pages, 15o
Turner, by William Gaunt. 240 pages, 180 plates, illustrations, £3.80, Studio Vista.
including 24 pages of colour, £6, Phaidon. D. W. Griffith: The Years at Biograph, by Robert M.
William Butterfield, by Paul Thompson. 56o pages, Henderson. 25o pages, 16 pages of photographs,
about 40o black and white illustrations, 12 pages of £2.90, Secker & Warburg.
colour plates, £10, Routledge & Kegan Paul. Figurative Art since 1945, J. P. Hodin, Giuseppe
Marchiori, Emile Langui, René Passeron, Wieland
ART POST-1890 Schmied, Jean Dypreau, Robert Melville, Lawrence
The Letters of Lewis Mumford and Frederic J. Osborn: Alloway, Mario Amaya, Pierre Restany, G.
A Transatlantic Dialogue 1938-70, edited by Michael Gassiot-Talabot, Alain Jouffroy. 267 illustrations, 24
Hughes. 500 pages, £6.25, Adams and Dart. in colour, £8.50, Thames and Hudson.
Histoire Naturelle, by Max Ernst, introduction by Computer Graphics-Computer Art, by H. W. Franke.
Jean Arp. 34 plates, limited numbered edition, price 136 pages, too illustrations, £4.25, Phaidon.
to be announced, Thames and Hudson. Joseph Stella, by John I. H. Baur. 176 pages, 105
Abstract Art since 1945, Jean Leymarie, Werner illustrations (to in colour), £5, Pall Mall.
Haftmann, Irving H. Sandler, Michel Ragon, John Sloan, by Bruce St John. 16o pages, r to
Francine C. Legrand, Gillo Dorfles, Hans L. C. illustrations (to in colour), £5, Pall Mall.
Jaffe, Umbro Apollonio, Lucy Lippard, Oto The Blue Rider, by Hans Konrad Roethel. 150 pages,
Bihalji-Merin. 304 illustrations (33 in colour), too plates (77 in colour), £7.25, Pall Mall.
£8.50, Thames and Hudson. Philip Wilson Steer 1860-1942, by Bruce Laughton.
The Painter Manessier, by J. P. Hodin. 240 pages, 176 pages, 103 plates, 6 in colour, £8, Oxford
£10.50, Adams and Dart. University Press London.
Victor Vasarely, by Werner Spies. 69 illustrations (16 Richter on Richter, edited by Cleve Gray. 16 pages of
in colour), £2.50, Thames and Hudson. illustrations in colour and over 125 illustrations in
After Cubism, by Amédée Ozenfant and Le Corbusier, black and white, £8.50, Thames and Hudson.
translated and edited by Anthony Eardley. 13o Lucio Fontana, by Guido Ballo. 78 pages, 286
illustrations, £2.50 and £1 .25, Thames and Hudson. illustrations (44 in colour), £12.50, Pall Mall.