Page 31 - Studio International - February 1972
P. 31

else. From works of every period he stares out   even for years. Damn it, what to do ? All that   I simply could not paint. Then, suddenly,
           ugly, questioning, exulting, wry, melancholic,   beer and all that tea demanded an outlet ...   everything succeeded and to such a degree
           waiting for inspiration. The emotion is never   `Ludwig, where can I ?"Big or little ?'   that I watched myself painting as though
           the same and the emotion is expressed, as in   asked Meidner. 'Little, thank God,' I replied.   I were a spectator. My arm moved of itself
           caricature, by an exaggerated use of line, by   `Good, good', said Meidner. 'Use the   and I was very surprised. Then something
           bold contrasts, and by special emphasis on eyes,   bathtub'. The tub stood in a small cubicle.   came over me: The Holy Ghost. The strangest
           mouths and hands.                            It was never used, of course ... The candle   thing was that I didn't believe in God... I
              Meidner not only drew and painted himself.   that I had brought with me revealed a filthy   noticed that the feeling was what is usually
           An habitual frequenter of the literary and   tub which had obviously served for both   described as ecstasy... I only painted my
           intellectual cafés, friend of many writers and   `big' and little'.17                  inward state !'19
           with an ability to capture a likeness economically,   Such repulsive conditions were clearly less   Expressionism, based as it was on a
           he became the informal recorder of the artists   the result of a studied Bohemianism than of an   transcendental view of the world and on a belief
           and writers of his time, the unofficial Hofmaler   incurable itch to work, to capture the essence   in non-material reality, was the style of a
           at the court of Expressionism, and virtually   of the vision before it faded. Indeed, Meidner   generation which rediscovered religion. At
           everyone sat for him at some time or another :   worked with the determination of someone with   the height of a materialistic epoch during which
           Becher, Neisse, Lotz, Werfel, Wolfenstein, van   a terminal disease, afraid that time would run   the Bible lost out to life insurance and the
           Hoddis. No other artist compiled such a   out before things got done, and nothing was as   Church to the dance-hall and bar, the younger
           complete record of the prominent artists of that   important to him as painting and drawing. His   generation turned to spiritual things as though
           time and when Menschheitsdämmerung appeared   writing reveals that he hankered after paints and   they themselves had just discovered them. It
           it was mostly illustrated with portrait drawings   brushes with an almost sexual lust:   was not orthodoxy which benefited but a variety
           by Meidner.                                  `Yes, colours, colours without numbers ! I   of exotic, newly-founded and often cranky
             Meidner seems to have produced most of the   will marry into an oil-paint factory. As   religions which enjoyed an enormous, if brief,
           early self-portraits in a kind of ecstasy, close to   dowry, my wife will bring me a thousand   vogue during the years before the First World
           a fit in its intensity and, like a fit, punctuated by   tubes each of umber, ochre, cobalt, white and   War. Peripatetic priests, their hair grown long in
           visions. Meidner habitually worked on a      madder. My wife will be angular, frenetic   emulation of the Hebrew prophets, toured the
           painting until he dropped, forgetting to eat or   and hot. She shall have arms a mile long to   country preaching the benefits of nudism, all-
           sleep until he had finished, and totally     wrap me close to her. We shall fold ourselves   rice diets and meditation. Theosophy,
           uninterested in his surroundings. He produced   into the narrow bed and dream of burnt   Mazdaism, Spiritualism and Zoroastrianism
           his greatest paintings in 1912 and 13 in an attic   umber. I will bite your head off and play ball   were at the height of their influence.
           studio in the Friedenau district of Berlin which   in my glaring, uninhibited nights !'18    It is significant that so many of the
           was incredibly filthy, piled with the ashes and   Reference has already frequently been made   Expressionist writers and painters were
           slag of years, and, especially in the hot Berlin   to the fact that Meidner fervently believed in the   attracted to one or more of these faiths, that
           summers, was filled with an almost unbearable   reality of his own visions. After years of having   Kandinsky turned to Rudolf Steiner, that the

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           stench, the source of which was amusingly   been an atheist it was such visions which   Bauhaus had on its premises a vegetarian
           revealed by George Grosz in his autobiography.   persuaded Meidner once again to take up   kitchen and that Meidner, in this instance at
           Grosz, who visited Meidner to have his portrait   religion. Much later he explained that he had   least more conventional than the others, returned
           painted, wanted to go to the lavatory on one   become convinced that his visions came from   to the Jewish faith and, like Schoenberg later,
           occasion :                                the Holy Ghost:                           began to base works on Old Testament stories
             What a calamity ! It was impossible to get   `In December 1912 I experienced a thorough-  and figures.
             relief. The toilet bowl was full to the top and   going religious feeling for the first time.   But religion does not find expression in
             practically overflowing. It looked as if it had   Suddenly one evening while I was painting   Meidner's work until the last years of the war
             been stopped up for months, and perhaps    I noticed that nothing I was doing came off.   and only becomes a major theme after it,
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