Page 46 - Studio International - October 1972
P. 46

Aspects of art education

       Art education in                           Other vital issues must also be faced, such as the   converge in a hotel lobby in what is described as
                                                 survival of the independent art school and the   `the slave market'. Without a national press, jobs
       America                                   future of over 12,000 art graduates a year. Such   cannot be advertised nationally and weekly, as in
                                                 issues are discussed on both sides of the Atlantic.   Britain with the Times. The conference has
       America is as much a continent as a country.   Often underlying the discussions is the old   another more dignified aim, which is to
       The distance between New York and Los     argument of the academic versus the avant   present papers on art education and art history.
       Angeles is almost as great as the distance   garde.                                  Recently, among respectable and academic
       between New York and London. In such a vast   Within the Association a group of national   presentations, real issues begin to emerge, such
       country no national system of art education   institutions, The Union of Independent   as the position of the black artist and the woman
       exists as is known in Britain. Each institution   Colleges of Art, exists to prepare artists and   artist in today's society. Both are lively and
       varies with differing structures, courses,   designers for the more complex and demanding   passionate topics presented with emotion and
       financing and so on. Initial impressions of   tasks ahead. Professional programmes   militancy.
       American art education were described in a   undertaking the education of the artist have had   Such meetings and conferences are a rare
       Studio International article, November 1968,   to recognize their evolving and expanding   opportunity for artists and educators to meet,
       entitled 'Up the American Vanishing Point'.   obligation to reorganize to meet enlarging needs.   an opportunity otherwise made difficult by
         In the last few years, continued travel to many   Through cooperative programmes a student   distance.
       art institutions has revealed to me the growing   may gain access to a variety of philosophies and   However, at times American education
       concern and changes in attitudes and ideas in   environmental structures. Included in the   appears still concerned with teaching rather
       American art education.                   programmes are the student mobility       than learning, with giving answers rather than
         The understanding of the differences    programme, a faculty exchange programme, a   posing questions. Eagerness to know is
       between America and Britain is made more   transfer programme and study abroad      confused with willingness to accept, particularly
       difficult by the English language, encouraging   programmes. In such a way members of the   in the teaching of outdated techniques.
       ready acceptance rather than real understanding.   UICA give students the advantage of mobility   Many institutions still strictly adhere to rigid
       Even the word 'education' has a different   of movement and a variety of exposure. In a   practices of yesteryear. The academy still
       meaning in the two countries, with their   transient society the advantages in such a   struggles on in many places throughout
       different systems and sensibilities.      programme are many. Institutions of the UICA   America and is often preserved within the
         Although there is no national system, the   include California, Cleveland, Kansas City,   university art department. Visiting artists from
       National Association of Schools of Art    Maryland, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Rhode   Europe are still surprised by narrow attitudes.
       represents schools and institutions of the   Island, and San Francisco. In such institutions,   One young British artist recently wrote
       highest traditions and aims in the education of   and others throughout America, exists a   complaining of the continual ringing bell which
       artists. The membership now consists of   dynamic and lively involvement with the visual   terminates classes every 40 minutes. Along with
       leading art schools, college and university art   arts.                             worry about grades and credits, such practices
       departments, organizations, and artists and   Another association with a large membership   are hardly conducive to creative involvement
       designers from all regions of the United States.   is the College Art Association. The Association   and experience within the twentieth century.
       This group has assumed increasing         meets annually in different cities in America.   Maybe, because America has such a short
       responsibility for the development of     Each January, herds of eager job hunters
       educational standards in art and has
       contributed greatly to the feeling of mutual   Corcoran School of Art 1st year students Balloon Event
       understanding and respect which now exists   May 1972, with Lincoln Memorial and pool. Photo: L. C. Smith
       among art schools in this country.
         Among its objectives the Association states
       that, 'In no other educational field is conformity
       to some pre-established pattern less desired.
       The creative arts are necessarily rooted in
       subjective and explorative experiences, which
       may with equal promise follow divergent paths,
       all of which may lead to worthy goals. Worthy
       goals must be identified and adopted by the
       school. The means of achieving them are
       within the discretion of each school'.
         If the Association can concern itself with
       innovative attitudes and creative processes, and
       avoid becoming a conservative establishment,
       the aim will be achieved of becoming a national
       forum for art education.
         The Association holds an annual conference
       for Deans and Presidents. Issues recently
       discussed include freedom versus discipline,
       the structure and content of first-year
       programmes, the integration of academic
       programmes and art history with studio courses,
       and art within the liberal arts programme.
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