Page 61 - Studio International - October 1972
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perhaps represent the phase of readjusting the   highly abstract, necessitating a new normative   antecedence in his work. He maintains the
        framework of art with the intention finally of   status for art works as pure 'beings of reason'   semantic ambience of his previous work,
        giving to art some definitive function, or at least   which have no significant status in reality   but would perhaps now view ideology as
        of providing grounds for such a function to be   other than formally.               being an ultimate determining factor in art
        established in the future. In a sense, such work   David Holmscroft makes a distinction   practice.
        represents a redefinition of artistic goals by first   between analytical and theoretical art on the   It is conventional, and perhaps at this stage
        sorting out the mass of problematic issues which   basis of the fundamental differences in their   inevitable, that artists should attempt to define
        have apparently condemned art in the '60's to   appropriate logical objectives. But in spite of   a function for art within a conceptual
        scepticism, resulting in a singular lack of any   this distinction it is nevertheless clear that   framework inherited from a more sophisticated
        clearly defined function. Such a state has been   both tendencies aim at 'investing in art some   area of enquiry (be it logic, semantics,
        estimated as the result of a situation in which the   meaning', whether it be 'externally' or   ideology, praxeology, behaviouralism, politics
        `open concept' of art is assumed, described by   `internally' derived. Jon Bird's contribution to   or whatever). Whether or not these external
        John Stezaker as a case of 'maximum       theoretical art is predominantly that of   contextual frameworks will continue to be
        extension — minimum intention (i.e. 'anything   providing solutions to theological problems   developed or whether a purely theoretical art
        goes' and therefore art is meaningless as both   which he feels are appropriate in being   can develop and 'internally' derived criteria
        term and endeavour).' The slogan of the avant   analogous to the problems confronting a   result is mere speculation at this time, but all
        garde (`anything goes') is isolated as the primary   purely theoretical art. It is clear that the extent   the issues have been clearly stated (from a
        factor condeming art to inconsequence through   of the differences exhibited in these   number of different points of view) in much of
        lack of unified meaning. The Art & Language   contributions towards a redefinition of art is   the work in both exhibitions. It might even be
        Group on the other hand has been involved with   bound to give rise to specific distinctions   regarded as the first attempt at conducting
        developing semantic and ideological frameworks   between different approaches, so that   art practice in a completely rational way. It is
        which can more adequately sustain an 'art   approaches lacking feasibility are isolated and   self-evident that the notion of the avant garde
        work' as theoretically or philosophically   subsequently discarded in exactly the same way   and all its entailments can only present an
        consequential. This work is conducted along   as described above with reference to the   obstruction to such a rational endeavour. Even
        the lines of modern analytical philosophy and   `avant garde'. Where the Art and Language   the status of the art work presumed since the
        aesthetics. Charles Harrison (quoting from an   Group have attempted to sort out issues   first development of the notion of the avant
        analytical aesthetician Morris Weitz) writes   within the realm of art in a logical/linguistical   garde is that of a useless or functionless entity.
        `Once you stop trying to define the       framework, others have assumed political   Some aesthetic theories have made much of
        undefinable — "What is art ?" — and start trying   priorities. David Medalla, John Dugger and   the supposedly non-utilitarian aspect of art
        to answer the replacement question 'What sort   Jun Terra attempt to supplant the lack of   works from comparisons made between
        of concept is "art" ? — there is just no other   function or 'emptiness' which Medalla   `aesthetic objects' and technical or practical
        way to avoid both narrow mindedness and   attributes to 'formalist' art with a function of   objects. Minimal art seems to have been
        naivety'.                                 serving a political ideology (viz. Marxism-  particularly influenced by such ideas. Of
          Thus solutions to the sorting out of these   Leninism). However, one of the noticeable   course, submerged beneath this concept of art
        problematic issues are sought entirely in a   side-consequences of such political 'guiding   works is an even more persistent and
        semantic dimension. The Newport-based     lights' tends to be the presence of much that is   elemental belief that art works are real and
        group (Peter Berry, Paul Wood and Kevin   superfluous to a purely political intention. This   tangible objects for contemplation in
        Wright) are largely in accord with the Art &   is a consequence of, in this case, the Maoist   themselves outside any framework of reference.
        Language Group in stressing the logical/   dualism of values in art between the aesthetic   After all, a material object cannot itself be a
        linguistical nature of solutions to the problems   and the political. In modern times, the   meaning, though indirectly it can mean
        of art, but appear to concentrate on the   aesthetic attribute might seem more readily   something in conjunction with an appropriate
        normative bases of art activity, conventions,   dispensable, demonstrating the innate   context. (Perhaps this is a further way of
        etc., and with the political ramifications of the   difficulties of attempting to be revolutionary,   accounting for interest in contextual matters.)
        shift in paradigm cases for art works. John   both politically and artistically.      The shift towards an ontology of
        Stezaker, in contradistinction, does not    Another attempt to redefine art's function in   non-physical entities (Art-Language) or
        recognize the semantic priorities of the analytical   terms of a societal value 'of use' is made by   towards an 'intentional' ontology of 'beings
        artists; rather, he is involved with promoting a   Steve Willats, whose work remains politically   of reason' (Stezaker) is obviously an attempt
        purely theoretical art, i.e. with self-   neutral since it depends upon scientific   to ascribe to art works a more direct meaning
        perpetuating prescriptive theses. To this end   empirical objectivity. His work aims at   or function. It seems that the stressing of
        he has drawn up several 'first principles' or   divining a usefulness for art in a social ambience   contextual matters on the one hand and the
        undeniable assumptions upon which such an   within a theoretical framework derived from   adjustment of fundamental internal matters on
        activity can be based. Instead of utilizing   human behaviour and cybernetic science.   the other (as representing what Holmscroft
        extrinsic frameworks to imbue in art works a   Victor Burgin in a recent essay (`Margin   would regard as being analytical and
        definitive function, he cites 'internal'   Notes') also prescribes the empirical art   theoretical approaches respectively) may turn
        distinctions, namely the Categories which are   theorist's commitment to societal use in   out to be complementary aspects of the same
        devised to sustain such an activity free from   preference to the 'internally' derived function   endeavour.q
        honorificness'. The resulting scheme for art is    of theoretical art. This marks a shift of
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