Page 57 - Studio International - September 1972
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Galerie-Boutique Germain       Editions Lacloche              Object Art Düsseldorf           Seriaal
          19 Rue Guenegaud, Paris, France.   24 rue de Grenelle, 75 Paris, France.   400o Düsseldorf t, Grabenstrasse 1 I,   N.Z. Voorburgwal 348, Amsterdam,
          Manufacturers, distributors and   Multiples by Adzac, Guzman, Penalba,   Germany. Manufacturer, distributor,   Holland. Publisher of multiples since
          retailers of multiples since 1970.   Guru, Sidney Francis, Belloir.   retailer of object multiples since 1971.   1968. Recent multiples include The
          Recent publications include work by   London Arts Gallery     New multiples by Geiger, Heerich,   Aero Modeller 1972, edition 75, by
          Degottex, Chollet, Adzak, etc.   22 New Bond Street, WI. Retailer of   Uecker.                Panamarenko; Untitled 1972, object
                                         multiples.                                                     by Carel Visser.
                                                                                                        Small Wonders Inc.
                                                                        Pace Editions Inc.
                                         M'Arte                         32 East 57 Street, New York, N.Y.   Strawberry Hill Road, Acton,
                                         Via Gustavo Fara 4,20124 Milano,   10022, USA. Manufacturer, distributor   Massachusetts, 01720, USA.
                                         Italy. Have recently collaborated with   and retailer of multiples since 1969. New   Manufacturer and distributor of toys
                                         Il Polimero Arte in the production of a   publications include White Glide 1972,   and learning equipment, as well as
                                         series of multiples in plastic, in editions   white laquered wood wall sculpture in   unique works of art that can be used
                                         of 5o to 70. The artists concerned are   two sections, edition 5o, $650, by Jack   for educational purposes.
                                         Ramosa, Sugai, Hsiao Chin, Valentina   Youngerman; Lux III 1972, silkscreen,   Galerie Stadler
                                         Berardinone, Annette O'Hara,   mirror and canvas stretched over a   51 Rue de Seine, 75006 Paris, France.
                                         Demetrescu, Giuliana Balice.   wooden frame, edition 150, $750, by   Distributor of antimultiples by Horia
                                         Mathews Miller Dunbar Ltd      Larry Bell; Gemini I, plastic sphere   Damian.
                                         18 Endell Street, London WC2 H9BD.   containing two surfaces on which
                                         Manufacturer and distributor of   mercury and a clear oil base liquid   Tanglewood Press Inc.
                                         multiples since February 1971. Recent   interact to produce a continuous   24 East 8oth Street, New York, N.Y.
                                         multiples include Soft Orange 1971,   pattern of images when the sphere is   10021, USA. Specialists in multiples,
                                         film, by Robert Graham; Garden   moved, 5 in. diam. edition 15o, $225,   reopening in September 1972. Most
                                         Memorabilia 1972, film, by Ivor   by Ronald Mallory.          recent multiple is Double Show Window
                                         Abrahams;  Circle I II III IV 1972,                           1972, edition 65, S800, by Christo.
                                                                        Plura Edizioni
                                         film, by Derek Boshier; Waitress, a   36 Via Donatello, 20131 Milano, Italy.   Tate Gallery Publications
                                         limited edition book by Allen Jones.   New multiples by Del Pezzo, Alviani,   Department
                                         Galerie Mikro                  Pozzati, Peter Phillips.       Millbank, London SWI 4RG.
                                         Michael S. Cullen, D- moo Berlin 12,   Polimero Arte          Distributor and retailers of multiples,
         Adzak, Lampe                    Germany. Manufacturer, distributor   Viale Monteruzzo I, 21043 Castiglione   including Spiral Movement by Mary
         Galerie-Boutique Germain        and retailer of multiples since 1968.   Olona (Varese) Italy. Manufacturer of   Martin, and White Relief by Ben
                                         Recent publications include Chair by   multiples since 1971. (See also under   Nicholson.
         Nigel Greenwood Inc. Ltd        Wewerka, edition 4o, price DM 1100.   M'Arte).                Galerie Teufel
         41 Sloane Gardens, London SWI.   Galerie Muller                Galerie Poll Berlin            54 Koblenz, Florinsmarkt 12, Germany.
         Distributor and retailer of multiples.   5 Köln, Lindenstrasse 18-20, Germany,   D moo Berlin 15, Kurfurstendamm 185,   Distributor and retailer of multiples.
         Recent issues include The Critic   Multiples by Antes, Geiger, Girke,   Germany. Manufacturer Of multiples   Recent issues include works by Sandro
         Laughs 1972, electronic multi-media,   Graubner, Prager, Wewerka,   since 1969. Recent multiples published   de Alexandris, Attila Kovacs, Schrader.
         edition 6o, £320, by Richard Hamilton;   Wintersberger, etc.   include Kopf Leiv Donnan 1972, bronze
         Drumming 1972, edition 5oo, record   Edition Galerie Muller    in an edition of 3, by Joachim
         and documentation £1300, by Steve   Stuttgart, Hohenheimer Strasse 7,   Schmettau.
         Reich; a..., and six predictable concepts,   Germany. Multiples by Pfahler, Heinz
         1972, edition 30o, booklet, £1.25, by   Mack, etc.             Reeves
         John Stezaker. Also various books in   Multi-art Press International   Lincoln Road, Enfield, Middlesex.
         limited editions.              Groendalstraat 12-14,2000 Antwerp,   Distributors of multiples and Flikker
         Edition Hoffmann               Belgium. Manufacturer and retailer of   books, produced by Alecto International
         D-6000 Frankfurt, Untermainkai 3o,   multiples. Multiples by Munari,   (see also under Alecto). Have recently
         Germany. Multiples by Lohse,   Michaeledes, Delahaut, etc.     released for distribution eleven
         Graeser, etc.
                                                                        multiples, by Boshier, Dubuffet,
                                                                        Hutchins, Michaeledes, Pelham,
         Edition Hundertmark                                            Stubbing, Chic Taylor, Betty Thomson,
          Berlin 42, Kolonie Kleeblatt,                                 Neils Young, David Pelham.
         Blumenwerg 12, Germany.                                        Denise René
         Manufacturer, distributor and retailer                         124 rue La Boetie, Paris 8/196, Bd St
         of multiples by Beuys, Knizak, etc.
                                                                        Germain, Paris 7, France. Publishers of
                                                                        multiples. Current issues include works
         Ikon Gallery                                                   by Bill, Boto, Claisse, LeParc etc.   Schrader, Quadratreihung 8
         Swallow Street, Birmingham t. Dealers                          Ricke                          Galerie Teufel
         in multiples by David Prentice.                                Lindenstrasse 22, Köln, Germany.
         William Freeth, Neville Smith, etc.
                                                                        Manufacturer, distributor and retailer
         Institute of Contemporary Art                                  of multiples. Recent issue by Keith   Vice-Versand
         University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,                      Sonnier.                       Wolfgang Feelisch, D-563 Remscheid,
         USA. Publishers of multiples,                                                                 Postfach 100343, Germany. Publishers
         including work by Thomas Chimes,                                                              of multiples in unlimited editions at low
         Christo, D'Arcangelo, Anuszkiewicz.                            Galleria La Salita             prices by Beuys, Staeck, Gerstner,
         International Artist's Cooperation                             86 Via Garibaldi, 00153 Roma, Italy.   Wewerka etc.
         c/o Klaus Groh, D 290o Oldenburg,                              Current multiples in stock include
         Ofenerstrasse 39, Germany. An                                  Seven Objects in a Box, by D'Arcangelo,   Galerie Michael Werner
         international information centre for                           Dine, Lichtenstein, Oldenburg, Segal,   500o Köln 1, St. Apernstr. 14-18,
         artists concerned with concept art,                            Warhol, Wesselman; Eleven Pop Artists,   Germany. Manufacturer of multiples,
         project art, land-art, visual poetry.   Arman, Cube            D'Arcangelo, Dine, Jones, Laing,   including Plan Vert, Chère Petite Soeur,
         Distributors of multiples by Groh,   Multiples Inc.            Lichtenstein, Phillips, Ramos,   Screen by Marcel Broodthaers; The One
         Stembera, Kocman, etc.                                         Rosenquist, Warhol, Wesley,    Page Book by James Lee Byars,
                                        Multiples Inc.                  Wesselman; Three Roses, wrapped up,   Wide White Space Gallery
         Martha Jackson Gallery         927 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y.   edition 100, by Christo.   Schildersstraat 2, Antwerp, Belgium.
         32 East 69 Street, New York N.Y.   10021, USA. Manufacturer, distributor   Edition Jorg Schellmann   Graphics, multiples, films, by Beuys,
         10021 USA. Dealers in multiples   and retailer of multiples since 1963.   8 München 2, Barer Strasse 34,   Broodthaers, David Lamelas etc.
         including work by Paul Jenkins, Del   Recent issues include Insects 1972, by   Germany. Manufacturer of multiples
         Pezzo, Anuszkiewicz, etc.      Ed Ruscha; Banners 1972, by     since 1969. Recent issues include Celtic   Xartcollection
         Bernard Jacobson               Rosenquist; Cube 1972, an accumulation   1972, a documentation box of the artist's   Seefeldstrasse 295, CH 8008 Zurich,
         10 Clifford Stteet, London WI.   of paint bottles embedded in plastic,   activities, including a film, ten   Switzerland. Manufacturer and
         Multiples by Ivor Abrahams, John   18 x 18 x 18 in., edition 25, by Arman.   photographs and a bottle with gelatine   distributor, specialising in multiples.
         Panting, Jann Haworth, Gerry                                  and wax. Edition 100, DM 1200, by   Recent issues include Black Nude,
         McMillan, Dick Smith.          Nouvelles Images                Joseph Beuys.                  polyester and aluminium, edition 14 by
                                        4520o Lombreuil, France. Manufacturer   The Scottish Arts Council   Sandro Bocola; Fluorescent Space,
         Galerie Kümmel                 of multiples since 1960. Recent issues   19 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh.   acrylglass, edition 2o, by Marc Egger;
         5 Köln 41 (Braunsfeld), Maarweg 15,   include Festival A, 1972, silkscreen on   Distributor of multiples, including   also a collection of wallpapers by Allen
         Germany. Distributor of multiples,   Plexiglas, edition 100, NF 56o, by   Variable Space Box, 12 X 12 X 3 ft,   Jones, Peter Phillips, Wunderlich,
         including new work by Bruno Gronen,   Sugai; Hache Solaire 1972, bronze,   £10, by John Knox; Indoor Sundial,   Tinguely, Alt, Alviani, Berges and Niki
         Wewerka, Ulrichs etc.          edition 5o, NF 2000, by Osa Scherdin.   9)< 6 x 2 ft, £10,  by Ian Hamilton Finlay.   de St Phalle.
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