Page 53 - Studio International - April 1973
P. 53

(Far left)
                                                                                            Decanter, tumbler and wine-glass, V2 1928
                                                                                            Coll. Haags Gemeentemuseum
                                                                                            Lectern, First Church of Christ Scientist
                                                                                            The Hague, 1926
                                                                                            (Bottom left)
                                                                                            Front of Paris restaurant, rue Pigalle, 5926
                                                                                            (Bottom right)
                                                                                            First floor of Paris restaurant, 1926

        factories and offices.                    small rooms had to be fitted out as a bar and   Depression.
         A very interesting part is the organ, for which   restaurant. Space had to be utilized as   When Piet Zwart left the Berlage office in the
        Piet Zwart invented a completely new form   efficiently as possible. Piet Zwart devised a   spring of 1927, he was already busy making
        without decoration or mute pipes and based on   basic four-colour scheme and applied the   sketches for a set of crystal drinking glasses. His
        the visible disposition of the organ-pipes in a   colours in big asymmetric rectangles to the   own title for it was V2, which was not an
        Dutch barrel-organ. The two lecterns below the   walls and ceiling. The lighting consisted of the   arbitrary 'technical' title but the description of
        organ took an equally curious form; while he   familiar Behrens lamps, small protruding   its design. All of the dimensions gave ratios
       was working on the design he wrote to his wife   squares with bare bulbs and long horizontal   (e.g. height of stem: height of cup)
        (who was then working as a nurse): 'They will   strips of tubular lamps. Light and colour were   corresponding to 1:V2, which was one of the
        be very simple, and almost float on their thin   used to create a spacious effect; the materials   standards of industrial normalization (such as
        metal tubes; they will be suggestive of parts of   emphasized functionality (hygiene, efficient   the DIN-sizes). The use of this module
        machinery, a typewriter or one of the shiny   operation) and the principle of normalization   symbolized the conscious acceptance of
       instruments in your operating-room, but in no   (train windows, chairs by Thonet). The nick-  industrial mass production of 'types', as an
        way of romanticism, mysticism, or anything
       old-fashioned.'10                          name, Ford a manger, suggested by a critic,   economic and social necessity.
                                                 summarizes Zwart's intentions. When the      Such ideas meant a struggle with architects
         The same year brought a private commission   restaurant opened — in September of 1926 —  and designers, whose thinking in this period
       in. Some of his early typographic work and   Mondrian, Baumeister, Prampolini, Loos, and   was still dominated largely by principles in the
       industrial designs had been on show at the Paris   others were present, but before too long Faust   spirit of William Morris. They had seen the
        World Fair in 1925. There he had met a Dutch   was to write: 'The people who like the interior   emergence of the De Stijl movement and the
        journalist, Leo Faust, who asked him to design   do not have enough money to buy my meals.'   Russian constructivists as well as the impact of
       his new restaurant in the Rue Pigalle. Two    The restaurant did not survive the Great    the Bauhaus, but still failed to recognize the

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