Page 61 - Studio International - February 1973
P. 61

central artists' organisation took part in them,   oldest colleague, Infante, in fact dropped in   through the continuous incorporation of the
        with the result that new artists from all over the   this evening, but he has founded his own group.   human element. Lev is full of optimism for
        multi-national Soviet Union began coming to   I met Nusberg and Infante for the first time in   civilization and faith in the power of art: in the
        the public's notice. The author of this article   a Moscow street : at that time they were almost   future, within a few short decades, technology
        himself, on an official invitation from the Union   completely unknown and absolutely without any   and art will come together to create a new
        of Soviet Artists, gave a lecture in 1967 at the   money. I recall how they chipped in to buy a bag   human world. Again the underlying connections :
        Moscow Institute for the History of Art on the   of cheap gingerbread snaps for lunch, and   Lev might be a pupil of Florensky's.
        most recent trends in world art, and it was   munched them as they walked along. Now   At present he and his group are involved in
        typical of the new atmosphere that not one of the   Nusberg's group has its own flat with a great   designing exhibitions, but this is only
        participants looked back to Socialist Realism.   deal of visual and sound equipment. On the   provisional, he tells me, a means of getting
        On the contrary, there was eager discussion of   walls hang dramatic designs for exhibitions, and   established and coming to official notice and in
        Fontana, Noland, Dubuffet and Kaprow.     Nusberg gives me a quick run-down of the   this way getting the chance to do their own work.
         The result at present is that modern artists   group's activities. Last year there was a hall of   Nusberg is both a visionary and a practical man.
        in the Soviet Union are not forced to lead any   glass at an industrial exhibition, an electronics   For ten years he has been carrying around his
       kind of illegal existence and do not need to hide   exhibit, and also a mixed-media creation in   ideas on kineticism or bio-kineticism. He is a
       their work. Only ten years ago one well-known   Tbilisi for the centennial of the birth of the   poet and artist as well as his own theoretician
       elderly critic proposed sending these artists to   composer Paliashvili; now they are drawing up   and publicist, a tireless missionary and
       the Virgin Lands, but today some of them   plans for the installations in the new Mayakovsky   admirable organizer, ready to persuade anyone
       already have their studios and almost all can   Museum, and for two industrial exhibitions.   anytime and to take on any task that presents
       make a living as artists from their illustrations,   Infante's group is involved in the same kind of   itself and can be used to realize at least a small
       graphic works, and soon. And it seems that they   thing — they are preparing a great kinetic glass   part of his ideas. It is not the first time that
       no longer experience serious difficulties from   installation for the All-Union Exhibition of   modern art has sought an accommodation with
       having their work published regularly abroad.   National Industry. At the front of the room a   the contemporary world, has tried to contribute
       Long ago they ceased being isolated individuals :   shining three-dimensional model is moving   to it, to endow it with something of its own
       there are a great many of them now, and they   around, and on the projection screen a play of   excellence, to find a place in it. Thus
       belong to a wide range of different movements.   colours is being created to reproduce music in   Romanticism gave rise to eclectic styles in
       Nor are they romantic bohemians : many have   some way which I don't understand. There are   architecture, Symbolism to Art Nouveau,
       several years of systematic work behind them,   several other guests, and the visit has somewhat   Post-Cubist Abstraction to Lisitsky's
       and have had time to develop their real    of an official air. But we meet again tomorrow.   Productivism and the teachings of the Bauhaus.
       personalities. But — they do not exhibit. Two                                        But modern art itself arose out of a dismissal of
       kinds of art exist side by side in the Soviet Union   Thursday, June 25th            the rational and industrial modern world, and
       today, hermetically sealed off from each other by                                    out of a conflict with its society: it can only really
       the fact that one is public while the other                                          exist in a state of tension with it. If there were
       remains private. A few years ago at a symposium   The members of Dvizhenie work together in the   ever to be a reconciliation and merging of
       of Czechoslovak and Soviet artists held under   manner of a kind of commune. The room I was   modern art with this world and this society, then
       the auspices of the Union of Artists in Moscow,   in yesterday is really more of a reception room.   a basic revision would have to take place : the
       there was much discussion of this problem. We   Today I am taken into their private area.   form and meaning of modern art would have to
       expressed the opinion at the time — and it   Here too the walls are covered with plans and   be separated, the form gradually emptied of its
       aroused a great deal of interest — that these two   ideas, but of a quite different character. I am in a   original meaning, devalued and finally debased.
       kinds of art are not in any way exclusive, but in   world of science-fiction: plans for fantastic   What do the thoughts of Novalis really have in
       fact need each other. For just as there is a clear   megalopolises, homes floating in space without   common with the eclectic facades of the
       danger that avant-garde art will lose contact   any support, geodesic domes, crystalline and   nineteenth century, or Mondrian and Malevich
       with the ordinary people of our time and thus   cellular structures, city squares in which scents   with the tenements and factories of the
       become a closed field for specialists, so the main   and sounds, temperature and air pressure, can   twentieth ? It should be a new style, but always
       danger for art that wishes to have a broad social   all be regulated, an almost 1,000-metre tall   it is only another kind of mannerism.
       influence lies in its retreating into its own   Museum of the Development of Human     Nusberg's futurological projects share nothing
       traditions and ceasing to come to terms with the   Civilization in the shape of two suspended   of the urgency of the futurists' attacks. The
       changing world. Under such conditions both   spirals, areas reserved for community games,   futurists were concerned with the people of the
       kinds of art risk becoming sterile. They should   parades and mysteries. The date: between 2000   future, but out of this concern they wanted to
       be a mutual check and corrective on each other:   and 2010. The creators : two men, Lev Nusberg   act here and now, in the most present moment,
       the 'popular' and the 'avant-garde' are in fact   and Alexander Grigoryev, and two women,   whereas Nusberg, deferring the action of his art
       two poles, and the tension between them can   Galina Bitt and Tatiana Bystrova.      in a peculiar way from the present into the future,
       stimulate the development of modern art. If   The boyish-looking Lev — he is in fact   moves into the realm of illusion. What he is
       they are forced apart and isolated, then the   thirty-five — won't let you get a word in   creating seems to me, after all is said and done,
       `popular' and the 'avant-garde' lose any   edgewise. He overwhelms you with theories,   rather pompous opera — dazzling perhaps, but
       meaning.                                  plans, schemes, designs. He does not speak any   devoted ultimately to the unreal. Vast
         Or is there still the possibility of some kind of   more about simple kineticism. His idea now is   exhibitions, and indeed all publicity, aim at
       compromise ? In the evening I am the guest of   IBKE, which stands for Artificial Bio-Kinetic   leading people into a world of fantasy, aim at
       Lev Nusberg's well-known group Dvizhenie   Environment. Man, who has created the     influencing them through illusion, through
       (`Movement'). They have changed a great deal   technical world, is himself shaped in turn by   theatrical effects. The application of Nusberg's
       in the last few years. Besides Nusberg, the only   this very world, and must concentrate on the   (and Infante's) ideas to exhibitions is the logical
       one of my old acquaintances here is Galina Bitt,   problem of the influence of the artificial   outcome of this baroque aesthetic.
       whom I met with Nusberg in 1967. Of the nine   environment on mankind and vice versa, in   But some years ago Nusberg and those
       persons who exhibited alongside Nusberg at the   order to control this influence and make use of   working with him at the time showed me
       group's first exhibition in 1965 in Prague, none   it. It is an unending process of reciprocal   part of the unusually fascinating kinetic
       are left. I don't know why this is, and I don't   activity, and the mechanization must be   performance they were putting on in Moscow,
       know what they are doing now. Nusberg's    overcome through stochastic organization,    in the privacy of the nuclear physicists' club at
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