Page 13 - Studio International - January 1973
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sanctioned by those who wield artistic power,   development; I regard this catalogue as an   Généraux des Artistes Plasticiens, which were
         that is, the collectors, dealers, official art bodies,   important document for the understanding of   to be held in Paris in May.
         critics, etc.                               my exploratory work and my attitudes.      In the presence of the above mentioned
           There can be an alternative course for the   5 As is my habit, to use an exhibition of this   persons and myself, a child was to toss a coin. If
         artist:other than that of retreating into total   kind to demonstrate the contradictions in my   the coin turned up heads, M. Lassaigne's offer
         rejection, which may well protect him from   position and in the art world, by encouraging   to hold an exhibition of my work in June at the
         compromise but at the same time reduces him   analysis and discussion, showing what the   Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris was
         to the position of a purist who feels he must   problems are, and creating situations   to be accepted. If it turned up tails, the invitation
         cease to participate or change his profession, and   designed to make interested people explore   was to be declined.
         so is deprived of all opportunity to exert an   these problems.                       A document was to be drawn up and signed
         influence on the art world.               6 To be able to hand over one room in my   by all present.
           To change one's profession is only to shelve   one-man show to a group of young artists and
         the problem; the contradictions experienced in   give them the opportunity to show their   APPENDIX
         the art world merely reflect the contradictions   experimental work. It would be helpful to see   Observations
         experienced by any individual with particular   this initiative of mine taken further, when one   I am well aware that this method of replying to
         aspirations who lives in a capitalist society and   considers the difficulties I encountered with   M. Lassaigne's proposition was not the ideal
         depends on it financially for his means of   my early exploratory efforts to set up a   answer. Yet in the given circumstances I think
         existence.                                  confrontation with the public.          it the most apt. On a purely personal level, it
           For the individual there is no solution except   7 To use this one-man show to inform public   reflected the ambiguous and contradictory
         that one emerges from solutions of a social   opinion, in a variety of ways, of the situation   situation of compromise in which artists find
         character; such solutions could be reached in   of political prisoners in the Argentine   themselves when they attempt to communicate
         our world by working to prepare the ground   (repression, torture).                  with their society and help to transform it.
         and so create the necessary conditions for   8 As a result of the experience gained from this   On a number of different levels, my position
         achieving these ends.                       exhibition, to be able to assess my      today is that of everyone in the art world who
           A collective analysis of the social situation is   development, draw conclusions from the   does his best to denounce muddled thought and
         under way; the ambiguities, compromises and   confrontation with the public, confirm or   contradictions in order to promote change. All
         contradictions that characterize the situation of   correct some of my hypotheses, establish   those who are forced to decide whether or not to
         the artist today are becoming more and more   closer links with other interested parties, and   show at the Salon, whether or not to agree to an
         apparent.                                   see the path for the future, whether in my own   interview, whether to give permission for an
           From an understanding of this state of affairs   work or in communal work with others. (Nor   edition or a sale, or simply whether to offer their
         and action by artists to deal with their own   do I neglect the benefits that would accrue to   work to an art gallery.
         problems, a desire for change could emerge, and   the gallery that represents me, in terms of   It might be objected that my situation is
         with it an insight into the best way of putting   publicity and finance.)            privileged because I have a certain international
         these changes into practice.                On the basis of the above analysis, the   reputation and can count on the financial
           I can only endorse this awakening of purpose   contradictions I have spelled out and the   support of the Galerie Denise René, and that I
         among artists and I will collaborate with them   statement of my intentions, I declared myself   can therefore afford to adopt this sort of
         to the limit of my powers to ensure that these   incapable of a decision either to accept or to   attitude. Possibly that is so, nevertheless there
         aspirations are realized by working collectively   decline M. Lassaigne's invitation. Unwilling   is a genuine element of risk.
         to expose the fundamental problems : the role of   that anyone else should decide for me, I   I have no wish to see my gesture interpreted
         the artist in contemporary society and of art in   decided to submit to chance, once I had   purely as an aesthetic act; I want it to be
         the prevailing ideology; the monopoly of artistic   communicated my ideas to those who kindly   regarded as one means (among many) of
         creation; and action by the people to deal with   agreed to be present at the Musée d'Art   drawing attention to the problems that concern
         cultural problems currently under the control   Moderne de la Ville de Paris on Saturday,   us and to the present artistic situation for which
         of the ruling class.                        April 1972, at eleven o'clock:          we are all of us responsible.
           A number of personal reasons inclined me to   M. JACQUES LASSAIGNE
         accept M. Lassaigne's proposition:          Conservateur en Chef of the Musée d'Art
           To intensify my professional activity in the   Moderne de la Ville de Paris, responsible for   Denouement
           course of preparing and mounting the      the invitation issued to me to exhibit in the   The meeting took place in the presence of all
           exhibition.                               rooms of the museum.                    the persons mentioned above. Le Parc read his
         2  To see a comprehensive selection of my   Mlle CONTENSOU                          text. As the child was about to toss the coin
           exploratory works grouped together in one   Conservateur of the Musée d'Art Moderne de   M. Lassaigne intervened to express his
           place in Paris.                           la Ville de Paris, colleague of M. Lassaigne.   disagreement with this procedure. This gave
         3 To try to show in the way I present the stages   Mme DENISE RENE                  rise to a discussion of approximately two hours
           of my development, providing detailed     Director of the Galerie Denise René in Paris,   among those present. M. Lassaigne was inclined
           analyses and with accompanying texts and   with an exclusive contract for all my work.   to withdraw his invitation to M. Le Parc so
           public debates, my firm and long standing   M. CRUZ DIEZ                          that its fate should not be decided by the fall of
           determination to destroy the opposition   Artist represented by the Galerie Denise René.   a coin. As the child was about to toss the coin
           `art-people' and demonstrate that it is possible   Mme MARTHA LE PARC             M. Lassaigne and Mlle Contensou left the
           for the people to be creative; in this way to try   Representing the family.      meeting place.
           to round out the fragmentary view of my work   MM. GERARD FROMANGER and MERI JOLIVET   The child tossed the coin: it turned up tails.
           that may have been formed in Paris from the   President and Vice-President of the Salon de   As a result M. Lassaigne's invitation was
           limited number of my exhibitions of       la Jeune Peinture.                      declined.
           `multiples', such as those staged at the   MM. ALAIN JOUFFROY and OTTO HAHN         With the exception of M. Lassaigne and
           Galerie Denise René, Rive Gauche.         Art critics able, if necessary, to report to the   Mlle Contensou, those present witnessed the
         4 To be able to publish the Düsseldorf      art world.                              document. Mme Denise René added to her
           catalogue in French, as the reproductions and   MM. MATIEU and REDELE             signature the following observation: 'I disagree
           the text help to clarify the stages of my    Able, if necessary, to report to the Etats    with the laws of chance'. q
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