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cubist structure and burst through the limits of   County Museum of Art in 1964. It is generally   and take, and the painting comes out well' -
                                                applied to the work of Morris Louis, Jules Olitski,   Pollock, from a statement published in
     cubist drawing, as if challenging us to see
                                                Kenneth Noland, Helen Frankenthaler and others   Possibilities, Winter 1947/8.
     such palpable stuffs as they are made from as   and sometimes generally to the 'Washington School'   "Jackson always knew it: that if you meant it
     mere 'aspects of a continuum of forms and   of the sixties.                          enough when you did it, it will mean that much' -
                                               "One shape in relation to other shapes makes the   Franz Kline, from an interview with Frank O'Hara:
                                                "expression" ' - Hofmann, in a panel discussion,   `Franz Kline talking', Evergreen Review, Autumn
       The absorption by painting of functions of   from 'Artists' Sessions at Studio 35 (1950)'   1958.
     drawing seems to have been what rendered   published in Modern Artists in America,   "See, for instance, Motherwell's account of Pollock
                                                Wittenborn Schultz, New York, 1951.       working on a collage for an exhibition at Art of This
     this possible; in fact, though the Women's
                                               "Clement Greenberg, Hofmann, Editions Georges   Century in 1943, in H. H. Arnason, 'On Robert
     breasts are painted, they are never modelled.   Fall, Paris 1961.                    Motherwell and his Early Work', Art International,
     They are characteristically laid on each with   "To the Surrealists, 'automatism' signified any   January 1966. Motherwell describes Pollock
                                                procedure employed as a means of avoiding 'control'   spitting, burning and tearing.
     one grand loop of the brush. 'Modelling' in
                                                over composition; the term might be applied to   "Matta in 'Concerning the Beginnings of the New
     de Kooning's mature work becomes a         Arp's techniques involved in dropping pieces of   York School'.
     generalized, matter-of-fact function of the   torn paper or of string, to Picabia's ink blots, to   28'My painting is direct . . . The method of painting is
                                                Ernst's frottages and decalcomanias, and to the   the natural growth out of a need. I want to express
     paint, not a local, specific, depicting function.
                                                Surrealists' game of 'heads, bodies and tails',   my feelings rather than illustrate them. Technique is
     In face of his work after Excavation, it is no   Le Corps Exquise (in which Motherwell   just a means of arriving at a statement. When I am
     wonder that a declassification of de Kooning's   participated). For the Surrealists these techniques   painting I have a general notion as to what I am
                                                were essentially strategic; once an 'image' had been   about. I can control the flow of paint: there is no
     status among the Abstract Expressionists
                                                identified, or an interesting texture isolated,   accident, just as there is no beginning and no end.' -
     should have become so crucial a priority for   conscious and sophisticated controls were   Pollock, from his own narration to the film
     exponents of the post-fifties 'form without   reemployed to exploit it. For Pollock 'automatism'   Jackson Pollock, by Hans Namuth and Paul
     content' ideology.41                       was more a characteristic of a 'rhythm' maintained   Falkenberg, 1951. (Printed in Bryan Robertson,
                                                throughout the painting.                  Jackson Pollock). Compare with note 24; the sense of
                                                   I've been a Jungian for a long time . . . painting   growth in confidence is perhaps a measure of
                                                is a state of being . . . Painting is self discovery.' -  Pollock's increased facility in his chosen
                                                Pollock, interviewed by Selden Rodman, June   techniques.
                                                1956, published in Conversations with Artists,   "From 'Concerning the Beginnings of the New York
                                                New York, 1957. When Pollock entered analysis in   School'.
     'In an article published in Artforum in September   1939, it was with a Jungian analyst.   "See note 24.
      1965, Philip Leider, then editor of that journal,   "See Rosalind Krauss, 'Jackson Pollock's Drawings'   "For a strong statement of this view see Clement
      outlined the nature of the argument between the   in Artforum, January 1971: 'During the eighteen   Greenberg, "American-Type" Painting': 'I do not
      two positions, partly in relation to the concerns of   months of his analysis in 1939-40 Jackson Pollock   think it exaggerated to say that Pollock's 1946-50
      younger critics, notably Michael Fried.   produced for discussion between himself and his   manner really took up Analytical Cubism from the
     'In 'Literalism and Abstraction', an article on Frank   analyst . . . 69 pages of drawings . . . The imagery on   point at which Braque and Picasso had left it when,
      Stella published in Artforum, April 1970, Leider   almost half of these sheets relates directly to   in their collages of 1912 and 1913, they drew back
      traced the development of 'rival' ideologies from   Picasso's Guernica. In conversation, Dr Henderson   from the utter abstractness for which Analytical
      the work of Pollock.                      has said that these drawings were dream    Cubism seemed headed'.
     'Bibliography compiled by Lucy Lippard. An   representations which Pollock produced   "The Subjects of the Artist School was founded by
      updated version of this catalogue has been   specifically for his analytic sessions - rather than   William Baziotes, David Hare, Motherwell and
      published by Thames and Hudson as The New York   drawings made independently of the therapy and   Rothko in the autumn of 1948. Still was involved in
      School.                                   brought into the sessions to facilitate the process of   the initial planning, but did not teach. Newman
     4Abstract Expressionism; The Triumph of American   association. Are we to think, then, that in 1939-40   joined the faculty at the beginning of the second
      Painting, Praeger, New York, and Pall Mall Press,   Pollock's dream life was taken up with the   term.
      London, 1970. Writers on the subject, especially   Guernica?' These drawings were exhibited at the   "Robert Motherwell interviewed by Max Kozloff,
      those without regular access to original material, are   Whitney Museum in New York in 1971.   Artforum, September 1965.
      bound for some time to come to be indebted to   "From 'Concerning the Beginnings of the New York   "It was with the utmost reluctance that I found the
      Sandler's researches. The present writer is no   School 1939-43' : Simon Busa and Matta   figure could not serve my purposes . . . . But a time
      exception.                                interviewed by Sidney Simon; Art International,   came when none of us could use the figure without
     'The Los Angeles County Museum show included   Summer, 1967.                         mutilating it' - Rothko, quoted by Dore Ashton in an
      Baziotes, de Kooning, Gorky, Gottlieb, Guston,   "See 'Concerning the Beginnings of the New York   article in the New York Times, 35 October 1958.
      Hofmann, Kline, Motherwell, Newman, Pollock,   School 1939-43' : Robert Motherwell   35'. . . from 1951 on his work shows the strong
      Pousette-Dart, Reinhardt, Rothko, Still and   interviewed by Sidney Simon; Art International,   tendency . . . to revert to traditional drawing at the
      Tomlin. Sandler devotes individual chapters to   January 1967.                      expense of opticality 	These . . . works
      Gorky, Baziotes, Pollock, de Kooning, Hofmann,   "See 'Concerning the beginnings of the New York   probably mark Pollock's decline as a major artist' -
      Still, Rothko, Newman, Gottlieb, Motherwell and   School'. Baziotes, an early friend of Matta's, had   Michael Fried, from his introductory essay to the
      Reinhardt, and discusses James Brooks, Bradley   met Pollock, de Kooning, Kamrowski and Busa on   catalogue of the exhibition 'Three American
      Walker Tomlin, Franz Kline and Philip Guston as   `the Project' - the scheme organized by the Works   Painters' (Noland, Olitski, Stella) at the Fogg Art
      `Later Gesture Painters'.                 Progress Administration to employ artists during   Museum, Harvard University, 1965.
     6'   "When the revolution became an institution",   the period of the depression. Painters tended to work   "See Thomas Hess, Willem de Kooning, catalogue of
      when avant garde became official art, I guess they   either on public commissions or in an 'easel   the exhibition organized by the Museum of Modern
      put down the date 1950 for it' - Ad Reinhardt   painting division'. Regular employment under the   Art, New York and shown at the Tate Gallery,
      (from a talk given at the ICA, London, May 28,   WPA encouraged many 'part-time' painters,   London, 1968.
      1964, published in Studio International, December   de Kooning among them, to see themselves as   "The series Woman I to Woman VI was exhibited in
      1967).                                    professionals. For general information on the   de Kooning's third one-man show, at the Sidney
     'For 'background' see Dore Ashton's recently   Project see William F. McDonald, Federal Relief   Janis Gallery in New York, in March 1953.
      published book, The Life and Times of the New York   Administration and the Arts, Ohio State University   "See Hess, op. cit. Hess quotes Nietzsche:
      School,  Adams and Dart, Bath, 1972, reviewed in   Press, Columbus, 1969.             .. This everlasting, baleful "too late" - The
      Studio International,  November 1972.    "From 'An Interview with Matta', conducted by   melancholy of all that is finished'.
     "From a statement in Sidney Janis, Abstract and   Max Kozloff, published in Artforum, September   "The painter Walter Darby Bannard has written
      Surrealist Art in America, Raynal and Hitchcock,   1965.                            some single-minded articles on relationships of
      New York 1944.                            22In 5947 his painting  Fury II  was included in an   surface and scale between cubist and abstract-
     "See Ethel Schwabacher, Arshile Gorky, Macmillan   exhibition on the theme of the 'Ideographic Picture'   expressionist painting: see, for instance, 'Cubism,
      and Whitney Museum, New York, 1957: 'Gorky   which Barnett Newman organized for the Betty   Abstract Expressionism, David Smith', Artforum,
     frequently looked at . . . the work of one master   Parsons Gallery.                 April 1968; 'Willem de Kooning', Artforum, April
     through the eyes of another . . . . he was to see   "Greenberg quotes Hofmann to the effect that for   1969; 'Touch and Scale: Cubism, Pollock,
      Duchamp through the eyes of Matta.'       fifteen years he 'drew obsessively' in order to   Newman and Still', Artforum.
      10William Rubin, Arshile Gorky, Surrealism, and the   `sweat Cubism out' - Greenberg, Hofmann.   "Hess op. cit.
      New American Painting, in Art International,   "When I am in my painting, I'm not aware of what   "Hess, op. cit., charts the changes in Greenberg's
      February 1963.                            I'm doing. It is only after a sort of "get acquainted"   judgment of de Kooning. See his note 11.
    "Clement Greenberg, 'The Late Thirties in New   period that I see what I have been about. I have no
     York' (1957), printed in Art and Culture, Beacon   fears about making changes, destroying the image
     Press, Boston, 1965.                       etc., because the painting has a life of its own. I try   This essay was commissioned by Penguin Books for
    "The term 'Post-painterly Abstraction' was coined by   to let it come through. It is only when I lose contact   publication in 'Concepts of Modern Art' edited by
                                                                                         Anthony Richardson and Nikos Stangos, which will be
      Clement Greenberg as the title of a mixed   with the painting that the result is a mess.   published as a Pelican original in August 1973. Part II
     exhibition selected by himself for the Los Angeles    Otherwise there is pure harmony, an easy give    will appear in Studio International, February 1973.
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