Page 68 - Studio International - November 1973
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actually amounted to a self-justifying body of   disturbingly intense fantasy. One is tempted to   Even Münter drew enough strength from her
       objectively established knowledge.        say that the entire effort and its product are   association with Kandinsky and his friends to
         Unconvinced, one is tempted to reject the   unique, until one recalls Duchamp's (much   do full justice to her relatively limited gifts.
       whole exercise as futile. Yet Klee, we are told,   mote laconic and consciously artful) Green Box.   Without the Blaue Reiter no-one would have
       meant these notes to be published. Would he,   Klee's correlative is nature, an unreal nature   paid any attention to Schoenberg the composer
       on the other hand, like the way it is being done ?   remote from facts; Duchamp's is an   whose paintings, although amateurish, reflect a
       Spiller's way with Klee's notes and records is   anachronistic, clockwork technology. The   powerful personality and must be seen as a
       both wilful and haphazard, one minute     unreal made real, the irrational rational, as   substantial footnote to the history of
       idolatrous, the next interfering. Volume 2   Hertel said: navel as universe.        Expressionism. And Klee, one of the
       consists principally of material prepared by   One is left wondering how many students   dominant figures of the 192os and 193os,
       Klee for classes given during October 1923 to   knew what Klee was at. To them, and now to us,   owed much to his association with the Blaue
       January 1924, but taken out of sequence and   he issues an occasional warning. For instance:   Reiter, and especially to his friendship with
       incorporating sections from the notes of other   `The remarks I am about to make are intended   Macke and Kandinsky.
       years. The editor knows better than the teacher   to give you courage, for they will show how   Most of the Blaue Reiter artists were
       in which order to present the lessons. What else   simple the matter really is. I ask, however, that   blessed or cursed with an incurable itch to write
       has Spiller done ? Has he suppressed anything ?   you do not slavishly follow the schemes that   and theorize, and one of the most tantalizing
       Why does he on several occasions repeat   are shown but merely take them as models for   questions posed by their careers is whether
       sentences and paragraphs, sometimes even on   your own vivid creation. They are to serve   their painting seems more significant than it is
       adjacent pages ? By way of explanation we get   merely to give you ideas'. On 14 December 1928   because of their theories, or whether the
       this : 'Related areas, problems and notes have   Klee notes one kind of reaction in his teaching   energies devoted to so much writing ultimately
       been included, giving the book more of a   diary: 'only one student, exercise called off'. q   sapped their strength as painters. Kandinsky's
       workshop character and presenting parts of the   NORBERT LYNTON                     theories we know even if we cannot understand
       voluminous posthumous theoretical papers for                                        them. But Marc and Macke also committed
       the first time'. One wonders what exactly that                                      their ideas to print and their essays help to
       means. 'The dates of the lectures have been left   The Bauhaus and the blues        make the Blaue Reiter almanac one of the
       unchanged'. Well, thanks.                 The Blue Rider by Hans Konrad Roethel. 174 pp   essential documents of modern art.
         One wonders, too, about the translation.   plus 100 plates. Praeger. £7.25. Paul Klee and the   The most fascinating aspect of Dr Roethel's
       Translating Klee is no joke. His language is   Bauhaus by Christian Geelhar. 174 pp with   `The Blue Rider' is its use of lengthy
       rarely precise. It is incantatory while using the   24 colour plates and many illustrations in black   quotations by the artists concerned and by
       words of science. Translating him means first   and white. Adams and Dart. £8.25.   contemporary chroniclers and critics. They are
       choosing his meaning out of the several that                                        well-chosen gobbets, printed without comment,
       seem to be on offer. Ralph Manheim made a   It was a motley lot that made up the Blaue   which clearly and quickly illustrate the major
       fair job of it for the first volume, 'The Thinking   Reiter. Russians joined with Germans,   ideas which forged the strongest link between
       Eye'; Heinz Norden, responsible for the second,   Austrians and a Swiss to exhibit their own   the various painters, and they appear beside
       is less careful and a good deal more obtrusive.   work and that of Frenchmen, other Germans   large reproductions of the work of their author.
       He likes using difficult words, for an appearance   and Russians. Kandinsky, Jawlensky, Marc,   All the work comes from a single collection:
       of up-to-dateness perhaps; 'endotropically', for   Macke, Münter, Kubin, Schoenberg and Klee   that of the Städtische Galerie in Munich, the
       instance, where Klee combines a couple of   had little in common with each other and with   city's municipal museum, which houses the
       ordinary words to indicate inner space. On one   the artists invited to participate with them,   world's greatest collection of Blaue Reiter
       occasion Norden misreads Klee's not especially   save for the belief that they were a happy band   work. Most of this came from Gabriele Münter
       unclear handwriting and proves that he hasn't   besieged in the fortress of modernism by the   who, living on in the house in Murnau after
       looked at the drawing to which the words   armies of darkness and the conviction that art   Kandinsky had left her to return to Russia and
       belong. He mistakes flüssig for flächig and   was a quasi-religious and life-enhancing   another love, was the proud and virtually
       translates it 'planar' instead of 'flowing'. The   activity. Few of them actually lived in Munich   secret possessor of a treasure-trove.
       very title of the book seems ill-judged. The   and most of them were either essentially light-  Dr Roethel secured the collection for the
       German title, provided by Spitler, is     weight talents or else too young to have reached   museum of which he was, until a year or two
       Unendliche Naturgeschichte which fits much   any kind of real maturity. Even the group   ago, the Director. Indeed, his book is
       better and might have been rendered 'Creation   itself was little more than a figment of the   essentially a translation of his catalogue of the
       without End'. As 'The nature of nature' it   imagination. Der Blaue Reiter was never more   body of work of which the Münter bequest forms
       emphasizes yet again the notion that Klee's   than a very loose association of those artists   the nucleus. 3o pages, located behind the
       lectures were an attempt at an anatomy of   invited to show at exhibitions organized by the   many plates and quotations, are devoted to a
       nature for artists. But Klee's spiritual home   editors of the Blaue Reiter almanac (Kandinsky   check-list of the Blaue Reiter paintings in the
       was with the romantics, with Goethe,      and Marc). Even this almanac, an anthology of   Städtische Galerie and it is difficult to see the
       Schelling and Schlegel, not with late-    essays, music scores, illustrations and one   purpose of this. The catalogue has existed for
       nineteenth-century, let alone more modern,   stage-play, only appeared once, in 1912.   some time in a more handy form, albeit in
       scientific and philosophical thought. The   Yet this disparate group produced a body of   German, and the value of this English
       natural world he presents is a world of the   art which, central to Expressionism, represents   translation lies not in the check-list, which is
       imagination owing surprisingly little to science,   Germany's greatest contribution to the   redundant, but in the new introduction (which
       a cosmos in the head peopled not by external   development of modern art. The beginnings   tells the fascinating story of how the Münter
       realities but by archetypal concepts similar to   of the Blaue Reiter coincided with Kandinsky's   bequest was secured) and in the long quotations.
       and descended from Goethe's ur-plant, the ideal   heroic period : with his arrival at expressionist   These make this book the most useful on its
       growth on which no sun shines.            abstraction and with the writing of       subject available in the English language. It will
         Klee's describing of the inner workings of   `Concerning the Spiritual in Art'. The 'group'   serve as a useful adjunct to the first English
       nature by way of metaphor for the creative   also gave Franz Marc the necessary strength to   translation of the almanac promised for months
       interaction of the artist and the means to his   transform himself from a half-hearted, Fauve-  by Thames and Hudson, but still no more than
       hand is thus no more, and no less, than a poetic   inspired painter of sentimental animal scenes   a twinkle in the pages of their list of
       fancy, though in quantity it comes at times to a    into a complete and convincing modernist.    forthcoming books.

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