Page 23 - Studio International - October1973
P. 23

artifice and natural growth.              autonomous system.                        metaphysics of constant metamorphosis.
             Allen Kaprow discusses Schmidt's work in   This system does not simply comprise    Impermanent and vacillating, cultivating
           his book 'Assemblage, Environments and    artifacts, but as covering a sizeable area of   discords until they modulate into harmonies,
           Happenings' in terms of the principle of   forested land in the Catskills, it literally   Schmidt's work might be said to dramatize the
           extension, whereby the creator starts not from a   encompasses a good many natural objects. Live   Heraclitean notion that the world runs on the
           closed situation (filling in an area of canvas   trees, for example, help support the house, and   principle of change. It is ironical to note that
           delimited by a frame, or else building up his   grasses and mosses grow on or about the   Heraclitus posited fire as the supreme agent of
           sculpture or assemblage no further than the   assemblages. Man and nature function here in   metamorphosis, for, after the participation of
           physical limits of the room in which it will be   collaboration. Surface diversity is coaxed into   the other elements, it was this one that finally
           exhibited), but from a totally open one, where   coherent unity either by a touch of cheap paint   accomplished the cycle of growth: a few years
           the work is inseparable from the space in which   or tar, or else by the process of weathering:   ago, the House was destroyed by a great fire —
           it is already 'exhibited', the space which it, and   Schmidt's own gestures of welcome consistently   though this has not stopped Schmidt from
           its creator, inhabit. Work and work-space both   overlap with the interventions of rain, wind   asserting continuity amid flux by picking up
           expand without hindrance as the process   and sun.                                  again from where the fire left off, even if at his
           develops; though neighbours eventually began   Resistant to the very concept of final   present age he can scarcely hope to replace the
           to complain, it could be said that for years   completion, Schmidt's environment is an   work of a lifetime. q
           Schmidt had 'all the room in the world'.   eloquent articulation of what Kaprow terms the    ROGER CARDINAL
             In the opening pages of la Pensée Sauvage',
           Claude Levi-Strauss makes some interesting                                              (Opposite page) Schmidt's house, built of
                                                                                                   rough timber overlaid with old glass frames, on
           remarks about the bricoleur as a creator in                                             Ohayo Mountain. In the course of thirty years
           constant dialogue with his work, always                                                 Schmidt dug rooms into the cliff and linked
           interrogating the pattern of relations he has                                           them with walkways and interior corridors,
           established at any given moment in order to                                             creating a labyrinth of about 35 interconnected
                                                                                                   grottoes which he filled with selected junk —
           integrate the new element into what has gone                                            coathangers, twigs, stuffed birds, old lamps —
           before. The bricoleur's work thus sustains a                                            often arranging these in niches to form elaborate
                                                                                                   private shrines that could be illuminated.
           polyphonic texture of past choices and present
                                                                                                   (Left) Garden below the house with vegetation
             Clarence Schmidt's house and garden are not,                                          (Centre left) Roof garden, with hub-caps,
                                                                                                   timber saw, slats from venetian blinds,
           of course, an example of utilitarian bricolage,                                         mirrors, table legs, bird boxes, fire guards,
           whereby discarded pieces of machinery are                                               tin cans, exhibited as if in a museum.
           revived by their insertion into a new machine                                           Elsewhere Schmidt installs iron bedsteads,
                                                                                                   egg beaters, faceless clocks, flowerpots, plastic
           improvised for a particular purpose. If                                                 toys and wrecked cars. This proliferation of
           Schmidt's work is a machine, it is as useless as                                        waste matter rarely suggests the recovery of a
           those of Tinguely. Its sole function is to expand,                                      private past; the intention seems rather to be
                                                                                                   to make an impersonal statement about the
           and it does this by steadily assimilating objects                                       continuity of the things that men discard.
           defined by society as redundant and                                                     Even when the bedstead begins to rust, the
           revalorizing them when they join its                                                    rust will live as a component of the scheme.
                                                                                                   (Below) Close-up of head with broken mirror
                                                                                                   (Bottom left) Garden below house with foil
                                                                                                   wrappings. Following the destruction of his
                                                                                                   house, Schmidt lives in a rough hut in the
                                                                                                   woods below the mountain. He works at
                                                                                                   wrapping things, particularly living branches,
                                                                                                   in sparkling aluminium foil. Recently he
                                                                                                   wrapped a whole thicket in foil

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