Page 38 - Studio International - October1973
P. 38

nervous temperament and the speed of the   had removed most of the contents of the tomb,   many figurines, and makes a glorious show of
       beasts. One which has become famous is the   but enough remained to give an account of the   the most characteristic T'ang pottery. The
       `Flying Horse', which balances by a rear hoof   art as it stood at the turn of the century. Already   application of glaze in several colours (brown,
       on the head of a swallow. The bird turns back   the style of figurines has reached the best T'ang   yellow, green, blue), particularly the very free
       its head in surprise, as if the hoof had grazed it   standard. One does not cease to wonder at the   use of it, with effects of splash and casual brush
       as the horse flew past. The allusion is to an   skill which so effortlessly catches physical   painting, appears to vanish along with the
       emperor's courser called Flying Swallow, and,   and psychological reality, even in works which   superior style of figurines, in the cataclysm
       perhaps simultaneously, to an empress whose   were often multiplied from moulds. But in the   of the An Lu-shan rebellion, which broke out in
       skill in the dance earned her the same name.   case of Yung T'ai some figures look more like   756. Examples of the pottery were in Yung
         A third social group characteristic of the Han   original sculptures or were retouched in detail   T'ai's tomb, and from a small tomb at
       period is represented by the kings and    after modelling (like the figures made today in   Ch'ung-p'u, near the capital Ch'ang-an (Sian)
       noblemen of Tien, a small kingdom in      China). The menials who are portrayed appear   comes a magnificent camel and horse, two
       Yunnan whose necropolis was excavated     caught in typical action: the huntsman raises   plausibly vacuous court ladies, and two
       between 1955 and 196o. In the tombs were   his whip with vigour, another flexes his   grave-guardians which are among the best of
       products of metropolitan China, especially   muscles to amuse his companions, another is   their kind to have survived. Of these the one
       lacquered wood, alongside pieces representing   dealing with an obstreperous hunting leopard   called Ch'i-t'ou is given a horn, large ears,
       an independent local art of a significantly   which clings to the crupper of his horse.   flaming shoulders and a repellent face :
       different stamp. The Tienians delighted in   In sculpture, as in some other branches of   according to a Han text, his business is to keep
       representing in bronze ceremonial and festive   art, the seventh century is curiously obscure.   the dead from wandering.
       scenes of the village life, with an eye for genre   Some pottery figures belonging to the Sui period   It appears from some recent finds of silver
        types and dramatic incident, which produced   (AD 581-617) which figure in the exhibition are   that there is more to learn on the vexed question
       work surpassing anything of the kind to be
        found among the Chinese at this time; and they
        excelled above all in animal sculpture, where
        the realism is wholly free of the stylization
        inseparable from Chinese treatment of organic
          Such naivety of vision owes nothing to
        influence from the art of the Han period or the
        preceding centuries, for all the historian's claim
        that the kingdom of Tien owed its culture to
        Chinese settlers arrived from the southern
        kingdom of Ch'u. We may suppose that art no
        less inventive, also escaping the formalities of
        Chinese metropolitan sophistication, existed in
        many outlying regions of China which were
        being absorbed fully into the Han administrative
        system during the second half of the second
        century BC. Some pieces of realistic and   primitive in comparison with the Yung T'ai   of how far the Chinese silversmith copied
        elaborately carved birds and deer survive in the   figurines. Between 600 and 700 the Chinese   Persian models. The pieces included in the
        territory of Ch'u itself, and here, as in Tien,   sculptor had acquired interest both in anatomy   exhibition are drawn from a board excavated in
        snakes were added to nearly every animal   and in the possibility of psychological realism.   1970 at Ho-chia, at the site of the ancient
        composition. The Tien scene of two dancers   The movement is more clearly traced in life-size   Ch'ang-an, and on the estate of a Prince of Pin.
        treading a measure at the height of the   sculpture, but even here the stages of the process   A gold bowl and a silver box are decorated with
        excitement is unforgettable. They too are   are far from clear. At the Feng-hsi-ssu, a   the floral scrolls with which we are familiar
        involved with snakes, more cheerfully than   rock-carved temple near Loyang constructed   from previous finds, but the shape of one piece
        Laocoon and his sons.                     for the very empress who murdered her     is so close to a Persian Sasanian type that its
          The theme of realism is taken up again in   grand-daughter, figures of guardians in armour   Chinese origin might at first sight be doubted.
        finds of the T'ang period (AD 618-906). In   and of disciples of the Buddha show an   The sides are eight-faceted, and on each facet
        the past a vast number of pottery figurines and a   experiment in heroic realism only partially   is the high-relief figure of a Central Asian
        fair quantity of silver have left China, the yield   successful, as if the sculptors did not fully   holding a cup or a musical instrument, and
        of illicit excavations in south Shensi. What is   apprehend the style of the model which was   above the handle an escutcheon with the heads
        recorded from recent excavations adds less to   presumably submitted to them. In the best   of two men, evidently a reminiscence of the
        our knowledge of the quality and variety of   Yung T'ai figurines the style is mastered, but   royal or noble head which appears at this place
        these arts than to information on their duration   even here there are enough examples of servants   on a Persian cup. But the make is nevertheless
        and their social context. In 1964 and 1972 the   standing dumb and stiff in the old manner to   Chinese, and its gilding something unknown to
        Chinese authorities for the first time decided on   suggest that the more realistic figurines belong   Persian silver. By this token it follows that two
        the opening of two tombs which promised to be   to the first product in the new style. If this is so   silver cups found near Ta-t'ung in Shansi are
        well furnished, as belonging to members of the   we must date the whole period of the realistic   also of Chinese workmanship, although in their
        T'ang ruling house. The first, expected to be   figurines between 70o and the 75os. It is likely   case (a boy in a grape-vine, and high-relief
        that of Li Hsien, the Crown Prince who died in   that in the case of the figurines as much as in   figures of women in 'Hellenistic' style) the
        694, proved instead to be that of the unfortunate   monumental temple sculpture, the stimulus   ornament is even more exotically western.
        princess Yung T'ai, who was executed by her   towards the new style reached China from   The exhibition ends with the Yuan (Mongol)
        usurping grandmother the empress Wu, and was   abroad, in the wake of a fresh influx of Buddhist   period, an inevitable limit in a review of
        reburied with suitable pomp in 706 when her   doctrine, or as part and parcel of its iconography.   excavated material. Inevitably too the Sung
        father regained control.                    The same evidence is relevant to the history   and Yuan periods are mainly represented by
          An ancient robbery, probably of T'ang date,    of the polychrome lead glaze which is used on    porcelains. Some pieces have been included to
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