Page 58 - Studio International - April 1974
P. 58
The new piece is called Synthetic
Toronto letter Lake. It is a gallery-sized construction
of wood, canvas, and fibre-glass
There were three or four interesting
using a motor and projection — a film
things to look at in Toronto recently :
loop this time. A small motor powers
Murray Favro's Synthetic Lake
a system of gears which eventually
(Carmen Lamanna Gallery) and two
turn a long fibre-glass screw which
pieces by Boston sculptor Tonia
lifts, at different intervals, a series of
Aminoff, both in permanent
lath strips_set up parallel to one
installation at the Ontario College of
another. A bare canvas covers the
strips from the back of the piece to the
Miss Aminoff's sculptures, one
front of it (about 30 feet) where it
of which is titled Yesterday and the
billows down to the gallery floor.
other one Today, both involve
When the motor runs, the strips move
nailing ; in the former a roll of plastic
langorously up and down moving the
wrap on the floor just at the foot of the
canvas with them. At the front of the
wall is unrolled upward on the wall to
gallery, Favro has installed a 16mm.
a height of about six feet and fixed
movie projector which casts onto this
there with about one hundred nails;
moving canvas a film loop of waves
the other piece presents two vertical
beating on a Lake Huron beach. The
and parallel rows of nails about three
size and rhythm of the filmed waves
feet apart beginning about a foot
(needless to say) perfectly match the
from the floor and again ending at a
lift and roll of the canvas machine;
height of six feet. To each of these
the filmed waves (accompanied by
nails is attached a length of copper
the creaking and groaning of the
wire (each of the same length). The
machine) seem endlessly to roll in,
unattached ends of these wires bear
Murray Favro Synthetic Lake 1973 Over-all size 24 x 10½ x 3½ ft. break, and wash up on the shore
another nail which drags them down
ending on the canvas beach at the
into a kind of spatial trough in the
spectator's feet.
middle of the piece. Wherever understood picture plane (from the
Again there is the vibrating
possible the artist has nailed the front the piece suggests the residual
Platonism : the filmed waves are
formerly free ends of wire into the ghost of a Louis Unfurled) with the
quasi-ontological wave-motions,
floor of the gallery, in front of the floor space of sculpture, but also
abstracted, film-looped into and
sculpture. advertises a certain aloneness and living in a contemplative space of art
Yesterday, the plastic wrap piece, is transitoriness of the copper tracery
activity between the physical waters
a wonderfully evocative analogue of elements, and dilates upon the
of Lake Huron and the partly funny
certain emotional states—and it braves wistfulness of 'only connecting'. All
and partly moving (in the emotional
the dangers inherent in such in all, Miss Aminoff strikes me as a
sense, I mean) overproduction of
statement-making. Certainly, as an splendidly authoritative inventor of
Favro's machinery. In Favro's art
enactment of aggressiveness, the metaphorically meaningful sculptural
there is no reward for accuracy of
hammering of this membrane (so spaces.
depiction or performance, he takes a
frequently linked in North America For some years now, Murray
technician's interest in making things
with domesticated life and love) up Favro's work has involved the
well, but the real matter is the physical
onto a wall with a couple of hundred construction of large colourless
production of a visionary occasion.
nails is like breaking a butterfly on a wooden mock-ups of commonly
Favro's work is made only as well as
wheel, and the spectator is landed in found objects or situations upon
it is necessary; the machine rattles
the middle of a sermon-in-stone which have been projected coloured
and the film is scratched. By such
about hostility and pain : the slides or films of the real things. Favro
aesthetic distancing the anxious
violation of the sheer and the has always foreshortened the white
mimetic is subverted and replaced by
hysterically delicate by the blunt models so that when they received
a realism that is only posited— and
everydayness of nails. Today, the their projected coloured images, the
thus still reverberatory and potential
copper nail piece, presents an equally images dropped over them as
and alive. Synthetic Lake is a lake by
virtuoso alignment of materials to accurately as if they had been painted
apostrophe : by being addressed as
suggest emotional correlatives, but on. Last year, Favro made a 2/3 scale
such by the artist. Salvation for Favro
this time with an additional formal Chevrolet Corvair, white painted
is a constructed vision (literally, a
achievement and some infra-art- wood and Plexiglas, ostensibly
view) — a construction (a proposition,
historical relevance. Here there is a stopped by the side of a country road,
a way fo viewing) onto which is
presented vertical plane the entire woodland scene
projected light, a Yod (so that we
acknowledged and driven home by constructed from cut-out flats and
might all of us see when the artist is
nailing. Similarily claimed is the platforms. The coloured light hitting
not there with us), an idea carried
acknowledged horizontal of the floor. the advanced perspective of the
home by the artist in a cannister, an
Finally, suggested by the activating construction produced a kind of
idea projected later in this Marabar
obliques of the drooping ends of the sliding into life of the piece, the low
cave of a gallery to go 'Boum' in the
wires, there is a third plane of an glowing illumination a 'geometrically'
Canadian mind. Objects are at
implied volumetric wedge of local accurate but only eerie approximation
considerable perceptual remove in
aesthetic work space. This space is of the actual situation (as far as we
Favro' s art. His complex structures,
crowded with intellectual incident. are able to reconstruct it). One senses
made to sidle up asymptotically to the
The choice of copper wire, with its a concern in the artist for such ideas
real thing and then left a little
incorporated readings of electric as an animating intelligence, a
curtailed in their reality, offer just
aliveness, is useful to the artist as an visionary 'bodying forth', a lurking
what Synthetic Lake offers :
aid to the supra-formal articulation of Platonism. About this last, it is
tableaux. The set beats like a heart;
her sculptural space; its use reinforces difficult to resist the substitution of
with each roll of canvas and flash of
the reading of the piece as the tracking 'Corvair' for Plato's free-floating bed —
wave-film Favro presents a moment
of mental activity; it allows for the the result being the proposal of the
in his syntactic chain of
proposing of the pieces as a three classical Corvairs : the ideal
interdependent film, machine and
paradigmatic structure which displays Corvair of the mind, the 'real' one as
lake. Over a period, these elements
a juxtaposition, for example, of the manufactured some time ago by
roll up in the mind's eye into a
security and aspiration of the climbing General Motors and purchased by the
complex work of a highly satisfying
verticals with a fall into division in the artist, and the copy of the copy,
middle. Similarly, the sculpture not glowing with surrogate life in the
Tonia Aminoff Yesterday 1973
only links the vertical space of the 72 x 12 in. Photo: Maggie Dault gallery. Gary M. Dault.