Page 44 - Studio International - December 1974
P. 44

Contributors                   temporary absence of people.   the first large scale festival to be   over to the festival. This means that a
                                            Throughout the trilogy objects and   devoted to British independent film   large and flexible gallery space will be
             Clive Phillpot  is Librarian at Chelsea   environments are photographed and   will take place in Bristol at the Arnolfini   available for multi-projection and film/
             School of Art . .. Malcolm /e Grice is
                                            presented in such a way that they   arts 'centre'. Though the first of the   performance work, and they have
             a film-maker and teaches at St Martin's
                                            appear familiar and accessible;   Regional Film Theatres was also set up   already received a number of proposals
             School of Art ...  John A. Walker  is an
                                            however, unravelling just what is   in Bristol, it has been left to film shows   from film-makers not centred on
             artist and critic ... Paul Martin  teaches
                                            happening to these familiar objects   at the Arnolfini to cover the ground   London, to present work of this kind.
             sculpture at Goldsmith's College ...
                                            and scenes takes time, for the pictures   which one should expect from a   The conventional work will be shown
             Ronnie Rees  is a painter and teaches at   don't necessarily surrender their   Regional Film Theatre programme.
             the Central School of Art ... Harry                                                        in the cinema, but it is possible that
                                            content instantly. These three books   Dave Hopkins, who is very critical of   any late-night over-spill will be screened
             Snook  is a lecturer in Fine Art at   can stand on their own, together they   the Bristol RFT, after working in TV
             Birmingham Polytechnic ... Robin                                                           at their workshop. The organizers,
                                            constitute an impressive and enigmatic   for about seven years, was mainly   Jane Jackson and Dave and Jane
             Spencer  is Director designate of the
                                            achievement.                  responsible for beginning the Arnolfini   Hopkins, are very concerned that
             Krazy Kat Arkive, St Andrews
                                              Helen Douglas has produced a   film programme early in 1973. The
                         P. Hodin  is an
             University  	                  small booklet entitled  Threads  (£0.30   Arnolfini, which is run by Jeremy Rees,   independent film-makers working in any
             Advisory Editor of Studio                                                                  direction will be involved. They
                                            from the artist, also at 11, Lady   started as a relatively simple art gallery,   expect a minimum of sixty film-makers
             International ... Ken Baker is a   Somerset Road, London, NW5 and   but has gradually expanded to become
             freelance art journalist ... Fenella                                                       to attend, and are prepared to
                                            Compendium) concerned with threads   a kind of all-arts centre for Bristol,   accommodate at least that number.
             Crichton is London Correspondent of   which travel from one surface of a   moving into a converted dockside
             Art International . .. Rodney Burke is                                                     They have raised £500 from the South
                                            page through to its reverse. Thus   warehouse last year. The venture is   Western Arts Association (who have
             a librarian at University College,
                                            broken lines on a right hand page are   now largely supported by the Arts
             London and an art historian ... Tim                                                        also given about £450 for the workshop
                                            found to be connected by broken   Council, and though the cinema was
             O'Keeffe is a partner in Martin, Brian,                                                    itself), and are hoping for a further
                                            lines on the following left hand page,   only seen originally as a minor extension,
             O'Keeffe, publishers... R. C. Kenedy                                                       £1,000 from the Arts Council. Their
                                            so that one is apparently seeing both   by bringing a large number of people
             is an Assistant Keeper of the Library at                                                   aim is to raise sufficient money to be
                                            sides of a piece of simple stitching   into the complex, its activities have
             the Victoria and Albert Museum ...                                                         able to pay film rentals on the work
                                            through the page. However the lines   become quite central. The Arnolfini is
             Peter Smith  is a freelance writer and   are not actual threads, they are drawn,   about to move again to another building   which is shown within the festival, and
             art-theorist ... Frances Carey  is                                                         audiences will be charged. However, at
                                            or photographically-reproduced, threads  close by, where a purpose-built cinema
             Assistant Keeper, Prints and Drawings                                                      the time I write, the organizers are still
                                            which are printed on the page, and   with 16mm and 35mm projection
             Department at the British Museum,                                                          uncertain of their selection procedure
                                            which by virtue of exact printing and   facilities is being prepared. The film
             with special responsibility for creating                                                   and have been attempting to get the
                                            a certain degree of see-through in the   programme has been organized jointly
             a 20th-century collection ... Caryn                                                        opinion of film-makers. It is probable
                                            paper, appear to run behind the page   by Dave Hopkins and Hillary Thompson
             Faure-Walker  runs the Cockpit Gallery   only to re-emerge and lead off   and they have attempted to establish   that a small committee with experience
             and is a member of the Cockpit                                                             in the various areas of independent
                                            elsewhere. An engaging publication.   broad themes for their choice. To date
             Theatre tableau vivant team ... Betty                                                      cinema will be set up to invite or select
                                              Bill Mitchell has published two or   they have tended to concentrate on
             Swanwick  is an Associate of the Royal                                                     work, though it is also likely that every
                                            more books recently:  Azonic I   films with a political orientation, the
             Academy ... Rosetta Brooks is                                                              effort will be made to show the work
                                            (£0.50) and  Azonic II  (£0.60) which   third world and early Soviet cinema,
             London editor of Flash Art ...                                                             of any film-maker who actually attends
                                            are available from him at 50, Hilton   but they also intend to include avant-
             Catherine Lampert  is Exhibitions                                                          the festival. The uncertainty is created
                                            Road, Newton Abbot, South Devon.   garde cinema in their future
             Organizer at the Arts Council of Great                                                     by the organizer's positive wish not to
                                            In these two books he takes the idea   programming.         preclude unfamiliar and unexpected
             Britain ... Penny Hawkins  is a
                                            of a 'narrative thread' for a ride, by   Hopkins is also deeply involved in   directions. Even if this aspect is unclear,
             painter ... Sarah Kent  teaches visual
                                            leading a real piece of thread from the   the organization of the coming festival,   the festival could be a most important
             research at the London College of
                                            front cover by a zig-zag route to the   and emerges as the driving force behind   event. If the BFI is serious about its
             Printing ...
                                            back. By allowing the thread to   a number of the film developments in   plans to help regional developments,
                                            penetrate each page at a different   the Bristol region. Independent Cinema   this is an obvious project for it to
             Feedback                       point, Mitchell causes it either to   West is essentially a film workshop,   finance. TV stations in the region have
                                            spring taut as one opens up the book,   and was one of the organizations which   expressed interest, but considering the
             Spaces  by Telfer Stokes, published in
                                            or to assume a particular configuration;  received money (£1,000) from the   ridiculous ignorance of independent
             1974 by Weproductions, 11, Lady
                                            he in fact subtitles each book: 'a   BFI's Group Finance Fund in June this   British cinema by programme controllers
             Somerset Road, London NW5 at £1.50,
                                            drawing'. In  Azonic II  he introduces   year. Curiously, the initial impetus for   of national  television, they ought to be
             is the third volume of a trilogy, of   two sequences of transparent plastic   the group came through a BFI plan to
             which  Passage  (1972) was the first   pages which allow one to see both   set up a workshop related to the Bristol   falling over each other to see what is
             part and  Foolscrap  (1973) the second.   how the thread is lying before one   RFT. The suggestion gave rise to a   going on. However, more on that issue
             It is physically of the same high                                                          next month. For further information
                                            animates it by turning a page and the   series of meetings with a wide response   contact Jane Jackson, Independent
             standard as the two earlier volumes
                                            new position it has assumed as a   from the film-makers, planning a
             and manifests the same feeling for the                                                     Cinema West, 132a Queen's Road,
                                            result of one's action; one re-draws   workshop and mobile viewing facilities
             form and the same wit. The entirely                                                        Bristol BS8 1 LQ (Tel. 0272 38588).
                                            the line as one turns the pages.   to cover the whole south-west.   Malcolm Le Grice
             visual content of this paperback book
                                              While on the subject of book-art   However, Bristol's 'official' Arts Centre,
             is made up of about eighteen sections,
                                            Two—One Word  by Verena Moser is   which houses the RFT finally decided   Books
             which are usually quite distinct from
                                            another example which was published   they wanted nothing to do with the
             each other, but which, in spite of                                                         French art and music since 1500  by
                                            last year. Think about this title and   film-makers and their workshop. So in
             their differences, sometimes                                 July 1973, the most energetic group   Anthony Blunt and Edward Lockspeiser.
                                            you will see that 'One Word=Two
             interpenetrate so that one sequence is                                                     x, 101 pp, 31 plates; 32 illus. Methuen,
                                            Words' as well. This spiral-bound   began a series of monthly meetings,
             succeeded less abruptly by the next.                                                       1974. £1.35 paperback.
                                            book is published by M'Art Press,   eventually moving into a small building
             Of the two major sequences in Spaces,                                                      A revised version of two texts first
                                            Wallstr.9, Basel, Switzerland at 15   this May. Though the group owns
             the first sets up a repeated but                                                           published in 1972 as chapters in 'France:
                                            Swiss Francs, but distributed in the   some equipment, it mainly functions as
             diminishing three-part rhythm,                                                             a companion to French studies';
                                            USA by Wittenborn at $5.00, and in   an equipment pool and a centre from
             involving a pair of steps which   the UK by Gallery-House Press at £1.60.  which access can be arranged to some   illustrations have also been added. The
             converts into a chair, which pulsates                                                      title suggests that art and music are
                                               Finally, Multiplicata, 42 rue Rene   quite sophisticated facilities often
             throughout a passage in which the                                                          compared but this is not the case: they
                                            Boulanger, Paris 10e have introduced   under-used in educational establishments.
             camera moves back from the image                                                           are described independently. Blunt
                                            a series of 'Livres Multiples' which are   They can call on two cameras, and a
             after alternate shots. Not only does                                                       attempts the almost impossible task of
                                            booklets by the ubiquitous Acconci,   good synchronized-sound shooting
             the original image become smaller,                                                         summarising five hundred years of
                                            Boltanski, Broodthaers, Buren and   system, and Barry Noble who is the
             but one's expectation of what might                                                        French art, architecture and design in
                                            LeGac. Buren's Halifax  is not only   main technician of the group is setting
             lie outside each shot is regularly put                                                     the space of fifty six pages while
                                            the most interesting, and the only one   up film-development equipment. They
             out of joint by the succeeding shot.                                                       Lockspeiser does the same for music.
                                            with colour printing, but also the only   have completed one documentary film
                The other long sequence involves
                                            reasonably priced booklet at 18 Francs;  based on the visit of a theatre group to
              movement across and down pages                                                            Origins of modern sculpture: pioneers
                                            the others cost 80 Francs each since   the Glen Side Mental Hospital, and
             rather than movement away from the                                                         and premises  by Albert E. Elsen. xii,
                                            they are signed and limited to 400 or   about six other films are under-way,
              page. A photograph of a breaking                                                          179pp; 168 illus. Phaidon, 1974. £6
                                            500 copies. Anyone who forks out   though they do not have a 'collective'
              wave appears at the right and then                          policy, intending only to create a   A previous version of this text was
                                            that much for such slight works must
             repeats across the double spreads like                       facilities centre.            published in the catalogue of the
                                            be printing their own bank-notes.
             a line of identically-dressed chorus                            The Festival of Independent British   'Pioneers of modern sculpture'
                                            Clive Phillpot
             girls moving simultaneously; then a                          Cinema is their current major project.   exhibition held at the Hayward Gallery
              pair (or a double image) of stainless                       Its aim is both to provide the first real   in 1973. Elsen describes in detail the
             steel sinks come on in front of this   Vision                'meeting' of the whole range of   revolution which occurred in sculpture
              line, take a bow, and vanish; minor                         contemporary work, and to stimulate   between 1890 and 1918. In a period
                                            Festival of Independent British Cinema,
             objects also make their appearance.                          film-making in their region. Not only   when Modernist sculpture has replaced
                                            Bristol, 11 — 18 February 1975
              Both these sequences involve                                the cinema, but the whole of the   the academy and when revolutions,
              uninhabited spaces that suggest the    Organized by Independent Cinema West,   Arnolfini's new building will be turned    individualism and expressionism in art
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