Page 80 - Studio International - May 1974
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comparison with the perception and   exhibition becomes rather bottom   (e.g. Athena on show here) and his   Albers and there were Hans Purrman,
          panache of the remainder. There can   heavy with sketches and watercolours.   allegorical figures (e.g. Sensuality,   Willi Geiger and Albert Weisgerber,
          however have been few professional   Many of the watercolours are   also here, a version of the famous   names better known in Germany than
          artists who were so fortunate in their   fine enough but like his contemporary   Sin) have poison-green skin, seem to   abroad. Perhaps von Stuck's
          material. Even now the names of   Wilson Steer they can go a   be suffering from Parnassian   reputation as a teacher has more to
          those he painted are well-known,   bit far in allowing the water   hepatitis and emerge from a gloom of   do with the law of averages than with
          which in view of his prolific output is   to dominate at the expense of colour.   a slimy and faintly-glowing reds and   any unusual didactic ability however,
          remarkable. Had Sargent or Laszlo   However I am sure that these   greens.                 for Klee was unhappy in his studio
          been spared the ordeal of painting the   shortcomings are due to the   On the evidence of this exhibition   and neither Kandinsky nor Albers
          dim rich by the hundred we would   reluctance of the owners to lend so   (the first ever devoted to him in   seems to have derived much benefit
          in turn have been spared acres of   fine an array from off their walls for   England) Franz von Stuck (1863-  from his teaching, largely because von
          dull and lifeless canvas. Even as a   two months            1928) was a member of the      Stuck forced his students to work
          wai artist MacEvoy was fortunate, as   When one sees the work of the   Wilhelmine Second XI, an   exclusively from life and forbade them
          the two portraits of holders of the   inheritor of the English tradition of   unadventurous Symbolist redoing   the use of colour.
          Victoria Cross lent by the Imperial   portrait painting at its best one is   Classical and Biblical subjects   Although von Stuck basked in
          War Museum show, for they are   reminded of the great talents which   according to the current taste for   glory in Munich until his death, he was
          painted with all his finest skill to show   the members of the NEAC possessed.   sensational imagery, and a maker of   not without his eminent critics. Sniped
          their courage and determination.   Even without the help of famous   idealized and decorative portraits of   at by Tolstoy in What is Art? (if the
          When it came to the painting of   sitters to enhance their fame at least   society ladies whom, as the son of a   critic is good enough he can make
          machinery of war he was not so   half a dozen now enjoy saleroom   peasant, he understandably adored.   even a tiny target look the size of a
          successful and his large Night   reputations as high as when they   In fairness to von Stuck however I   house) he also suffered a grapeshot
                                        were at the peak of their fame. They
                                        created an atmosphere as telling of
                                        their times as did Lutyens in
                                        architecture and Elgar in music.
                                        Standing in the gallery looking at the
                                        wall on which Mrs Johnstone and
                                        The Marchioness of Salisbury hang
                                        one gets a delicious insight into the
                                        ordered pattern of the lives of the rich
                                        and cultivated which lasted until the
                                        slump. MacEvoy when he was
                                        brilliant was among the very best and
                                        at his worst he was usually better
                                        than the best at their worst.
                                          Comparisons with the past are
                                        always tricky especially as he was
                                        so very individual and so very much
                                        a man of his time, but it is useless to
                                        try to expunge the name of
                                        Gainsborough from the record. At the
          Ambrose MacEvoy Mrs Ambrose MacEvoy
          Oil on canvas, 29¼ x          time he was held to be Gainsborough's
                                        natural successor with Orpen perhaps
          Flying was clearly a bore to him.   as Reynolds's and Sargent as
            The Morley Gallery are to be   Lawrence's, and surely his love of
          congratulated in bringing to the   feathery brushstrokes and total lack
          notice of the public once more the   of reliance on naturalism to achieve
          work of this remarkable talent. Since   his effects must allow the comparison
          his death there have been four   to hold some weight.
          exhibitions devoted to him but the   Robert Corbett

          last one held in London was in 1954.
          A lot has happened since then to                             should point out that the Piccadilly   Franz von Stuck Study of a girls head 1896
          reinstate him and his fellow members   Franz von Stuck,  at the Piccadilly   Gallery does not show many works   Oil on board,15½ x 15½ in
          of the NEAC as important English   Gallery, London, 26 March-4 May   of the highest quality and that we are   bombardment fron Julius Meier-
          painters. This is not to say that his   Once upon a time the eminent art   in any case dealing here with a   G raefe who considered him to be as
          reputation suffered an eclipse after   historian with whom I was visiting   painter who was a legend in his own   much of a tragedy for German art as
          his death, but the adulation given to   the Watts Museum turned to me and   lifetime. One of the two most   Böcklin, with whom he has much in
          brilliant portraits of near and dear   asked in a throaty German accent :   celebrated Munich painters of the   common  'Stuck is the greatest
          relations does tend to keep them out   'Don't you sometimes think Watts   period (the other was Lenbach) von   achievement of the Munich Carnival
          of sight of the public. There are, as   was a painter fascinated by the   Stuck lived like a Renaissance Prince   Renaissance"; 'He turned barmaids
          in all exhibitions, several omissions   markings of his own excrement ?' The   in a pompous villa which he designed   into sphinxes and sphinxes into
          which one regrets. The portrait of   question also seems relevant of Watts's   himself and decorated with a sense   barmaids'. Von Stuck shrugged off
          Claude Johnstone in a fawn hat—  Bavarian contemporary Franz von   of Kitsch that is impressive because it   such assaults. He had achieved the
          although visible through the windows   Stuck, whose technique, to adapt   is so inflated and all-pervading. In   good life and was determined to enjoy
          of the Rolls-Royce showroom in   Dorothy Parker's famous phrase, runs   Munich he was lionized throughout   it. Entertained to breakfast in the Villa
          Conduit Street—would have put the   the gamut of effects from A to B : in   his lifetime. His fiftieth birthday was   Stuck, the Berlin Impressionist
          balance of the sexes straight as well as   other words from the mean and thin   marked by a torchlight procession,   Liebermann asked the master if he
          being a sensitive portrait of MacEvoy's   to the monotonous and thick with   the master appearing on his balcony   always ate so much. 'Usually more',
          most extensive patron. Although there   nothing in between. There is   to acknowledge the congratulations   replied von Stuck, 'but I am a bit
          are two portraits of his wife and one of   something nasty about von Stuck's   of the assembled host, and he was the   embarrassed in front of you.'
          his daughter the glorious  Blue and   paint, something unhealthy about his   recipient of more medals, city-  That last quotation comes from the
          Yellow — Mrs Claude Johnstone   colour preferences and something   freedoms and honorary doctorates   excellent catalogue introduction by
          would have been a delight to see   worrying about his preferred subjects.   than any politician. Were he alive   Godfrey Pilkington. It is perhaps too
          again. Also the remarkable series of   The Medusa with cold, lapidary eyes,   today Hollywood would make a   easy to make fun of the subject of Mr
          the Sturt family painted in the early   Salome, Judith and Holofernes,   musical about him.   Pilkington's latest exhibition which,
          twenties—the haunting Napier   Susanne and the Elders, centaurs,   Von Stuck has a more important   it must be said , is worth seeing. The
          Alington, the fashionable Lady   fauns, mermaids and nymphs are the   claim to fame. He was a teacher at the   history of the art of von Stuck's
          Alington and the skittish Lois Sturt   personified desires of an overheated   Royal Art Academy in Munich and   period is bursting at the seams with
          all show different aspects of his   imagination and exude the essences   some very famous painters passed   curiosities and he is surely one
          remarkable powers.            of a supercharged but abnormal   through his studio as students. There   of the most curious of them.
            Without these tours de force the    libido. Von Stuck's Greek goddesses    were Kandinsky, Klee and Josef    Frank Whitford
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