Page 16 - Studio International - November 1974
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economic advantage. They are, either by direct   understood and enjoyed by the visitor of
                                                   ownership or by coincidence of interest,   normal sense and intelligence seeking to form or
         CONSENSUS  members of the capitalist class. Any serious                              exercise a personal  taste in contemporary art'.
                                                                                              The paragraph ends by asserting 'It is an
                                                   discussion of the post-war Academy must reveal
         PAINTING                                  evolving ideology of their class since the war.   educative exhibition, aimed at preserving and
                                                   connections between this group and the
                                                                                              developing a healthy  tradition which keeps in
                                                                                              touch with the perceptions and interests of
         AND THE                                   Furthermore, any serious history of any part of   normal  people.' (My italics.)
                                                   our cultural life must be located in relationship
                                                                                                By 1957 'sincerity', 'normality' and a
                                                   to this class, for it is the ruling class, and its
         ROYAL                                     ideology is the ruling ideology.           'healthy tradition' have been usurped by the
                                                                                              desire to be 'representative': 'The aim of this
                                                      The British Royal Academy could, quite
                                                                                              (selection) committee and of the smaller
                                                   literally, never afford to stray into either avant-
                                                   gardism or strict Academicism. The RA has   Hanging Committee formed from the same body,
         ACADEMY                                   been unique amongst European Academies in   is to arrange the best and most broadly
                                                                                              representative exhibition from the material
                                                   not being financially supported by the state but
                                                   by endowments and revenues from exhibition   submitted for judgement.' Are the good, the
         SINCE 1945                                no State stipend and consequently are      introduction to The Royal Academy Illustrated
                                                                                              bad and the ugly to be represented? The 1963
                                                   entry charges. Likewise, Academicians receive
                                                   dependent on private patronage. While the   is more specific: 'The broad aim of these
         ANDREW BRIGHTON                           institution may be said to be dependent on the   committees is to show the best examples from
                                                   public, the painters and sculptors who     the works submitted, without prejudice in
                                                   constitute the bulk of its membership are   favour of any particular style.' In 1967, it was
                                                   dependent on the taste of that section of the   briefly pointed out that the selection was made
                                                   public which can afford to buy works of art.   by 'a body of professional artists' and that The
                                                   Since the members govern the institution its   Royal Academy Illustrated showed 'the wide
         'Why bother with bad painting?', is the   nature is defined by them and its appeal is   range and variety of the works on view.' This
         irrational and frequent vanguardist response to   consequently located firmly in the effective life   has remained the same in subsequent editions.
         any serious discussion of non-modernist   of the bourgeoisie. It is this apparently   Now the Academy no longer seeks to actively
         contemporary painting. The irrationality of the   heterodox and inexpert audience that precludes   shape or protect our culture but rather to
         response lies in the combination of ignorance of   the difficulty of avant-gardist cultural dissent   preserve itself as a virtually acquiescent
         non-modernist painting and an inability to   on the one hand and Academicism's original   institution through which the consensus may be
         specify appropriate criteria to establish its   intention of rational cultivation on the other.   represented in all its 'wide range and variety'.
         'badness'. But the frequency of the reaction is   Both would require a break with the assumptive   Sir Alfred Munnings, in his inebriate
         itself significant. English modernism is a thin   character of bourgeois notions of art.   presidential speech at the Academy Dinner of
         coastline. Behind this coastline lies an     The 'common sense' and 'common'         1948, castigated 'highbrows' and 'experts' for
         unexplored hinterland of consensus painting.   sentiments of the post-war British bourgeoisie   having brought about 'a foolish interruption to
         Onto this unknown, the vanguardist community   have not however, remained static. Forces both   all efforts in Art,' by encouraging 'modern art'
         projects the worst picture of itself, its own   national and international have ruled events and   and claimed to demonstrate his rightness by the
                                                                                                         I have the Lord Mayor on my
         unacceptable face, that is, art as a money   corroded the position of a class who, within   fact that '
         grubbing conspiracy. However, to predict how,   living memory, were the rulers of the most   side and all the Aldermen and all the City
         on the day of judgement, God will judge   powerful country in the world. History has   Companies' (his italics).[2] Twenty years later
         between the evils of selling art to the   made increasingly redundant their formerly   Sir Thomas Monnington PRA, in his first
         international vanguard public or the      cherished myths and values. A process of ad hoc   Academy dinner speech as President, said:
         conservative wealthy, between claiming vacuous   adjustment, retreat and retrenchment has,   'Surely, development in art derives from
         innovation as spiritual change or conventional   however, preserved and re-camouflaged the   perception free from preconception'. [3] In
         sentiment as immutable values, is something   essentials of capitalism's self explications. The   both these statements is revealed an outlook
         I shall leave to those of an eschatalogical turn   bourgeois consensus remains intact. It still   opposed to intellection ready to assume the
         of mind.                                  claims for its desires, pleasures and mores the   superiority of common sense notions over
           The hinterland of consensus painting does   status of being 'nature given': products of   theoretical understanding. Munnings
         have a number of trading posts which allow the   'human nature'. Its retreats are made indistinct   aggressively identifies both his enemy and his
         visitor to see a few of the wares of the natives.   by mis-description, regularities hidden in   authority. For Sir Thomas Monnington, no
         For example, the annual poll run by the Fine   haystacks of trivial and invented regularities, for   such explicit consensus could be appealed to;
         Arts Trade Guild to find its members' best   example the unconscionably long escape from   no such ideological enemy could be identified.
         selling reproductions tells us something of the   'nineteenth-century hypocrisy'. Its norms are   The bourgeoisie had changed their view of
         'mid-west' of consensus painting. Between this   presented as the only possible normality.   themselves and of modernism, which was
         dark interior and the sophisticated coastline,   The changing self-presentation of the RA   anyway by then politely institutionalised.
         bathed in foreign currents, lies a half-way house:   reveals retreat and representation. The   While in general incomes have gone up since
         The Royal Academy, its members and its annual   introductions to the selection of photographs   1945, in Britain wealth and power have
         Summer Exhibition.[1] That is to say between   of works exhibited in the Summer Exhibition,   remained in the same hands. Wider
         the vanguard public and the general public stand   The Royal Academy Illustrated, is an example.   consumption has given greater importance to
         those classifiable not by their initiation into the   'Criticism of the Exhibition', says The Royal   the media and consequently to the 'media men'.
         esoteric issues of high culture, nor consumption   Academy Illustrated 1949 'often ignores its   It is they who have been the disseminators of
         of mass-produced reproductions, but their   essential character and intention. It is a   the new styling within their own class and their
         financial ability to buy original paintings. This   recommendation to the general public, from   own cultural consumption has been influential;
         latter group's exceptional buying ability   among all the works voluntarily offered, of   they have done much to re-package bourgeois
         indicates that the present ordering of society   those which show sound craftsmanship and   culture. For earlier generations Munnings's
         works to an exceptional degree, for their    sincere  purpose, and which can be readily    equestrian paintings not only appealed to the
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