Page 24 - Studio International - September 1974
P. 24

of this century. All three men continued for   extensive an acquaintance with the art of the   Sickert bracketed Ford Madox Brown, John
    most of their lives to produce a fair number of   French avant garde.                Leech and Charles Keene together with
    good and professional paintings in conservative   Although Sickert had soon gained a position   Mantegna, Michelangelo, Veronese, Canaletto
    styles, and gradually fell from the view of   at the forefront of the more progressive group   and Hogarth in a discussion of 'illustrative'
    modernist observers while many lesser painters   within the NEAC, and although he had exhibited   painting in his opinion undeservedly
    became celebrated for their incompetent   with a 'London Impressionist' group at the   derogated.11) Sickert's interest in the
    attempts to ape a modern manner.          Goupil Gallery in 1889, he was no mere    illustrative traditions of art, and his often
                                              provincial Impressionist. He is impossible   teasing respect for ill-considered figures from
      Of all the established painters in England   to pigeonhole. His introduction to the   the reviled era of Victorian England, were more
    between 1900 and 1910, Sickert best represented   catalogue of the Goupil exhibition defines   unfashionable then even than now. He was
    the case for the development of an        Impressionism in terms of a thoroughly    virtually alone in providing some means in his
    independent art out of the influences of later   Whistlerian aesthetic, as Wendy Baron has   art by which a fraction of the more humanitarian
    nineteenth-century French painting. This had   observed in her excellent monograph8, and yet   concerns of the nineteenth-century artists
    much to do with the nature of his family   in 1891 he was writing in an article on 'Modern   might be transmitted to a minority among their
    background and early experience as a painter.   Realism in Painting' in defence of Millet and of   early twentieth-century successors. Although
    His father was a Danish painter, himself the   painting from memory, as against the 'plein-air'   this was by no means the result of any kind of
    son of a painter, who emigrated to England in   technique which characterized the work of the   deliberate campaign on Sickert's part, his taste
    1868 when Walter Richard Sickert was eight   Impressionists and the spontaneous 'alla prima'   in art was certainly consistent with his social
    years old. His mother was half English and   touch employed both by the Impressionists and   mobility and with his natural inclination at
    half Irish, brought up abroad. After a brief   by Whistler.9  He resigned from the New   times to seek companionship outside the well-
    spell as an actor and a briefer one at the Slade   English in 1897, and thus, so far as younger   protected institutions of artistic society.
    he studied under Whistler in 1882-3. (Perhaps   painters were concerned, escaped identification   Sickert first met Spencer Gore in Dieppe in
    significantly, he often visited William Morris   with the increasingly conservative image   1904, when the young man came to visit him.
    during the later 188os in company with his   of that body; although he rejoined in 1906 after   The previous winter, while staying in Venice,
    first wife, the daughter of Richard Cobden,   he returned to England, his contribution to the   Sickert had embarked upon the series of
    Liberal politician and Free-Trader.) From   New English exhibitions must merely have   paintings of figures in interiors which marks
    1883 until 1905 he was mostly abroad, principally    made clear how much he had developed and    the beginning of his maturity as a painter,

    in Venice, Dieppe and Paris. From his first   how far his contemporaries had retrenched. It   but he was later to pay generous tribute to
    meeting with him in 1883 for several years he   is also significant that Sickert remained virtually   Gore's influence upon his work immediately
    was close to Edgar Degas, who must have   untouched by either Impressionism or Post-  after their meeting.12   Certainly by 1906, when
    provided a powerful antidote to the atmospherics   Impressionism in their more extreme aspects.   Sickert loaned Gore his house at Neuville,
    of Whistler, and whose work, based as it was   He had plainly learned from the 'documentary'   the two men were close friends and were
    upon the study of the human figure in both   quality of Degas' art and from the obstinate   learning from each other, sometimes evidently
    private and 'social' contexts, offered a strong   integrity of Pissarro's and had also absorbed   painting together in the same studio. Gore
    alternative to the mainline of Impressionism.   something from the early interiors of Bonnard   had recently adopted a method of
    (Years later, in 1927, Sickert was to write of   and Vuillard, but there is little in his art that   organization of compositions which allowed
    Degas as 'the greatest painter of the age'.)   can be traced back to Monet, Renoir, Cezanne   greater priority for the expressive potential
    Sickert's was a very 'modern' and a very   Van Gogh or Gauguin. During a stay with   of strong colour. Sickert and Gore shared a
    cosmopolitan education for a painter in England   Spencer Gore in Dieppe in 1906 it was clear   love of the music hall and both painted some
    in the late nineteenth century. Besides Degas,   that he had more to say about the academic   of their best pictures on music hall themes; so
    he came to know Monet, Pissarro, Gauguin,   artists of Victorian England than about the   far as response to the drama of light and colour
    Signac, Bonnard and Vuillard. None of his   Post-Impressionists in contemporary France.'°   was concerned, Gore's was by far the more
    English contemporaries could claim nearly so   (Dr Baron quotes an article of 1922 in which    intense response, if not at the time of their

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