Page 55 - Studio International - September 1974
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ancient civilization. It is very much   room except for a roped off strip at one   headquarters. What a marvellous   different venues like Manchester or
        part of Long's magic that he is able to   end from which the piece is viewed.   technical challenge and international   Leeds if necessary.   RE
        create this kind of feeling and Circle in   It is a peculiarly enigmatic piece since   advertisement such a catalogue could   I would like to see something like
        the Andes is a piece of great power.   the spiral pattern is extremely difficult   have been for any one of them. Not   twenty edition prizes, of £1,000 each,
         Long has been much concerned   to perceive.                many of the graphics biennales that   offered along with other prizes at each
        with the ephemeral as well as the   Simon Wilson            have mushroomed throughout the   Biennale in the future. This would
        permanent or archaic aspect of the                          world in the last few years are so   really make Bradford an attractive
        landscape and in another Irish piece in                     beautifully poised to become   proposition for artists. This simply
        the exhibition he has created a work   Bradford Print Biennale,  at the   comprehensively patronized by   means finding fifty private companies   VIEW
        so ephemeral that his camera has   Bradford City Art Gallery, July, August   industry, population and artists as is   or museums who will agree to buy a
        recorded only the site and the sense of   Bradford is a big and impressive city,   Bradford. I see a great danger   portfolio containing 20 prints by
        the piece. The title, however,   but, more important, since the   however; if the patronage from   twenty different artists from all over
        describes the act : With the River   completion of both road and rail   industry and the people does not grow
        Towards the Sea —A Walk Down a   lines, it has a hinterland of around   considerably, then interest shown in   Knowing the Northern ethic as I do I
        Riverbed in Joyce's Country, County   eighteen million people within little   the exhibition, by artists and   will admit that it won't be easy, but I
        Galway: Long's footsteps followed   more than an hour's journey. In   subsequently by everyone else, will   don't believe it is impossible. I do
                                                                                                   the world for £400 — a real bargain.  13
        him down the river on the current,   that area a whole new culture   gradually diminish.   believe it is essential.
        eventually overtaking him and being   is growing, on the back of   There are many good ideas within   Already many of the best artists in
        carried on towards the sea.   what is already one of the richest   the administration, the idea of   the world know of and want to
         These are all photographic pieces.   regional cultures in Britain. The   satellite exhibitions for example and   exhibit in this exhibition. This is
        The five map pieces —walking   Huddersfield Choral Society, the   there seems no reason why these   abundantly evident in the quality of
        sculptures— in the exhibition are   Halle Orchestra, the Black Dykes   shouldn't proliferate from Liverpool to   this year's show. An increase in prize
        equally rich and varied and seen   Band. These have all embedded   Hull. The potential is enormous and   money, public and private patronage
        together reveal Long's intense   themselves in the fabric of this   would give a welcome and valuable   and media coverage is needed if this
        concern for the form taken by his   culture, and this sense of music and   stimulus to those small brave private   sound base is going to expand. If this
        ritualized walks. Particularly striking   theatre extends through every layer of   galleries that exist along that line. As a   does not happen it could lose all the
        are Eight Walks where Long has   society, achieving a grandeur an   native of this area I dearly want to see   hard won acclaim it has earned and
        walked the 0/S grid lines over an   elitist art can never achieve. The   this exhibition flourish. To do this I feel   subside over the years into just
        area of Brent Moor and A walk during   Print Biennale at the magnificent   it must tap the whole of the Northern   another moderate bi-annual event
        the hours of daylight, January 16,   Cartwright Hall in Bradford, now at its   Belt in every way, even to the extent of    attracting moderate bi-annual artists.
        1974,  and A walk during the hours of   fourth showing, has already become
        darkness, January 17, 1974 in which   one of the most important of its kind in
        the distances walked are determined   the world, not by accident, but
        by the length of day and night.   because of the love and hard work
         The twig piece occupies a space   shown by its instigators and
        apart although it can be glimpsed   organizers.
        through an archway in the last room.   I find it distressing, therefore, to find
        As with earlier installation pieces by   that this year the catalogue cannot
        Long this one is related in form to the   even afford to go into colour, and this
        space it occupies and the twigs are   in an area where some of the finest
        scattered in a square spiral filling the    colour printers in the world have their
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