Page 48 - Studio International - July August 1975
P. 48

circumstance.                       Tarr when the styles were settled by   with the people to counteract the
        In Arbuthnot's career involvement in   Augustus John. In the 192os a rococo   Bolshevik menace. Art is represented
      vanguard art is revealed as involvement   dandyism emerged in that cluster of   by a modernist poet, commerce by a
      in fashion. The activity of most    English artists and writers who followed   Glasgow grocer with traditional tastes
      photographers was determined by the   on from Firbank; comprising Peter   in literature, and the people by a troop
      market for images, and the capacity and   Rose-Pulham, Rex Whistler and Cecil   of boy scouts from the Gorbals :
      nature of that was gauged by directing   Beaton, the style of such a group was   together they overwhelm an anonymous
      editors or surmised by the photographer   close to the surrealist aristocratic style   mass of Bolshevik agents landed from
      often working on the basis of a foreign   of patrons like Peter Watson and Edward   the sea. In the process the modernist
      prototype. E. 0. Hoppe, whose early   James.                            poet is returned to a safe place in
      news career had been spent in the     At another level the tension between   British culture, his modernism revealed
      company of Arbuthnot, is a classic   modernism and tradition concerned   as a crude overlay on a traditionalist
      example of a supremely successful   the renovation of society itself. Only for a   temperament. The action takes place in
      photographer whose entire output    brief moment around 1930 does an image   a remote, anachronistic country landscape
      derived from successful prototypes in   of the future emerge with any clarity, and   which both poet and grocer have visited
      German, French and American         even then it is a matter of style borrowed   for its restorative power, and their
      photography. This sort of alertness   from abroad, from Germany and the   success is to see it returned to its old
      entailed massive alterations in style and   United States, appearing in the guise of   usage.
      subject matter virtually from year to year:   the workers' housing estate from the   Just as Buchan mobilized his powers
      in a case like this the picture-maker is   one and in that of the skyscraper from the   as a story-teller to deal with the new
      nothing more than an efficient function   other. This brief utopian moment was   unsettling forces abroad in the world, so
      of the market. The mutations in a career   ended by the onset of Depression and   a painter such as Charles Holmes turned
      of this sort, or in that of the advertising   Totalitarianism and its outcome in   towards the subject of the industrial
      or fashionable dandy photographer, can   Britain was the rediscovery of traditional   landscape, which he transformed as well
      only be understood as symptomatic of   styles, the native landscape and the   as presented. As a former editor of the
      the evolution of the culture in its   sort of cultural pessimism projected by   Burlington Magazine and Director of the
      broadest sense.                     Graham Greene in a novel such as    National Gallery, Holmes was as much
        Throughout this period, from around   England Made Me (1935).         a member of the dominant culture as was
      1905 to 1940, British culture was     During the 'twenties the problematic   Buchan, and his strategy seems to have
      structured on an antagonistic tension   of ancient and modern was present in   been a similar one, to present an integrated
      between modernism and the forces of   British culture without being strongly   picture of the old and the new Britain
      tradition. At one level, that of Arbuthnot   felt. Modernism was easily symbolized   in which those modern aspects of the
      for instance, this appeared as a matter of   and caricatured by association with   nation were beautified and distanced as
      life-style within the coterie conditions of   Bolshevism, interpreted by the dominant   they were given a pictorial inflection.
      the art world. Modern art was a form of   culture as exotic and unsavoury, an easy   Holmes's procedure was to harmonize the
      advanced fancy dress to be 'taken up'   target for traditional British virtues. In   industrial landscape by the use of a
      or parodied. The susceptibility of the   a text like John Buchan's Huntingtower,   device such as the Golden Section, by
      British artist to such role-playing was the   a novel of 1922, the prevailing myths   the depopulation of his industrial
      target of much of Wyndham Lewis's    of the next two decades are fully   settings and by their rendering in an
      writing before the First War in his novel    established: art and commerce combine    atmospheric monochrome.

      (Below) Charles Holmes
      Near Greenwoods Mill c. 1928
      College Samlesbury Hall, Blackburn
      (Top right) Charles Ginner
       The TimberYard 1915
       Oil on canvas, 3o x 4o in. Bevan collection
      (Bottom right) Walter Benington
      Among the Housetops c. 1905

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