Page 83 - Studio International - July August 1975
P. 83

as this summary might make it appear,   different exposures, stretching from five   sobriety of this exegesis. In another
        and he obviously found it difficult to   seconds through to one minute in   respect, however, the clock's gradual
        inaugurate a definitive move away from   duration, shown through the whole piece.   dissolution introduces an element of
        sculptural activity towards the ancillary   And by settling on the idea of a normal   unease. The almost moral force attached
        process of documentation.'          darkroom clock as the object in each case,   to this revelation of how the camera can
          Hilliard's adoption of the camera was   Hilliard was able to convey the lengths of   obliterate the reality it records contrasts
        not blindly undertaken : it grew, by   time employed without recourse to any   absolutely with the prosaic construction
        hard-fought degrees, from a stubborn   external information.             of the piece. It is an appropriately
        refusal to skate over the anomalies   A measure of how important this self-  conceived tension as well as an
        attendant upon an art form which feels   sufficient system is for him can be   effective one, because the 'warmth' of
        obliged to cross-examine the adequacy of   gauged from the fact that the first version   Hilliard's warning about the devastating
        its orthodox outlets. Photography for him   of Sixty Seconds of Light, a single photo   power of the camera is qualified by the
        was in no sense a promised land to be   of all the pictures arranged in three   `coolness' of the knowledge that
        greeted with unqualified enthusiasm.   horizontal rows each containing four   photographs are, in practical terms,
        Rather was it an ambivalent opening,   images, was accompanied by written   produced by an impersonal machine.
        which suggested a welcome path through   notes of exposure length and aperture   And so the clinical rigidity of Hilliard's
        the thicket of media indeterminacy while   beneath. But in the second version   presentation accords with his earlier
        at the same time running the risk of   reproduced here, consisting of twelve   search for an art that faithfully reflects the
        degenerating into an alleyway rather than   separate photographs in individual   nature of the materials he uses. At once
        opening onto a broad thoroughfare. Was   frames arranged as a single row, the   a disciplined foil for the startling
        the examination of photography's    verbal material was excluded in order to   disclosure of the photograph's power to
        function in art a side-issue incapable   let the blurred movement of the clock's   distort, and a compositional paradigm
        of solving Hilliard's 'main' involvement   second hand tell its own story. A greater   of the camera as a technological
        with environmental sculpture ? Or was it   compactness of reference is gained, and   implement, the regulated geometry
        an inevitable consequence of his    attention concentrated more intensely   enclosing Sixty Seconds of Light is a
        determination to admit the          on the metamorphosis which the clock   testament to Hilliard's attentive
        irresponsibility inherent in continuing   undergoes as it proceeds from solid   understanding of form and content alike.
        with his previous investigations ? This   definition towards virtual extinction.
        must have been the kind of dichotomy   Such a thorough transformation lies at   VI. But the minimalism of the
        which Hilliard, and to a greater or lesser   the heart of Hilliard's purpose: if this   component parts which make up this
        extent many other artists who arrived at   substantial constant can be subverted by   watershed in Hilliard's development also
        a similar crossroads during the same   a regulated series of stages and robbed of   indicates the way he managed to carry
        period, felt obliged to resolve. It may   its identity so thoroughly that it finishes   over some of his sculptural sensibility into
        have been hedged round with         up as little more than a ghostly, almost   the photographic works. While the
        qualifications, but he opted in the end to   unidentifiable white circle, how much   physicality of his previous object-making
        focus both literally and metaphorically on   more suspicious must we be of a   was now abruptly renounced, and
        the imperatives it raised.          photographic record which does not   exchanged for an examination of how
                                            offer any information about the exact   objects could be presented or abused
        V. Up until i970, when the first of the   circumstances dictating the image it   through documentation, the scale and
        serial photographic pieces which    supplies ? Even Hilliard leaves us to infer   seriality evident in works like the
        Hilliard is still extending today was   that he painted the clock-face black and   St. Martin's installation piece were still
        executed, his work suffered from an   the hand white so they would reflect the   retained. There is a largeness of form
        inability to settle on a singleminded   light, and that each of his photographs   in Sixty Seconds of Light, a monumental
        course of action. And although he was by   was uniformly exposed in the   frontality in the disposition of the clock
        no means confident about the        enlarger to the time-span needed for an   faces, that bears the hallmark of
        advisability of his new approach when he    adequate image of the five-second    sculptural thinking. Judd's

                                                                                 Sixty Seconds of Light, 1970
        made Sixty Seconds of Light, it did   negative.8  But these are mere incidentals   Coll: Tate Gallery
        introduce a firmness and clarity of   in a context expressly devised to
        purpose which soon characterized the   encourage a total awareness of how and   comparable horizontal wall works came
        pieces following in its footsteps. Taking   why the clock becomes progressively   to mind, just as the 'monotonous' unit-
        as his cue the attributes and capabilities   subsumed in an envelope of light,   stacking of Andre's metal floor-pieces
        which the camera possesses and can   whereas a normal documentary        seems to underlie the massed ranks of
        therefore employ in recording external   photograph leaves its entire modus   Thirty-Six Views', which was
        appearances, Hilliard decided to    operandi unexplained except on the most   executed soon after the first version of
        expound their variable effect on a   superficial (and consequently most   Sixty Seconds of Light.
        constant object. Because these      dangerous) of levels.                 The sitter is treated very much as a
        variations are all dependent upon a   The strength of works like Sixty   sculpture: it becomes possible to
        mechanical instrument, and          Seconds of Light, then, stems from a   imagine him detached from his body and
        constrained by its built-in limitations, the   combination of two distinct factors. In   swivelling slowly on a pedestal as
        form each work assumed was itself a   one respect it is a severe and factual   Hilliard's camera traces so many shifts in
        direct reflection of the medium involved.   demonstration of a specific function   the head's structure through 36o degrees.
        The twelve serial images comprising   which the camera can be made to    On this level, therefore, the piece can be
        Sixty Seconds of Light are therefore   perform, and no extraneous matter is   regarded as a programmatic exposition of
        inextricably equated with the twelve    allowed to detract from the scientific    how important it is to take every
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