Page 90 - Studio International - July August 1975
P. 90

which matches that of Telfer                            resisted for nearly three years
           Feedback               Stokes's previous books,           Vision               since the proposal was first made
                                  Passage, Foolscrap and Spaces . . .
                                                                                          that it should make grants to
                                    Beau Geste Press publications,                        group projects not aimed at the
      Their cat, monkey or        available from Barhatch Farm,   Oberhausen              production of 'a specific film'. It
      Tasmanian devil (printer's devil ?)   Barhatch Lane, Cranleigh,   I made a brief visit to the 21st   means that workshop equipment,
      colophon is again given the   Surrey, GU6 7NG, are also   West German Short Film    installation and facilities can now
      front cover of Weproductions   distinguished by a high standard   Festival at Oberhausen in May   be financed by the BFI. While
      latest paperback publication   of production, while still   with an invited programme of   recognizing that this step needs
      Loophole, by Helen Douglas and   preserving the element of   British AG films by Chris   additional DES or industry
      Telfer Stokes, which costs £1.50   invitation in their work. The latest   Wellsby, William Raban, Liz   finance, the Board has shown an
      from 11 Lady Somerset Road,   batch are The book of the Sphinx   Rhodes, Anthony McCall and   awareness of the immediate need
      London NW5. The endpapers of   by Colin Naylor (£0.60) which   myself. The inclusion of this work,   by not waiting until extra funds
      Loophole are photographs of   need never end, Night visit to the   together with films by B & W Hein   have been raised before
      early and late pages of the book   National Gallery by Endre Tot   and Werner Nekes from Germany   considering applications in this
      still at the page proof stage. A   (£0.60) an alternative guide to the   and Kurt Kren from Austria,   area.
      curiosity of one of the prefatory   N.G. collection after lights out   represented something of a new
      pages is that it only appears as a   (but how will one be able to read   direction of interest by the   Arts Council Film Finance
      photograph of itself and not as   it in the dark?), Taken the days   festival organizers - Oberhausen   The important boost which has
      the substance of the photo. The   after we had beef curry between   has been dominated by the   been given to experimental film
      wholly visual contents, while   28.7.72 & 28.10.72 by Allen   directly political film for some   work in Britain by Rodney
      listed as named sequences at the   Fisher (£0.45), and   years. The screening was well   Wilson's Film Committee at the
      end, in fact flow into each other   w.o.r.k.s.c.o.r.e.p.o.r.t .  (£2.50).   attended, aroused significant   Arts Council looks like being
      effortlessly.               This last book is the most   interest and led to extended   seriously curtailed by the
       There is a non-verbal      substantial of the four and is a   discussion particularly   Council's financial arrangements
      narrative running through the   complete anthology of the   concerning the relationship   this year. A large proportion of
      book which sometimes hangs   activities of the Canadian-based   between radical 'formal' film and   their 75/6 film budget has been
      only by a thread. We witness the   group W.O.R.K.S. (we ourselves   radical politics. The show was well   frozen - a fate shared by all the
      baring of some brickwork, and   roughly know something),   covered by two major German   AC departments mainly
      then the removal of bricks to   between 1971 and 1973. 'The   papers, the Frankfurter Rundschau   concerned with direct grants to
      reveal a segment of an urban   book is a group report,   considering Raban's three-screen   practising artists. The frozen
      scene, in particular a billboard.   intertwining personal projects as   Diagonal to be one of the most   proportion is being held as a
      We then home in on the billboard   articles, scores,    important films in the festival.   contingency fund against the
      and watch as the page itself stands   photodocumentation of   Following the interest in this   almost inevitable inflation debts
      in for the board and is covered   environments, concerts, events,   screening, I would expect future   of the large theatre and opera
      with the parts of a poster which   videowork.' There is rather a lot   Oberhausen festivals to pay much   commitments. I hope film makers
      is then overlaid by another and   of pure documentation which   greater attention to this aspect of   will join with other artists and
      another until the image of a   really only tells you where   European cinema. Though the   their organizations to make some
      Chinese Take-Away prompts   W.O.R.K.S. were when and with   invitation for this special 'out-of-  protest about the way in which
      the reversal of the image and its   whom, but there are also scores,   competition' presentation came   institutions like Covent Garden
      taking away, not by a straight   of varying detail, for   to me directly, like most   continually soak the resources
      reversal of the sequence but by the   performances, and plenty of   international film festivals,   away from the finance of
      rough and ready peeling of the   provocative statements,   selection of 'official' entries at   developing culture. Who knows
      posters. Having thus looped the   descriptions and photos.   Oberhausen are made with the   - stringency at Covent Garden
      loop we are led back through the   Tom Phillips must have been   aid of the British Council. They,   might even give rise to some
      loophole in the brick wall and   pleased that Hansjorg Mayer   of course, are limited in their   relevant twentieth-century
      then follow the narrative as it   agreed to design the paperback   selection by their information and   opera!
      tails off. As we coast to the end   book, which was published to   contacts which tend to be through
      we become involved with the   coincide with his retrospective   the established organizations like   NE London Poly makes
      rhythmic operations of a Singer   exhibition at the Hague   the BFI and Arts Council.   experimental film redundant
      as it sews the narrative thread   Gemeentemuseum this year.   Whatever questions there are   A young film maker, Guy Sherwin,
      into a book, and then with the   Tom Phillips: Works, Texts, to   about the structure of festivals   has slowly built up one of the
      revolutions of another singer on a   1974 might appear expensive at   - and I am completely opposed   most interesting experimental
      turntable until it's over and out.   £5.50 but is not for what it   to the competition concept and   film 'courses' in the country. He
        To attempt to give a sense of   comprises: nearly 300 pages,   think normal rentals should   has done this within a non-
      the narrative, however, is not to   about 80 high quality colour   ALWAYS be paid for films   diploma communications course
      describe the book. The space of   plates and a great many half-  shown - film makers should be   at the North East London Poly.
      each sequence varies: for example,   tones. Mayer has played it   aware of the selection machinery   The strength of the work produced
      at one time the action takes   straight, the way the book has   and inform the British Council if   under Sherwin's guidance was
      place in a shallow lateral space, at   been conceived is conventional,   they wish to be considered in   displayed by a remarkable series
      other times one plunges deep into   indeed were it not for the   general for festival screenings. It   of shows presented on five days
      space, at other times again there   format, the thoughtful layout, the   was almost by luck that Cinema   during May. In other
      is no depth, the action is across   choice of paper and the quality   Action became aware of this   circumstances the work would
      the surface of the page; a   of printing and production,   procedure, eventually being able   deserve a full review as it
      sequence may occur both on the   things one usually notices by   to show their Miners Film to the   contained a very large proportion
      surface and in depth. There is a   their absence, there would be   Oberhausen selectors. The film   of exciting new films by film-
      continual dialectic between the   little to suggest the presence of   became one of the three official   makers who have hardly been
       printed image and its content, and   his hand, However, within its   British entries to the competition,   seen before .As well as Sherwin's
      a regular reminder of the   limitations it is a fine    going on to win two major   own excellent new performance
      mechanics of its generation and   production. As well as   prizes, one of which was a half   pieces, Self Portrait, Hold My
      of the conventions of the book.   reproductions of works, studies,   share of the prestigious   Hand and Paper Performance,
      But even when one sees the image   photographs and source material,   FIPRESCI (Critics) Prize.   films by Steve Farrar like Silk
      reproduced as a single frame in a   there are several pieces of                     Screen, John Smith's
       roll of film, one tends not to see   writing by Phillips including   Group Support   Association and Tim Bruce's
      it for what it is, rather as a   biographical notes and   Following a BFI Production   Meeting would stand up well
      secondary narrative. Even then   commentaries on most of the   Board decision to spend its   to any international comparison.
      all is not necessarily what it   works, plus scores for   `Group Support' money for 74/5   The work has a quality and
      seems, wholes turn out to be parts   musicians and details of other   on cameras and sound-recording   maturity beyond that expected of
      for instance; our perceptions are   works. It is in fact at least as   equipment to be held by the   students and the series of shows
      continually at risk.        comprehensive as any of the   Institute, the virtual demise of   did not need any contribution
        I haven't even mentioned the   monographs on living British   the grant-in-aid fund which had   from Liz Rhodes (a Poly student
      wheelbarrow as narrator, or the   artists that British publishing   previously assisted a number of   from last year) whose work has
      artists' uncanny ability to imbue   houses were once able to turn   the main film/video groups   already been shown
      inanimate objects with an   out.                        caused sufficient protest that the   internationally. The strength of
      organic, sometimes almost                  Clive Phillpot   Production Board has finally   the student films is further shown,
       visceral quality, or their                             included group finance within its   by the fact that three students in
      sensitivity to printed images, or                       normal terms of reference. This is   the last two years have been given
      the quality of the production,                          a major step which the Board has    places at the RCA Film School.
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