Page 12 - Studio International - March April 1975
P. 12

economically or idealistically. He argues   dear, nothing but the same old faces !' — as
                                          that my answer to the question is a   though novelty was some sort of criterion.
                                                                               Why does this stuff get published ? Who
       Andrew                             devious one because I made an initial   wants to read anything about painting
                                          selection of the selectors of the show,
                                                                               other than hard information, unless it can
                                          thus switching the deal from artists in
       Forge                              general to these artists in particular. He   be something vivid that enlists ideas and
                                                                               feelings that have some immediate
                                          then chides me for not having exercised
                                                                               personal validity ? Underlying both the
                                          my own preferences more openly and
       answers                            incisively. It is nice to be encouraged to   friendly and the dismissive reviews it
                                                                               seems to me that there is a tremendous
                                          say one's say but if my object had been to
                                                                               undertow of hostility, a kind of
                                          demonstrate my preferences, I would
                                          have made a totally different show. It   puritanical shying away from art itself.
      criticisms of                       seemed to me far more important to make   This is far more visible to me here than
                                                                               it was in England.
                                          the experiment that was in fact made. Of
                                          course this reflects my preferences   Peter Fuller concluded with the words
       `British                           somewhat, as Fuller demonstrates by   `It may be that in diagnosing the
                                                                               undoubted malaise of British painting in
                                          pointing to the fact that there are no
                                          Photo-Realists in the show. It was neither   1974 far more attention should be paid to
       Painting                           a matter of pulling names out of a hat nor   the specific conditions affecting Britain
                                                                               rather than to those affecting painting at
                                          a razor-sharp selection. It was a
                                                                               large.' It is a point which I agree with
                                          calculated effort to bring different sorts of
       1974'                              painting together; to create a situation   absolutely. And I am certain that one of
                                                                               the foremost symptoms of that malaise is
                                          where painters could to some extent
                                                                               the utterly moribund and negative state
                                          demonstrate their allegiances; to set up
                                          the circumstances for a wide range of   of art reviewing and criticism.
                                          experience, for comparison, contrast and   The one issue that most writers could
                                          reflection upon what painting is and what   turn to with enthusiasm was the
        I have been going through all the   it offers just now. Certainly there is no   `challenge' contained in the exhibition
       reviews of the 'British Painting' 74 show   such thing as 'artists in general' but there   that painting itself was still 'alive'. The
      at the Hayward which I worked on and I   are networks, chains of affiliation, each of   conclusion seemed to be not only
      thought ought to make a report. In   which constitutes a view of what painting   that this was an illusion on my part but
       terms of inches, the show got good   amounts to. My idea was to display   that the alternatives were equally
       coverage. I saw twelve pieces for general   experimentally one such network. I   moribund. You might think that most
       readership, ranging from the 'Yorkshire   insisted all along that the idea would   of the reviews had been written by people
       Post' to 'Time Out' (these happened to   only be proved if it was tried out in   dedicated to the stamping out of art — not
       be almost interchangeable, as a matter of   different forms. It could take as many   just stalwart old Terence Mullaly either —
       fact: both appeared to have been written   different forms as there would be people   but swingers wasting and shrivelling its
       by fifth-formers.) Then there were six   to set it rolling. I doubt now if this will   very fibres. You could almost feel
       pieces for the trade: two in 'Arts Review',   happen.                   their puritanical gloatingness as though
       three which you published (I'm       When I had finished hanging the show   art had at last got what it deserved. 'To
       including Terry Smith's long article in   I was so filled with the visual excitement   champion a medium because it once was
       the December issue) and Marina Vaizey's   of the galleries that I couldn't believe   capable of marvellous things' Richard
       piece in `Artnews'.                that others would not be able to share it.   Cork wrote in the 'Evening Standard',
        Almost everybody objected with    Of course there was a certain amount of   `and therefore deserves to be loved almost
       varying degrees of bitchiness to the   dross and the more I saw it the less I liked   irrespective of its present performance is
       method of selection. Instead of seeing it   it. At the same time I became more and   to wallow in a sentimentality which can
      as an attempt to achieve a positive object   more convinced of the quality of a   do no service to the future welfare of
      they saw it as a monumental cop-out.   number of paintings there. For me it was   painting.' But there is no other service
       Friendly notices characterized my part in   exhilarating to get to know these paintings   that one can render to the future welfare
       it as 'self-effacing', less friendly ones as   and after many days in the galleries I was   of painting than to champion it in the
       `cowardly'. William Packer described it   still learning more about them. A lot of   present, to look at it, to discuss it, to
      as a device which allowed me to 'accept   painters were gloomy about the show   attack it when it is corrupt, certainly, but
      what plaudits are going and disclaim all   before it opened and expected a disaster.   also to acknowledge it when it is not. And
      criticism.' (He won me elsewhere in his   In the event, every reaction that I had   to acknowledge it, in my view, means not
      piece by commending the hang.) This   from painters was positive — even from   just to report on names and reputations
      reaction was about what I expected,   artists who were not hung and had an   but to find something to say about
      though perhaps somewhat more         interest in finding fault. I find it   painting in its actuality. That is, to say
      widespread. When one is reviewing, it is   absolutely incomprehensible that not a   something concrete and observed enough
      convenient to have one's targets cut and   single critic who wrote about the show   to bring the experience of it alive to the
      dried. What I had not expected was that   felt able to communicate a positive or   reader and thus to render it significant.
      so few critics would get the point of the   optimistic personal response, or to take   Who knows, in the process something
      experiment. This was not to make an   advantage of some of the juxtapositions   might be said that gave insight and
      exhibition with a tendency nor an    in the show to isolate and bring out the   confidence to a painter, or brought him up
      unveiling of novelties nor a balanced and   qualities of work that they admired.   short.
      inclusive survey, but simply to make one   Of course some kind words were said :   I have made no mention of Terry
      which would be interesting for the   the 'Financial Times', 'The Observer',   Smith's article which is in a different
      general public to look at for information   the 'Sunday Times', although Marina   class from anything I have been
      and to show how a certain method could   Vaizey decided to knock it later for her   discussing (as distinct from the other two
      be used to construct exhibitions.    American audience in `Artnews'. But the   Studio notices which read to me just like
        The only critic to tackle the issue of the   friendliness that was allowed was almost   the rest except for the jargon.) Smith's
      method with any seriousness was Peter   invariably cheery to the point of   article is an extremely important one and
      Fuller in the TLS. In a long and     facetiousness, uninformed by any trace of   no doubt it has been closely read and
      extremely intelligent article he points out   curiosity or wonder. Everything was   discussed — it certainly should have been.
      the impossibility of thinking of artists as a   reduced to the same level of glancing   If we can hope for writing of this
      group with a common identity. What   condescension. Nothing was looked at   pointedness in the trade mags — and not
      possible 'common interests are there   with any effort to explain or unravel or   just circling round the sick bed of
      between successful portrait painter . . .   share. In effect the friendly reviews read   Formalism but pushing out in other
      and an environmental artist who draws   as the other side of exactly the same coin   directions too, then there will be plenty
      lines in the sand on beaches ?' There   as the unfriendly ones, many of which   of reason to go on reading them. But
      cannot be anything between them, either    were like petulant social jottings: 'My    what can we hope from reviewers ? •
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