Page 93 - Studio International - March April 1975
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too fished in these muddy waters for his   And why does the reproduction of David   of cultural history in this country
         aesthetic judgements, and then still   Milne's The Empty House on the cover   practically no mention is ever made of the
         wondered about originality. As social   have rounded corners ? Lord also finds   WPA. This is especially true in the field
         critic, Lord measures Canadian history   this a significant painting, but neither he   of fine arts. American culture of the '3os
         in terms of its subjection to external   nor Reid have much to say on the effect   together with anything else lying outside
         control. The categories of Canadian   of TV on Canadian vision.         the London/New York shuttle service has
         culture have been determined by       However, it is not that one faults Reid   tended to be consigned to limbo.
         successive forms of dominance : of trader   on his adherence to the conventions, nor   `The New Deal for Artists' and 'WPA,
         and settler over the native people, of the   Lord for flaunting them, but it would be   Art for the Millions' are two excellently
         Catholic Church over the Quebec     good to have from Reid a fuller workout   produced and well-written books that go
         habitant, the French regime, the British   of the theme which gives Canadian   a long way in providing critical comment
         regime, the subjection of French Canada   history, and art, its tensions and   and documentation on the period. The
         to English, and the subjection of the   uniqueness, but which only appears here   former is a rational and reasoned history
         whole country to US imperialism.    as an undercurrent; and from Lord, less   of the WPA and provides much
           Lord is well-known for his commitment   polemic. He deserves to be taken   information on its structure and
         and ability in all three roles, but in   seriously, especially in the enclaves of   administration.
         combination their contradictions swing   bourgeois liberalism, Canadian and   It is particularly good in evaluating the
         him from the sublime to the ridiculous.   other..                       role and personality of Holger Cahill who
         He is optimistic about the future from            Charlotte Townsend    became Director of the Federal Arts
         signs like Canadian Artists Representation                              Project in 1935. Cahill, a former Director
         and various co-operatives. But aren't                                   of Exhibitions at the Museum of Modern
         such 'unions' finding that they have to                                 Art in New York, possessed great driving
         contend with, and be compromised by,   Irradicatable                    force and vision. A friend of Mark Tobey,
         just the same old forces ? It has yet to be                             William Groper and John Sloan, Cahill
         proven that the current upsurge of   Art for the Millions               was undoubtedly instrumental in
         nationalism is part of any radical change                               enlarging the scope of the FAP and in
         in the control of the society's material   Essays from the 1930's by Artists and   raising its standards. The diversity of the
         base, rather than just another phase of   Administrators of the WPA Federal Art   work of artists working under its auspices
         maple leaf window-dressing. And what of   Project.                      is evidence of the wide range of talent
         Lord's polemical style ? It is very   Edited by Francis V. O'Connor. 317 pp.   used. They included Morris Graves,
         readable, and so should be 'popular'. But   $100 black and white illustrations.   Jackson Pollock, Jack Levine and
         as style it often obtrudes, an international   New York Graphic Society Ltd.,   Rockwell Kent.
         polemic. By his own criteria it can hardly   Greenwich, Connecticut, U.S.A. £i 1.00.   `Art for the Millions' is an invaluable
         be said to be distinctively Canadian.   The New Deal for Artists        work since it is essentially concerned with
           This is a fascinating and infuriating   By Richard D. Mckinzie. 203 pp.   documentation. It is made up from some
         book, and in that sense at least    189 black and white illustrations.   sixty-five essays covering all aspects of the
         representative of the Canadian dilemma.   Princeton University Press U.S.A. $17.50.   WPA. Most of the contributors are artists
         Whether or not change is feasible, Lord                                 and social workers who were directly
         is not alone in seeing recognition of its   Modern Mexican Painters     concerned with WPA work. The
         necessity as the spirit which has informed   By Mackinley Hilm. 205 pp.   95 black and   appendix contains extremely interesting
         all real Canadian art. The rest is   white illustrations.               statistical information and a listing of all
         obeisance to the opposition. That the   Dover Publications Inc., New York,   WPA projects.
         discomfiture of the traditional concepts of   U.S.A. Constable publishers. £2.80.   One of the most remarkable features
         Western art history when brought face to                                of the WPA lay in the dichotomy
         face with Canadian art may be the fault of   Within the next decade there will   between a relative lack of ideology in
         the concepts rather than the art is well   almost certainly be a very radical   terms of directives and the radicalism of
         illustrated by Dennis Reid's book. Reid   reappraisal of some of the most cherished   some of the artists whose work it
         wields the conventions of the Concise   and enshrined ideas concerning Western   sponsored. Stemming as it did from
         History as well as he is able, given that his   twentieth-century art. Casualties will   improvisation those directing the initial
         theme also is Canadian-ness and the   result. Amongst the first will be the   stages of the programme were motivated
         search for it through art. This worked   concept of avant gardism and that of   more by philanthropy than by cultural
         satisfactorily in his definitive book on the   `international style'.   or aesthetic considerations. Before Holger
         Group of Seven. Here a rather pedestrian   The concept of avant gardism,   Cahill became Director of the Federal
         book is rescued by its contradictions —  authentically meaningful in the first two   Arts Project in 1935 the criteria used to
         between what a scholar cannot miss and   decades of this century was a vital factor   define the 'middle course' that American
         a Canadian might like to, between doing   of Modernism. It operated on the basis   state sponsored art was supposed to take
         the art-historically respectable, Canadian   of artistic probes. When required its role   tended to be simplistic and homespun.
         art seen as inextricably mixed up in the   was subversive. Modernism has collapsed   There was opposition to 'ladies in cheese
         international context, and making some   and the avant garde, committed to a   cloth', 'abstractionist tripe' and much
         kind of a case for its autonomy.    sterile and uninterrupted act of    talk of how to curb works of social
           Reid owes, and acknowledges, a debt   provocation, fully institutionalized, is   protest by stopping 'the Mexican
         to Russell Harper's 'Painting in Canada'   now mummified. Its 'subversive' role is   invasion on the border'. Though the
         which appeared in 1966 and remains the   non-existent. The concept of an   period lies outside the scope of both books
         major authority. Indeed his book    international style is equally redundant.   the last slogan was to take on a far more
         encapsulates most of the received   Dependent on a doubtful nomenclature   sinister ring in the early '5os when
         opinions on the subject, which makes it   and a speculative art market it is now   McCarthyism began its systematic witch
         valuable as a reference. For the rest, it is   particularly vulnerable.   hunting of American artists. What
         the guide that it aims to be, not to   Under the circumstances it is not   clearly emerges from 'The New Deal for
         Canadian painting, but to a way of   surprising that attention is now being   Artists' is the fact that although there was
         looking at that painting, based on the   drawn increasingly to alternative   general agreement that the WPA should
         belief that of all the arts it is painting that   possibilities based on fairly recent history,   be 'socially useful' no structure could
         has best reflected the Canadian     and especially those engendered by a   exist within the American system which
         experience. This is how, the dominance   social and economic crisis that bears a   would develop this well-intentioned idea
         of Canadian generations, set up the   striking resemblance to our current   into a cultural philosophy and by so doing
         categories instead of the 'isms', how the   situation. The Works Programme   incorporate it ideologically into
         high points are selected, the personal   Administration of the '30s, a product of   progressive politics. The WPA led a
         judgements occasionally permitted and   Roosevelt's attempts to counter the   precarious existence because in the long
         the art/society link occasionally made.   depression through the New Deal is an   run it was economically dependent on the
         But, incidentally, why are some of the   obvious example.               goodwill of Harry Hopkins or Eleanor
         most important things said in footnotes ?    It is characteristic that in the teaching    Roosevelt. Thus when curbs and crisis
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