Page 84 - Studio International - May June 1975
P. 84

3rd OBMOKHU exhibition, Moscow, May 1921
                                                      Stenberg sculptures on the 2nd plan. On the left (foreground) 25 sculptures by Ioganson
      Rodchenko's 'last painting'.   general without carefully   The negation of the     descriptions as 'absolute
      This anti-pictorial reaction in   articulating its multiple stages or   `representative' qualities of   plasticity' in respect of Exter
      Russia was accompanied by an   the fundamental differences which   painting, the affirmation of an   (p. 88). We may add that the
      ideological earthquake for which   separate the spatial conceptions   'objectal' ideology and the   author forgets the inventions of
      Rodchenko gives us a proof in a   of Malevich, Tatlin, Rodchenko   appearance of 'spatial structures'   Archipenko, and does not refer
      citation from the work of the   or Matiushin. The notion which   in the work of Rodchenko and   to the important text,
      anarchist, Stirner, which he   the author proposes on the   Klucis are particularly illustrative   `Composition of space and
      placed as an epigraph on his work   problem of perspective is   of this moment. Yet John Bowlt   calculation of spatio-dynamic
      in the 1919 exhibition: 'At the   simplistic. Far from the   abstracts these considerations   rhythms' (1931) by Strzeminski
      foundation of my work I have   discussions which have animated   of a moment in time with a   and Kobro, which would make his
      put nothing.' For John Bowlt to   numerous studies in the history   certain facility for sophism, and   own arguments decrepit. If such
      see Rodchenko's formalist efforts   of art (from Panofsky to White,   leads the reader to hasty   interpretations remain basic to
      of 1919 as `technical graphics'   Robert Klein or Baltrusaitis),   conclusions. Basing his ideas on a   this author's 'be! canto' of art
      and to consider his three-  Bowlt develops uninspired debate   theory of real space and on   criticism, one is hardly surprised
      dimensional works of 1920-21   on the 'optical tradition'. His   objectal sculpture in particular,   to find factual error: on page 11,
      as a 'brilliant culmination of the   a priori argument of an 'absolute   he seems to disregard the much   a discussion of perspective in
      Tatlin relief tradition' is pure   and fundamental tradition of   different problem of the   painting is attributed to Stenberg,
      nonsense. If until 1919 Rodchenko   space and material' suprises us   illusionist space of painting   while this actually refers to (and is
      certainly looked to Tatlin   today after so many       (two-dimensional), not to   quoted from) David Sterenberg,
      (and especially in 1917), from the   anthropological studies defining   mention the problem of space as a   the ingenious imitator of the
      time of the famous 1919 show he   the multifarious conceptions of   purely logical category (which is   avant-garde whose work is a
      pursued a search for a-pictorial   pictorial space. Bowlt's principal   the signification of the Hinton   didactic formalist exaggeration
      structures which is totally new and   theme is developed from a   epigraph introducing Bowlt's   of the years 1916-22 and
      absolutely opposite to the Tatlin   theoretical formula by Punin   article), or the conjunction of the   without theoretical importance.
      'fetichist object'. This level of   (dating 1921) which he applies as   two which is the basis of   Another question animating
      problematic does not flower in   a speculative absolute, ignoring   Matiushin's theories of   Bowlt's text is that of the
      Bojko's texts, while Bowlt's   its origins and precise references,   perception which Bowlt distorts   postulates of Productivism.
      biographical notes contain   as well as its material and   in his global view of things. The   Again on page 11 we read this
      surprising contradictions. As   historical limits. For Punin, as   confusion between the problems   disastrous interpretation: 'it
      the theoretical structure of the   Tatlin's main critic, conceived   of painting and of sculpture, and   was absurd that artists, for the
      catalogue belongs in the hands of   his formula with the help of a   those of space is even more   most part without training in the
      John Bowlt, it seems necessary   Tatlin disciple, Bruni, and the   serious since the comparison of   applied arts or engineering, should
      to study the conceptual     formula is applied by him as an   these three categories is the very   have claimed the right to design
      contradictions throughout his   explanation of Tatlin's work. His   tenet upon which his text is built.   utilitarian objects.' With regard
      introductory article, 'The   text was published in a monograph   Thus, we read in the note on   to constructivist ideology, which
      Construction of Space' and in   on Tatlin in 1921, the very year of   Popova that 'painting had to   he is at such pains to describe,
      his biographical notes.     the most violent negation of the   return to its two-dimensional   this statement totally falsifies the
        In repeating certain postulates   existence of pictorial space (the   basis and to dismiss perspective,   basic artistic principles of
      which other writers have    exhibition, '5 x 5= 25', where   space and volume as relevant only   Productivism, and proves Bowlt's
      previously discussed with more   Rodchenko defies the very   to the relief and material   incapacity to understand their
      conceptual rigour, Bowlt plunges   existence of painting. For this   construction.' Then, the thread   philosophy of art and its place in
      into long theoretical       exhibition, cf. Taraboukine,   of confusion throughout Bowlt's   the totality of man's creative
      deliberations on Russian art in   `Le Dernier Tableau', Paris 1972).   arguments leads to such    activity. Tatlin's and Rodchenko's
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