Page 99 - Studio International - May June 1975
P. 99

ministers to penniless artists. Most   Brussels with an argument for   of my own project, I spoke about   a 'model' of sufficient use to all
       important, I found everyone   the vitality of a 'Brussels scene'   (and reproduced) work which   readers of art-magazines to
       extremely scrupulous to not   based on outsiders taking space   seemed characteristic of the   compensate for its appearance of
       influence me to praise whatever   in Le Bailli: although those   exhibitions as well as what I   egoism. For to achieve the sort of
       they were doing, their particular   outsiders had deserted Le Bailli   personally liked. Thus, there was   `objectivity' LFA purports to
       taste in art, or their friends or   months before because of a lack   only one reproduction of a work   support, one must be quite clear
       colleagues. Higher praise for   of that scene. Pointing this out to   by Raveel (Raveel's only   about one's 'subjectivity' - and as
       officials in a `Kunstpropaganda'   Studio, I said they'd look silly   presentation in the whole issue,   objective as possible about it. That
       department, or for 'professionals'   printing it as it stood, and   which is ludicrous in terms of the   Studio allows and encourages this
       within an art-world I cannot   suggested that they ask Ms.   quality of his work and his   - while politely protecting those
       imagine. And it was, of course,   Dobson to re-write it if possible.   influence in Belgium), although   who do not - is a tribute to the
       these people who were my initial   Until nothing appeared in the   after seeing a whole retrospective   honesty, analytic clarity, and
       contacts : I had names and   magazine about the activities of   of Raveel's work in Ghent, I   respect for art and humanity (as
       addresses in the French and   private galleries in Belgium, I   would have happily written an   distinct from art-world politics)
       Flemish sections of the Ministry   didn't know that it was not   article on him alone. But one must   on the part of its editor, Peter
       of Culture, of the other   possible. But as I was not willing   stop someplace, and I was assured   Townsend. Without his example
       contributors to the magazine,   to write about private galleries in   that something would be done to   in this over the last six years, I
       and of my own earlier      any case, this did not affect the   present 'the realists' in the final   would never had had the guts or
       acquaintances. My initial   scope of my own project.   version of the magazine.    the curiosity to 'take on' Belgium-
       questions were put to people in   My attitude was very different,   What finally appeared was   then or now.
       the ministries of culture: where   however, when I heard that Ms.   `Some Notes on Hyperrealists' by   Yours sincerely,
       was art-exhibition activity most   Mertens had included no   van Tieghem and Gheirlandt.   Barbara M. Reise
       concentrated and who was    reproductions with her essay on   What should have appeared in
       responsible for its administration   `constructive' artists and nothing   conjunction with this 'article' was
       there; and could I visit two art   at all on 'younger' artists, and -  the editorial information that the   P.S. In case my use of the term
       schools of very different types -  more seriously - that almost all   writing presented was an English   `take on' causes language problem
       one which might be considered   hope had been given up of getting   translation of texts from   disregarding LFA or non-English
       `wild' or `crazy' and possibly not   anything from van Tieghem about   Hyperrealisme published by Isy   readers, I should explain that it is a
       teaching 'art', the other the most   the 'Realists'. I had seen quite a   Brachot éditeur, Bruxelles, 1973.   slang term meaning `to take upon
       established and respectable   bit of these artists' work in the   If I had been Studio's editor I   oneself' either responsibility for,
       national school available? There   major public exhibitions I had   would have gone further than this   or a combatative challenge from.
                                                                                          I have used other rather
       seemed to be mutual agreement   visited (but which I had planned   proper crediting of sources and
       from French and Flemish officials                                                  specialized words and images, but
                                  to discuss only in terms of their   stated the reasons why these texts,   as these come from the worlds of
       on the answers, and it was from   cultural structure); I had   rather than one specially
       that information that I proceeded,                                                 photography and cuisine, they
                                  thought it was interesting work,   commissioned for the magazine,   should give LFA no trouble.
       with camera and notebooks, to   often excellent, and I had made   had been used. It would have been
       explore 'how is "art" defined by
                                  many photographs of it for my   honest journalism, and it would
       Belgians for the Belgians'.                            have been implicitly informative
                                  own future reference. The thought
         Some of this research    that these artists - obviously   about the concern of Belgians for
       necessariIy invoIved people who   representing the 'mainstream' of   what LFA called the 'Belgian
       were also contributing to the   recent Belgian art (albeit not   artists who don't look for any
       special issue, and in our   widely represented in public   direct succour and inspiration in
       discussions it emerged that there   collections) - should not be   the international fashion, but who
       were confusion about the   presented in the magazine at all   build up their own art according
       commissions from the editorial   was, to me, appalling. Appalling   to their own ideas'.
       staff in London. Particularly   partly because it would   For the fact is that it was the
       about when the contributions   certainly distort the magazine's   Belgians who did not care enough
       should be in London, who was   representation of Belgian art,   about the presentation of this art
       in charge of co-ordinating group   and partly because the character   to Studio's international
       decisions and writings, and   of the distortion (ignoring   readership to assure its status as
       whether or not the editor was   `middle-generation' artists in   the 'major' work. It was van
       arriving imminently to solve all   favour of young avant-gardies) is   Tieghem who was responsible for
       problems. The confusion seemed   one which I generally abhor in   the absence of the 'major' article
       to me to be partly the result of a   art-world publications. For such   on the 'Realists'. But I would
       curious similarity between   distortions create a publicity   extend the responsibility of this
       Studio's editor and the Belgians   (publication) basis for band-  failure to the other Belgian
       concerned: both sides seemed to   wagons of 'the next wave' of style   contributors and government
       prefer (and trust) spoken rather   categorizations, implicitly   officials who knew of his   Correspondence
       than written communications (the   devaluing (by ignoring) more   avoidance of this commission and
       Belgians seemed particularly   quiet, serious, individualistic work   communication about it - and
       adept at losing or not receiving   which is less amenable to such   did not clarify the situation or   Edward Lear
       letters) and both sides'   commodity manipulations: the   offer alternative proposals to   We have been commissioned
       communication seemed       cart before the horse, galloping   Studio's editorial staff. And even   by the Oxford University Press
       unusually polite, politically adept,   in a spiral away from art and into   to LFA itself. For I notice that   to edit a new collection of
       and vague. And it was summer,   cultural advertising. There are   they advertise their   Edward Lear's nonsense, and we
       everyone was thinking of holidays   many art-magazines which   representation of a number of   would like to appeal for any Lear
       (or taking them), so       generally specialize in doing just   those 'classic' and   material that your readers may
       communications were difficult   this, and amongst serious   individualistically Belgian artists   have.
       anyway.                    magazines attempting to     in the special issue in question. If   Yours faithfully,
        But on my return to London   maintain a balanced and aesthetic   they, like Isy Brachot, had   Vivien Noakes
                                                                                          CharIes Lewsen
       (after the `deadline' of the early   viewpoint, Studio has been   published a book on their artists   146 Hamilton Terrace,
       commissions) it was obvious that   unusually vulnerable to this   with texts of a critical level LFA   St. John's Wood, London
       almost anything (or nothing)   penchant. In this particular case, I   supposedly respects, perhaps   NW8 9UX Tel: 01-328 6754
       might come in from that originally   felt that allowing such a distortion   those texts would have been used
       `clear' context. So I asked to see   would be disastrous. So I offered   as stopgap material. In any case,   Denny and St Ives
       what did arrive before I began to   to expand my own project to   criticism, like charity, begins at   I have just seen the text of
       actually write my own piece. For 1   include a pictorial survey of   home - or ought to do so.   Robyn Denny's William
       had far more information than I   Belgian art which I saw (and   And that is finally the reason   Townsend Memorial Lecture,
       could use in my own project, and   often photographed) in those   for the length, character, and   `Art and the State and the State
       I was willing to shift some of my   exhibitions. Simply to ensure that,   focus of this letter. For by now it   of Art', Studio International,
       own perspectives to compensate   whatever else happened, some   should be obvious that I am   January/February 1975.
       for other losses in the magazine   presentation of this work would   arrogant in writing this. I only   I think it's about time that
       to maintain the 'whole' ; and I was   appear.          hope that the informational,   Denny and his generation stopped
       unwilling to duplicate       Thus my articIe became much   analytical, and criticaI picture of a   perpetuating, parrot-like, all
       information which otherwise   longer than planned, and I found   particular experience of   those vicious and unfounded
       might arrive. I was shown Ms.   myself talking about Belgian art   `criticism' within a particular   views first put about by
       Dobson's piece on Belgian   which I had not wanted to do. To   experience of magazine-editing   Lawrence Alloway - their chief
      galleries, which dealt only with    maintain the tone and parameters    which this presents stands as    mentor and leader - in his rather
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