Page 40 - Studio International - November December 1975
P. 40

specifically, of Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism   more precise definition 'real time' did serve its purpose
         on Structural/Materialist Film is not direct ; some films   a propos for example much of Warhol's filmwork
         were made before, during, or after essential works in   (interrupted by splices and leaderfogging).
         painting, in photography, in film, in writing. Work by
         Hill-Adamson, Lumiere, Vertov, Ruttman, Moholy-Nagy,   Reflexiveness
         Cameron, Klee, Kafka, Joyce, the Dadaists, Beckett lies   Another matter which the investigation of structural/
         at the root of much avant-garde practice this century."   materialist film brings forth is the bearing it has on
           The problematic of reading duration when viewing a   reflexiveness, which is inculcated by a film through
         painting was important to Klee and others. Actual    certain procedures. Reflexiveness, or self:reflexiveness,
         duration can only exist in film, in terms of the     or auto-reflexiveness, is a condition of self-consciousness
         approximation towards a 1 :1 relation between work and   which invigorates the procedure of filmic analysis during
         viewer (production time and 'reading' time). Vertov's   the film viewing event. Thus it is not merely a matter of
         Man With a Movie Camera, Eisenstein's Strike,        reflection, or thinking, broadly taken. Reflexiveness,
          Lumiere's films, form a core of basic work in this field of   as a concept, can serve a meaning counterproductive to
         research, the anti-illusionist project. As to structural   the direction structural/materialist film would give it.' 2
          music, Bach's preludes and fugues relate strongly to   It can, for example, serve as a decoy, an alibi, the opening
         some of the work of Terry Riley, Steve Reich (Stick   up of individual interpretation. Such simulacra turn the
         Piece), etc. More specific to film : 'real' time is more often   ideological thrust of an issue towards radically
         than not utilized in the structural/materialist film in   reactionary paths, and bring one's work clearly to a point
          clearly defined segments or in the film as a whole, thus   where each conceptual entity must be absolutely clearly
          breaking from illusionistic time (substructured in codes of   defined and rigorously made clear, in order not to move
          narrativity). The closing of the gap in space between   down a blind alley. Without such rigour, one finds the
          viewer and viewed, and between the representation in   illusionist, narrative, identificatory individualist mode of
          one shot and another, is a basic repressive illusionist   cinema is re-presented, re-instated without a battle, and
         device. The implication of an unseen splice to integrate   the wearying struggle to define clearly and precisely
         two shots also elides the function of editing, the function   becomes recuperated at the moment of least vigilance.
         of producing, from material segments, a new complex   A weak link in one's analysis of idealist, anti-materialist
          relation. Instead, there is a seeming natural flow   practices, can turn a whole body of work (in film, for
          established, which suppresses all procedures of the   example) to uselessness in affecting a forthcoming film's
          editing stages. The concept of integration rather than   radically retrograde practice.
          disruption is predicated on a repression of the material   A film practice in which one watches oneself watching
          relations specific to the film process, and this of course is   is reflexive ; the act of self-perception, of consciousness
          not unconnected with the violence done to (eradicate)   per se, becomes one of the basic contexts of one's
          the adequate presentation of material relations in the   confrontation with work. The process of the production of
          sphere of ideology, of the image, of plastic representation,   film making, and the filmic practice of filmviewing as
          narrative mimesis, etc. Attempted in structural/    production, become interlinked. 'Reflection' does
          materialist film is a non-hierarchical, cool, separate   ideological combat with self-consciousness,
          unfolding of a perceptual activity. That perceptual   reflexiveness. To operate thusly is to break the dichotomy
          activity is not to be understood as relegating the primary   between feeling and thinking, or rather to break the
          function to the individual perceiver, who of course is   illusion of their necessary separation and the illusion of
          embedded in ideological structures/strictures. The   their automatic oneness. The filmic enterprise, if such,
          problematics of perception as a concept have yet to be   presents consciousness of film to the self. The radical
          delineated. Still, film is a perceptual activity (amongst   rejection of the representation of consciousness is a main
          others) and without perception and the relations    concept.
          attendant upon that process there is no film practice   Film cannot adequately represent consciousness any
          (or in any case not one that is non-idealistic, not one that   more than it adequately represents meaning ; all are
          is not mechanistically materialist).                transparently, invisibly, encumbered by mystificatory
                                                              systems and interventions which are distortions,
          Distance                                            repressions, selections, etc. That a film is not a window to
          Through the attempted non-hierarchical, cool, separate   life, to a set of meanings, to a pure state of image/meaning,
          unfolding a distance(ing) is sought. This distance   ought to be self-understood. Thus the documenting of
          reinforces (rather than denying) the dialectic interaction   an act of film-making is as illusionist in practice as the
          of viewer with each film moment, necessary if it is not to   documenting of a narrative action (fiction) (within certain
          pass into passiveness and needlessness. This interaction   codes, both). And consciousness is as encumbered by the
          on the level of flesh and on the level of critical praxis is   illusionist devices of cinema, if one is attempting to
          obvious. The real time element demands such a       document 'it', as anything else. Filmic reflexiveness is the
          consciousness and will. I can here only hint at the deeper   presentation of consciousness to the self and
          problematic within which the 'real time' 1 :1 relation   consciousness of the way one deals with the material
          between viewer and viewed is located.               operations; filmic reflexiveness is forced through
                                                              cinema's materialist operations of filmic practice.' 3
          Aspects of Time                                       Self-consciousness, and consciousnessperse, must in
          (1)  'Real time', that is, time present as it is for the film-  no way imply consciousness as deflecting onto a
          maker, denoted not connoted at the stage of shooting,   mythical subject; it must in no way imply transcendence
          editing, printing, projecting, and interrelations of these.   or transcendent subjectivity ; it does not set itself up in
          Commonly, 'real time' is presented in single takes or film   opposition to real relations, ie consciousness as
          segments utilized for their actual duration (often after   knowledge in opposition to material relations as
          many viewings they separate themselves as such).     knowledge. One can see it in a schematic—|—form, the
          (2)  There is illusionistic time, time made to seem what it is   horizontal being the work upon which functions operate
          not, as in conventional and in much, it must be said,   (the film plane), the vertical being 'consciousness', the
          Eisensteinian editing. Cutting from 10.15 London     line to the recipient as her/his necessary mode of
          interior the lovers kiss, to midnight, near the lake,   inculcated dialectic operation.
          husband and wife murder each other, longshot. (Either
          implying a linear thread of events, with time compressed,   Technique
          or a simultaneity, with time compressed). (3) The third   Access to involvement with technique is the formidable
          'example' is that of post- Newtonian time, Einsteinian   basis of all art which poses questions seriously, and
          time. There is here no absolute value other than that of   which moves forward to new stages of development, the
          the interaction of film moment and viewer. This      working through of contradiction in its practice. Thus
          relativistic time may but does not necessarily connect to   technical innovation is itself ideologically conditioned ; in
          'real time'. The notion of 'real time' on its own fails to take   many cases innovations and conceptual entities were not
          account precisely of this relativistic nature of time, the   thought through inside a culture though the apparati and
          absence of some universal clock, though for lack of a   the actual scientific discoveries were already present. Or
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