Page 8 - Is the Camera the Friend or Foe of Art - The Studio - June 1893
P. 8

Is the Camera the Friend or Foe of Art?

                the instantaneous process, for action in figures and   From Mr. WALTER SICKERT.
                animals, as well as for the character of skies and   SIR,—In proportion as a painter or a draughts-
                sea, and other rapidly moving objects. In such   man works from photographs, so is he sapping his
                cases, however, only the skilled artist can apply it,   powers of observation and of expression. It is
                as he does a few leading character lines in black   much as if a swimmer practised in a cork jacket, or
                and white.                                  a pianist by turning a barrel-organ. For drawing,
                  Photography has been a great evil in causing   which should express three dimensions, is substi-
                mechanics in art to make laborious unartistic   tuted a kind of mapping, and colour is simply
                studies and persist in calling them pictures. Such   non-existent.   Coelum, non cameram mutat, as Mr.
                artists, so-called, often despise and reject true art,   Whistler recently said of  a  much-travelled photo-
                because it does not give those photographic details   painter. It would be well if the fact that a
                which are called finish. Photography has in no way   painting was done from or on a photograph were
                benefited true art, the proof being that nearly all   always stated in the catalogue. A serious critic
                the greatest art was produced before it was dis-  should be able to detect the most blatant cases for
                covered; the best art is that which is furthest   himself. It is extremely misleading to the public
                removed from photography.                   and to young students to find work of that order
                                          JAMES ORROCK.     critically compared to works of pure craftsmanship,
                  48 BEDFORD SQUARE, W.                     without a hint of the means employed. It sets
                                                            false standards, and compares things that have not
                          From Mr. JOSEPH PENNELL.          a common denomination. The sentence that seems
                                                            to me to contain both the aesthetics and the
                  SIR,—I don't think photography has had any
                                                            morals of this question, I heard from the lips of
                influence upon modern art at all—that is, upon
                                                            Sir John Gilbert, a splendid authority.  "I think,"
                the art of men like Whistler, Degas, Chavannes,
                                                            he said,  "an artist must do it all himself."—I am,
                Rodin, Gilbert, and Gaudeur.
                                                            sir, your obliged and obedient,
                  The use of photographs by artists, however, is a
                                                                                    WALTER SICKERT.
                very different matter, and I do not propose to give
                away the tricks of the trade. By refraining I have
                no doubt I shall receive the silent blessings of
                the multitude of duffers among whom I find    No doubt the correspondence opened under the
                myself.—Yours truly,                        above heading will arouse others to express their
                                         JOSEPH PENNELL.    views upon the subject, and although in a magazine
                  CAEN.                                     which appeals to a large number of different tastes,
                                                            it is not possible to promise to publish every com-
                          From Mr. JOHN M. SWAN.            munication that may be sent in, yet the editor will
                                                            be pleased to hear from any one interested in the
                  SIR,—In answer to your letter of the 9th instant,
                                                            matter. If any amateurs or professionals have
                I consider photography of great value as a scientific
                                                            taken pictures which fulfil the conditions set forth
                aid to the education of the sight, but in no way
                                                            in the article on "The Naissance of Art in
                related to art, which is essentially human and emo-
                                                            Photography," or which contradicting any of them
                tional. The instantaneous photographs of Muy-
                                                            yet remain genuinely valuable for their artistic
                bridge and Anschutz reveal the truth of the
                                                            excellence, they will be equally welcome. It is
                Japanese in their rendering of the flight of birds
                                                            necessary, however, that such subjects should be
                produced long before photography.
                                                            essentially pictures. Coming to practical details, it
                  I consider one half of the pictures of modern
                                                            is best that such pictures should be ordinary silver
                 exhibitions at home and abroad developments of
                                                            prints, and if the owner reserves the right of repro-
                photography. The photograph is the historian of
                                                            duction the fact must be clearly stated ; otherwise,
                 light and time, and may be, like Herodotus, the
                                                            the editor holds himself at liberty to have blocks
                 father of lying—one cannot fathom the depth of it.
                                                            made from any sent in to illustrate the points raised
                   The art is still with the savage, working in pro-
                                                            in the discussion. It should also be said that
                 found ignorance, but with the affection of  a child,
                                                            technical excellence may or may not be admirable
                 the pattern of his club.—I am, my dear sir, yours
                                                            from our point of view, and that any photographs,
                 very truly,
                                           JOHN M. SWAN.    whether landscape, marine, costume, or the nude,
                  3 ACACIA ROAD, N.W.                       will be considered entirely in their pictorial aspect.
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