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the clock of Archimedes on the British Museum, the   nineteenth century. British Museum, Add. 211   as the inventor of the clepsydra with figures and balls.
           Oxford, and Paris manuscripts. Their schematic   Boehn illustrates a similar subject, fig. 382.   The representation of bellows in Egyptian art goes back
           drawing of the clock is accompanied by a description                                 to 1500 B.C. It would be surprising if they did not use
           here given in an abbreviated form. The clock is set   14 Su Sung's astronomical clock in Honan A.D.   siphons before the time of Philo. Meissner, vol. 2, p.
           in motion by the float (b) which sinks as water   1090. A general diagram of the works - a water-  313, mentions the Babylonians' use of the siphon in
           leaves the container (a) through the pipe (c). The   driven mechanism. From a reprint of Su Sung's   healing.
           speed of flow is regulated by (d) (e) (f) and (g).   Hsin I Hsiang Fa Tao, Shanghai, 1937.   Very little is known about the lives of the Alexandrian
           Water now flows into the basin (i) from (g), and   See Needham, vol. 4:2, pp. 446-65.   scientists and mechanics. The generally accepted dates at
           goes to the container (k). It runs into the spoon (1)                                present are; Ctesibius c. 300-230 B.C.; Philo c. 250 B.C.;
           which tips as soon as it is filled. Now various   15a-d These illustrations are from 2 manuscripts of an   Hero c. A.D. 60. The Alexandrian Museum was the chief
           automata are set in motion in the lower part of the   Arabic work translated into Persian, and produced   centre of Greek science.
           clock (snakes and singing birds) (n) (q). A mechanism   in India. The Cosmography- Ajā'ib   Hero gives an indication of the maximum size of his
           of weights (o). Through the fine opening in   al-makhlākāt by Zakariyyā  ibn Muhammad ibn   automata when stating that they should never be so
           the wind chamber (p) the water flows into (k)   Mahmūd al-Kazvini, is regarded as the most valuable   big as to give rise to the suspicion of a hidden operator.
           where, after the running down of the clock (12 hours   book produced in this field by the Arabic middle   The writers who persist in spreading the myth that
           in the present reconstruction) it is emptied via the   ages. (Dictionary of Islam, 1927.)   Hero writes about temple doors  being opened by steam
           tap (r). The authors' outline of the activity   Illustration 15a is from British Museum   power, reveal that they have not consulted the authori-
           of the upper part of the clock is not given here.   Add. 16739, fol. 224 V. The ms. is Provincial   tative translation of the  Pneumatics by Schmidt which
           The clock was almost 4 meters high.       Mughal, dated 1558. Illustrations 15b-d are from   uses the diminutive  Tempelchen  when translating the
           8b As soon as one hour has passed, the    British Museum Or. 7968. This is an abridged version   relevant passage.
           executioner strikes the jointed neck of one of the   of the seventeenth-century.     Wiedemann refers to several accounts of sculptures
           bound men, and it falls on to the chest. 12 to 14   15a A music box. 'As often as the figure   suspended by magnetic force in Arabic and Indian cul-
           figures were used in this detail of the clock. In   revolves it makes the tambours sound.'   ture. These works were usually in the form of chapels,
           the illustration the upper parts of the figures   15b Folio 225 R. 'When the king sits on a throne a   whose interior was faced with magnetic stone, carefully
           are left out to reveal the mechanism.     figure like a servant draws the cables round the   arranged so that the sculpture would be suspended in
           8c At the conclusion of each hour, doors open and   golden plate, the doors open, the figures stand up   space. When attempts were made to remove some of the
           riders stand on top of their horses.      and take up their arms (weapons) and stand around   stones, the sculpture collapsed on to the ground. There
           8d This extremely important drawing shows a means   the throne and as long as the king is seated so they   is also a mention of an Arabic author (thirteenth cen-
           by which time was indicated. It recalls the   remain there. But when the king rises, his   tury) who writes about a Christian chapel in Constanti-
           pointing figure used in the clepsydra by Ctesibius.   servant pulls the ropes and it opens(sic) and the   nople with magnetic stone and floating sculpture.
           Illustrations 8b, 8c and 8d, are from British   figures go back to their places. In this wise. God   All quotations referring to China are from Needham,
           Museum Add. 23,391, A treatise on the construction   knows best.'                    vol. 4:2.
           of hydraulic clocks by Archimedes. Arabic ms.   15c Folio 225 R. 'The one who was lighting candles.   The author would like to thank the following: Miss
           seventeenth-century. For translation and detailed   They make another frame and beneath it they fix   Norah M. Titley, Mr G. Meredith-Owens, Department
           description see Wiedemann and Hauser.     a wheel on an axle and on top of the axle a   of Oriental Books and Mss, British Museum, and other
           Drachmann points out that there are no connections   figure. In its hand is a candle and beneath the whole   members of the staff of the British Museum; Professor
           with Archimedes, and suggests that this is the work of   is a cistern full of sand which is heaped up.   J. C. Wright, Professor of Sanskrit, University of
           a Muslim inventor, who has placed together details   When the sand from the heap goes on to the spindle   London; Mr Robert Skelton, Indian Section, Victoria
           from sources such as Philo and Hero.      of the wheel, it causes the wheel to revolve, which   and Albert Museum. Photographs by courtesy of the
                                                     turns the axle and makes the figure turn round.   Trustees of the British Museum. (This article was
           9 From a Persian ms. of the Shāhnāma by Firdausi   In the hand of the figure a lighted candle is placed   handed to the publisher in the autumn of 1968; the
           (c. 932-1020-21). British Museum, Or. 12,688,   and it lights the candles round the framework.'   introductory statement and notes were completed in the
           folio 106. A.D. 1446. 2 vol.              15d Folio 225 V. This automaton is for table use.   summer of 1969.)
           Firdausi's account of the flight of Shah Kai Kāūs   After the cup of the winebearer is automatically
           is based on an incident in the semi-legendary history   filled inside the building, the door opens, the cup-
           of Iran. The Shah wishing to fly towards other   bearer emerges, pours the wine into a goblet   Selected bibliography
           planets, constructs a throne of aloe, with seats of   placed by him, and returns inside. At that moment,   Hans Bonnet.  Reallexicon der Agyptischen Religionsge-
           gold. At every corner there is a spear from   the equestrian figure above the dome ceases its   schichte. Berlin, 1952.
           which is suspended a lamb's leg. Four starved eagles   motion. The person at whom the figure's javelin is   E.A.T.W. Budge.  A Guide to the Babylonian and Assyrian
           are tied to the throne. They rise, reaching for the   pointing receives the goblet.   Antiquities. London, 1922.
           food, bringing the throne into the sky. But they                                     Alfred Chapuis, Edouard Gélis. Le Monde des Automates.
           get exhausted, and bring the Shah back to earth.   16 These frames are taken from a film made in the   Paris, 1928. 2 vol.
           Warner, Vol. 2, p. 103.                   Fuel Technology Department, Sheffield University,   James T. Culbertson. The Mind of Robots. Urbana, 1963.
           Seeing this image for the first time immediately after   in 1963. It shows a Perambulating Fire-detecting   H. Diels.  fiber die von Prokop beschriebene Kunstuhr von
           the first landing by men on the moon, one is   and Extinguishing Robot, built for Professor   Gaza. Abh. der Konigl. Preuss. Ak. der Wiss. Berlin,
           inevitably struck by correspondences with the U.S.   M. W. Thring, Head of the Department of   1917. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Nr. 7.
           Lunar Module Eagle which made the first   Mechanical Engineering, Queen Mary College,   A. G. Drachmann. Ktesibios, Philon and Heron. A Study in
           landing on the moon.                      London. A flame is placed near the moving robot.   Ancient Pneumatics. Copenhagen, 1948.
                                                     It homes onto the flame, discharges foam, thus   Encyclopedia of World Art. London, 1959-68. 15 vol.
           10 From Needham, vol. 4:2, p. 571. 'The oldest   dousing the flame.                 Friedrich Hauser.  fiber das kitab al hijal-das Werk uber
           printed picture of the aerial car of the mythical   The relations of this contemporary robot and Hero's   die sinnreichen Anordnungen- der Benū  Mūsā. Abh. zur
           Chi-Kung people, a page from the I Yü Thu Chih   automata are self-evident (ill. le). We might   Gesch. der Naturw. und der Med. Heft. 1. Erlangen,
           encyclopaedia, c. +  1430, first printed + 1489. The   recall that fire-pumps form part of the work of   1922.
           inscription is approximately identical with the passage   Alexandrian mechanics from Philo onwards.   L. W. King.  Babylonian Boundary Stones and Memorial-
           of the Po Wu Chih  translated in the text. The one   There is no need to labour the technical   Tablets in the British Museum. London, 1912. 2 vol.
           wheel appears to be toothed; did the artist think of it   superiority of Thring's robot over most of   A. Lansing.  The Egyptian Expedition. The Excavations at
           as facing the air like a vertical wind-wheel?'   twentieth-century kinetic art.       Lisht.  Bulletin Metropolitan Museum of Art. New
                                                                                                 York, 1934. Section 11.
           11 a-d Both Laufer and Raghavan find it difficult   17 From John Wilkins' Mathematicall Magick or the   Berthold Laufer. The Prehistory of Aviation. Field Museum
           not to believe in the existence of flying machines in   Wonders that may be performed by Mechanicall   of Natural History, Chicago, 1928. Anthropological
           ancient India, the latter basing his views on the   Geometry in two books. London, 1648. Book 2   Series, vol. 18, No. 1.
           profusion of information in the literature regarding   `Daedalus; or, Mechanical Motions'. Chapter 13   G. Maspero. New Light on Ancient Egypt. London, 1909.
           `seating capacity, travelling range, difference   `Concerning severall attempts of contriving a   Bruno Meissner.  Babylonien und Assyrien.  Heidelberg,
           in speed, accidents, materials and methods of   perpetuall motion by magnetic virtues'.   1925. 2 vol.
           manufacture'.                             The loadstone AB attracts the bullet of steel C along   Joseph Needham.  Science and Civilization in China.
           These illustrations are from a Sanskrit manuscript   the plane EF. Due to gravity, the bullet falls into the   Cambridge, 1954 - See particularly vol. 4:2, 1965.
           of the Ramayana  by Valmiki. The ms. is in   hole at E. It is carried with force to the end of   Paulys  Real-Encyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissen-
           three heavy volumes in European leather binding.   the arch, and returns to the place where it started   schaft, Stuttgart, 1894-
           It is from Mewar, seventeenth to eighteenth   moving perpetually. The author then proceeds   V. Raghavan. Yantras or Mechanical Contrivances in
           century. British Museum, Or. 23,000. Many of the   to undermine this idea.            Ancient India. The Indian Institute of Culture, Trans-
           illustrations show flight mechanical, human,                                          actions No. 10. Bangalore, 1952.
           spirits, animal. The illustrations have been selected   General Notes                George Sarton.  Introduction to the History of Science.
           to show some of the variety of craft shown in the ms.   Now, when men are aiming to use the gravitational   Baltimore, 1927-48. 3 vol.
           11a Refer to Raghavan p. 28, for an account of   fields of planets as boosters on long space journeys,   Science Journal. Machines Like Men. London, October,
           large flying craft-Dāru-vimāna  used in battle,   concepts such as this acquire a new significance.   1968.
           whose powerful noise threw elephants out of control.   Throughout history, the sphere of automata,   Wilhelm Schmidt. Herons von Alexandria Druckwerke und
           11b This illustration is particularly significant since it   kinetic art, and flight, provided a forcing ground for   Automatentheater. Leipzig, 1899.
           reveals that the artist gave no indication   ideas, feelings, and techniques, that were later   A. G. Warner and E. Warner, Ed.  The Shāhnāma of
           of any mechanism within the craft.        applied in technology on a vastly extended scale.   Firdausi. London, 1905-25. 9 vol.
                                                     The smoke steam and scent of the burning sacrifice and   Eilhard Wiedemann.  Beiträge zur Geschichte der Natur-
           12 Illustration from a Persian ms. of the   incense suffusing the temples of the Middle East, the   wissenschaften. In Sitz. der Phys. Med. Soz. Erlangen,
           Shāhnāma by Firdausi. British Museum, Or.   vision and sound of the falling water, wine or oil of the   1902-28.
           1403, folio 278 R. A.D. 1437. The subject is   libation, created a carefully anticipated environment   E. Wiedemann und F. Hauser.  Uhr des Archimedes und
           Isfandiyar and his box 'set about with swords', and   which related to many levels, including the aesthetic.   zwei andere Vorrichtungen.  In Nova Acta. Abh. der
           his fight with an evil dragon-like creature-the   Here is a major phase of kinetic art.   Kaiserl. Leop. Carol. Deutschen Ak. der Naturfor-
           Simurgh. For first mention of box, Warner, Vol. 5   The Egyptian influence on the Greek scientists and   scher. Halle, 1918. Band 103, Nr. 2.
           p. 126: Isfandiyār and the Simurgh, ibid, p. 132.   mechanics is one of the most difficult but also one   B. Woodcroft, Ed.  The Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria.
                                                     of the most rewarding areas of study in the field of   London, 1851.
           13 Puppets in the street. From an album of crafts   automata. When more research has taken place, it is   F.  A. Wright, Ed.  The Works of Liudprand of Cremona.
           and entertainment. China, first half of the    quite likely that Ctesibius will no longer be acclaimed    London, 1930.
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