Page 31 - Studio International - April 1965
P. 31

masses, but do so not for any emotional satisfaction,   shock of pleasure—this would explain the appeal of
                                  but merely to promote the sale of a periodical carrying   painters like Larry Rivers, Kitaj, and Rauschenberg.
                                  commercial advertisements. The whole range of such   Such painters have a recognisable 'hand-writing' and
                                  popular images is a by-product of competitive      assemble their visual debris with sensitive feeling for
                                  capitalism and as such does not exist in non-capitalist   colour and composition. It may be doubted, however,
                                  countries.                                         whether these remnants of an aesthetic conscience are
                                   I do not make such an observation with an ethical   enough to rescue their works from final incoherence.
                                  bias: art has always been indifferent to moral laws. It is   It will be said that such aesthetic criteria are beside
                                  conceivable that the visual images invented for the ex-  the point: this is anti-art, not art, and aesthetics is a
                                  ploitation of the public could be the subject-matter of a   dirty word. The pop-artist is like those atheists who
                                  genuine pictorial art, and the work of the American   make a religion of their disbelief: he does not accept
                                  painter, Stuart Davis, often claimed as a precursor of   any standards of judgement. He does not address any
                                  'pop-art', is an example of a genuine art of this kind.   audience and does not represent any point of view. He
                                  But in the paintings of Stuart Davis the images submit   echoes Goethe's poem from which the nihilist Max
                                  to an aesthetic discipline : they are composed as care-  Stirner took his slogan : he has staked everything on
                                  fully as the images in an academic painting—indeed   nothingness :
                                  Stuart Davis might be criticised for his academic use of   Ich hab'mein sach' auf nichts gestellt.
          Larry Rivers
          Africa 1962-63          popular images. Occasionally a pop-artist may use this   A philosophy of nihilism, of extreme egoism, is per-
          Oil on canvas 112 3/4 x 133 in.   material with an intellectual acuteness and com-  missible, but it must be expressed coherently if it is to be
          Marlborough-Gerson Gallery
          New York                positional skill that give the spectator a momentary   taken seriously. And for all his scorn of moral and
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