Page 37 - Studio International - December 1965
P. 37



                                  both  terrible  and  calm  similar  to  the  first discoverer  of   brought  five  paintings  shown  for  the  first  time  at  the
                                  the  swallowed  cities  of  Egypt and of  Sumer  having no   Museum of Havre last November. the sudden joy which
                                  landmark but solar star of the heart of enormous space   bursts  out  makes  the  colours  appear  as  the  plainsong
                                  in  which  it  advances.  adding  at  each step  its  solitude   of a work arriving at its triumphant maturity.  Hung. one
                                  and fixing it bewilderingly as the  'double'  of its proper   beside the other. these paintings. where the painter has
                                  look.  Here  Ur  and  Tyr.  two  of  his  most  amazing   harmonized  the  signs  by  painting  a  plat  on  various
                                  canvasses.  where  the  graphism  unfolds  itself  in  the   layers  of  mineral-like  material.  are  presented  as  a
                                  manner  of  a  visionary  architect  rediscovering  in  the   theatre  of  forms  where  everything  is  foreseen  and
                                  sand the mad plan of the dead city.  Builder  in his own   planned  for  something  which  will  occur  when  man
                                  fashion.  Piaubert erects cathedrals or palaces.  suggests   takes the chance?  But  will  he  dare?
          1                       the gardens. imagines the  phantasmagoric  monuments   The  work  of  Piaubert  is  an  interrogation  that  each
          Paintmg 1964
                                  and  wrests  from  the  foam  filled  crypts  marvellous   painting  conveys  more  and more agonizingly  on  time.
          2                       flowers  blooming  in  the  light  of  day.  Thus  he   on space and on ourselves; in the living contemporary
          Metachromsme I  1964
                                  demonstrates that if  life  is the scandal of reason.  art  is   art  it  has  acquired  the  value  and  importance.  not  of
          3                       the challenge to it.  In the cycle of 'Palingenesie' which   an  apparition. but of an incarnation.   ■
          Painting  1964
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