Page 44 - Studio International - December 1965
P. 44


                               Mathieu 1965
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                                                                                 having been greatly promoted by Pierre Loeb. one of the
                                                                                 most astute and experienced art dealers in Paris. whose
                                                                                 recent death severely impoverished the art world of Paris.
                                                                                   Loeb put me in touch with Mathieu. and when I called
                                                                                 on  him  I  was  somewhat  taken  aback  by  his  quaint
                                                                                 appearance and eccentric behaviour. the latter becom­
                                                                                 ing more apparent when  I discovered that he had very
                                                                                 few canvases hanging on the walls of the large mansion
                                                                                 where  he  lived  alone.  apart  from  the  company  of
                                                                                 Socrates.  Aristotle  and  other  ancient  philosophers
                                                                                 whose  plaster  busts.  set  atop  high  white  pedestals.
                                                                                 were  turned  with  their  faces  to  the  corner  in  every
                                                                                 room. Somewhat mystified by the absence of canvases.
                                                                                 which most artists like to exhibit in their homes. I asked
                                                                                 if  I could see some of his work.  ·certainly'. he replied,
                                                                                 having demonstrated his own personal views on philo­
                                                                                 sophers.  and  led  me  to  another  room.  where  I  was
                                                                                 astonished  to  see  that  the  floor  was  covered  with
                                                                                 quantities  of  paintings.
                                                                                  With the toe of one of his elegant. fashionable shoes,
                                                                                 he gave a kick to each canvas in turn. explaining simply
                                                                                 that this represented that. and that represented this 1
                                                                                   My main impression on leaving him was that he was
                                                                                 certainly a talented artist with a very smart commercial
                                                                                 approach. This I later discovered to be true. because he
                                                                                 is  employed  as  chief  designer  to  the  United  States
                                                                                 Lines  Company.
                                                                                  A  most  impressive  exhibition  entitled  ·ouelques
                                                                                 Toiles  Parfaites  de  Utrillo'  is  now  being  held  at  the
                                                                                 Galerie  Rene  Drouet,  where  fifteen  outstanding  can­
                                                                                 vases. dating from his famous White Period to works of
                                                                                 circa 1925 are  on  show.
                                                                                  At least four of the major canvases being exhibited at
                                                                                 the  Gallery originate  from _the  collection  of  Monsieur
                                                                                 Paul  Guillaume.  whose widow.  Madame Jean Walter.
                                                                                 has  donated  them.  along  with  a  large  part  of  her
                                                                                 fabulous collection. to the newly  renovated  Musee  de
                                                                                 l'Orangerie.  I understand that these magnificent works
                                                                                 will  be  on  show  when  the  Musee  will  shortly  be
                                                                                 opened  to  the  public.  It  took  three  or  four  years  to
                                                                                 renovate entirely the  Musee de Jeu de  Paumes. where
                                                                                 all  the  masterpieces  by  the  Impressionists  are  now
                                                                                 housed as a section of the  Louvre.
                                                                                  Here in Paris we are all awaiting excitedly the  similar
                                                                                 reopening  of  the  Musee  de  l'Orangerie  to  which
                                                                                 Madame  Jean Walter has so generously  given.  in  the
                                                                                 interest of the art-lover. both connoisseur and amateur.
                                                                                  The  Galerie de  L'Elysee  (69  Faubourg  Saint-Honore.
                                                                                 Paris  8)  is  situated  right  opposite  the  Galerie  Rene
                                                                                 Drouet.  Here  Monsieur  Alex  Maguy  runs  an  elegant
                                                                                 establishment where. in the private back-room office. he
                                                                                 shows  to discriminating collectors paintings  of  great
                                                                                 value and importance. Alex Maguy was formerly a pro­
                                                                                 minent  couturier.  who  himself  collected  paintings  to
                                                                                 decorate his flat on the Ouai des Orfevres. where  I used
                                                                                 to be his next-door neighbour. Now he has become one
                                                                                 of the leading and most successful art-dealers in  Paris.
                                                                                  When I called on him the other day I was astonished at
                                                                                 the number of truly remarkable canvases he showed me
                                                                                 by  the  Impressionists:  Pissaro.  Sisley,  Monet.  Van
                                                                                 Gogh  (whose  L 'Homme  assis  pres  du  P6ele  is  one
                                                                                 of his best).  He  recently sold a painting by Rouault to
                                                                                 the  Pope.  Leger.  Derain  and  Braque  (of  the  Fauve
                                                                                 period)  also  several  Bonnards  are  amongst the  many
                                                                                 masterpieces in his possession. Those who have a keen
                                                                                 interest. and the means to acquire works of art of top
                                                                                 quality should visit the Galerie de L'Elysee and ask to be
                                                                                 shown some of the treasures.                  ■
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