Page 47 - Studio International - December 1965
P. 47


                                 terms.  While Youngerman relies largely on his drawing,   are relatively careful, but the monotony of his canvases
                                 Heron  relies  largely  on  his  selection  of  the  right   suggests  that this  economy  of means is  carried to the
         Jack Youngerman         relationships  in  colour.  Both  painters  extend  specific   point of poverty.
         8/ue-Whire-Red 1965     modern traditions with dignity.                     Many  of the directions pursued  today  are  prefigured
         Plastic paint on canvas
         108 X 87 in.             At  the  Graham  Gallery,  a  wholly  different  kind  of   in  an  interesting  exhibition  at  Knoedler  &  Co.  called
         Betty  Parsons Gallery
                                 economy  is  apparent  in  the  work  of  Mario  Yrisarry,  a   'Synchromism  and  Colour  Principles  in  American
         2                       young  purist  obsessed  with  a  single  problem.   His   Painting'.   This  exhibition  exhaustively  explores  the
         Patrick Henry  Bruce
         Forms on  Table 1925-26   paintings  are  almost  invariably  conceived  in  terms  of   early  Synchromist  movement,  active  in  Paris  shortly
         Oil                     trompe l'oeil  relief.  He has discovered that if he paints   before and after the  First World War.  Although neither
         28¾ X 36!,: in.
         Knoedler  & Co.         a  sharply  delineated  edge  and  then  grades  it  off.  he   Stanton  Macdonald-Wright  nor  Morgan  Russell,  the
         Owned by Lane Foundation   will get a form which appears flat on one side, recessed   two  leading  figures  in  the short-lived movement,  ever
         3                       on  the  other.   With  this  limited  discovery,  Yrisarry   proved  themselves  to  be  major  painters,  they  were
         Mario Yrisarry          proceeds to  fashion  paintings  in  which configurations   certainly  closely  attuned  to  European  avant-garde
         Pinkster 1965
         Acrylic                 occur  to  the  eye,  gestalt-fashion.  confounding  it   thinking and probably had some effect on the painting
         68 X 82 in.             slightly.  His  studies  in  breaking  and  resuming  forms   back  home.  The sole figure  emerging  as a  surprise  in
         Graham Gallery
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