Page 57 - Studio International - December 1965
P. 57

POTTERY                                                         NEW COPPER PLATE PRESSES


                                                                       Further  details  from

                 Sections showing the development of a pot
                 thrown  on  a  'MILLS  &  HUBBALL'  wheel.             THE  RUSKIN  SCHOOL

               Write for our  Catalogue and Instruction Book.
             KILNS ·  •  WHEELS  •  CLA V                               OF DRAWING AND OF

             GLAZES  •  COLOURS  •  TOOLS                                              FINE  ART

           A complete range of equipment and materials
       designed and chosen for use in schools and studios.                          ASHMOLEAN  MUSEUM
       MILLS  &  HUBBALL LTD.                                              University of Oxford Certificate Course in Fine Art

       DEPT. Z.,  Victoria  Rise,  Clapham  Common,  London,  S.W.4            Syllabus and full details from the Secretary

                            BES'l'  QUAf_,f'}'-i_·                              BEAUTIFUL  HAND-MADE
           POWDER  COLOUR  PIGMENTS                                    6

                    also  GUHS,  RESINS,  ,v AX,  etc.                               ARTISTS  BRUSHES
                          Price list on application to
                                                                                Available direct from manufacturer to  user.  Write today
           L. ()OBNELISSEN  &  SON                                             for our comprehensive price list for all cra:fismen' s  brushes
           22  GltEA'I'  QUEEN  S'l'UEE'l'.  J_,ONDON.  ,vc2
                                                                                SUPERLATIVE QUALITY ARTISTS BRUSHES
                                                                                for OILS, WATER COLOUR PAINTING,
          ----FOR  AMATE U R  OR  PROFESSIONAL----
                                                                                LETTERING, GILDING and every kind of

                                                                                art-work or-meticulous detail
                           ALL  ACCESSORIES
                  POTTERS  EQUIPMENT  CO.                                       Introductory offer-we will send you a set of six beauti­
                73-77  BRITANNIA  ROAD,  LONDON,  S.W.6                         fully  balanced  and  finished  artists  brushes  in  seamless
          TELEPHONE                                    RENOWN  1331             drawn  ferrules  for  20/- postage  paid.  These  brushes
                                                                                will  delight  you  with  their  high  standard  and  flawless
                                                                                performance-and are unconditionally guaranteed.  Send
                   JEAN   STRAKER'S   NEW  AESTHETIC-this   visual              today for this aid to better painting.  Simply  complete
                   challenge  seeks  to discover and  expose  some  of  the bases of   coupon  below  and send together  with your  remittance
                   taboo  relating  to  the portrayal  of the  nude in  art which  many   for 20/-.
                   feel  are now  outmoded  and incompatible with the well-being
                   of  the  mind.  For  details  of  the  exclusive  source  of  Jean   Please tick the correct box in the coupon below.
                   Straker's  photographic  art,  the  Femina  Picture  Library,  send   -------------,
                   £1  ( $5.00)  for  illustrated  booklet  and  specimen studies  to:   r
                        ACADEMY  OF  VISUAL  ARTS                     I NAME--..  -·-...... .  ====     1 □    I  enclose  P.O.  for  2'J/- for
                         12  SOHO  SQUARE,  LONDON  W1,  ENGLAND                                              a set of Pure Kolinsky Sables   I
                                                                                                              Nos.  1-C inclusive for water­
                                                                      I  ADDRESS ... . . ..........     2     col,>ur  painting-MEDIUM   I
                                                                       __ ............................ ·-··· .................... ·--·-· .. ·· .... ---··
                                                                                                              LENGTH  HAIR.
                                                                                                              as  box  No.  I  above  but
                                                                                                         □  SHORT  HAIR.
                                                                      I  --·-- --------- . .  ----· 3 Cl      a set of Pure Kolinsky Sables   I
                                                                                                              Nos.  1 •6  inclusive  for  oils
                            You can earn at home making designs for Cretonnes,   A. S. HANDOVER LTD. 41-1     (on long handles).   I
                                                                                                               I  each  Nos.  4,  6  and  8
                            Wallpapers and Carpets.                                                            Filhert  shaped  Hog  Hair
                               A  UNIQUE POSTAL  METHOD                                                       brushes  and  also  I  each
                            whereby saleable designs can be made from first week.   I Dept.   S.O.,  Angel   Yard,   Highgate   -  Nos.  4,  6  and  8  square
                               SALES  SERVlCE  PROVIDED               .------------_.
                                                                                                              ended  thin  flat  chisel  Hog
                         'S' THE TEXTILE STUDIO, 23 Peterborough Rd., Harrow, Middx.   I London, N.6   Tel: MOUntview 0665   Hair.
                                    Telephone  CONCORD  1919                                                                     I
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