Page 54 - Studio International - December 1965
P. 54

New books

                              The success and  failure of  Picasso   administered  by  the  National  Trust  and   paintings.  sculptures  and  objets  d'art
                              By John Berger.  7¾ by 5 in. xii+ 210 pp.   contains the  greatest mural  painting  that   acquired  through  hundreds  of  years  by
                              With  120  illustrations.  (Harmondsworth:   has  been  completed  in  Britain  in  this   the  ancestors  of  their  present  owners.
                              Penguin  Books)  7 2s.  6d.       century.                          These  homes.  by  years  of  contact.  seem
                              Of  the  making  of  books  about  Picasso                          ideal  for  the  display  of  the  works  which
                              there  is  no  end.  The  latest  joins  those   Dictionary  of  art and  artists   in many cases  are  contemporary with  the
                              which have appeared  in recent years  that   By Peter and Linda Murray.  7 7 ¼ by 6-!, in.   architecture  and  the  decoration.  In  this
                              have attempted to cut down the giant from   464  pp.  With  52  colour plates  and 1198   sumptuous  volume.  Douglas  Cooper.  the
                              the  legendary stature he  has  achieved  in   black  and  white  illustrations.  (London:   distinguished  art  historian,  has  taken  12
                              popular assessment.  Though written by a   Thames and Hudson)  £6 6s.   of the most superlative collections remain­
                              well-known  art  critic  the  approach  is  a   From  the  original  publication  of  a   ing  in  private  hands  and  presented  their
                              'human·  one  and  the  net  sum  of  the   dictionary  of  art  and  artists  published  by   riches  in  generous  reproduction.  each
                              author's  criticism  is  roughly  that  Picasso   Penguin. the idea has been expanded into   described  by  an  eminent  scholar  in  an
                              is  growing  old  and  his  powers  are   what  is  a  virtual  necessity  for  any  family   evocative  essay.   The  collections  are
                              diminishing.  It is of course not inevitable   or  library  concerned  with  the  visual  arts.   widely  separated.   From  Rome.  the
                              that  all  artists  should  improve  with  age   The  scheme  of  the  contents  begins  with   Princes  Colonna.  the  Princes  Doria
                              and  Mr.  Berger's  complaint  is  largely   over 700 biographies of painters. sculptors   Pamphili  and  the  Princes  Pallavicini;
                              frivolous though he makes it appear well­  and  engravers  from  about  the  year  1 300   from  England.  the  Dukes  of  Devonshire,
                              founded  as  it  stems  from  Picasso·s   to  the  present  day  who  were  working  in   the  Earls  Spencer  and  the  Marquess  of
                              apparent wish to exercise a virtuosity with   Western  Europe  and  the  United  States.   Cholmondeley:  from  France,  the  Princes
                              his  undoubted  powers  rather than  create   The  entries  are  full  of  respect  for  those   de Conde  and  the  Due d'Aumale  and the
                              a new vision born of his social convictions.   artists  whom  history  has  honoured;   Princess   de   Beauvau-Craon :   from
                              Seen against the history in  Europe  of the   Aelbert  Cuyp  is  given  30  lines  whereas   Sweden, the Counts Wrangel and  Brahe:
                              past  65  years.  the  book  makes  for  lively   Dai i. Salvador  (b. 1904)  is summed up in   from  Vienna,  the  Counts  Harrach;  from
                              reading  though  one  is  amazed  to  learn   five  lines  as  follows:  ·was  originally  a   Germany,  the  Princes  Furstenberg  and
                              that author and artist have never met.  nor   Cubist  but  became  sne- of  the  leading   from  Spain,  the  Dukes  of  Alba.   The
                              presumably  has  the  former  had  the   Surrealists  until  he  abandoned  its  implied   authors include such authorities as F. J.  B.
                              opportunity of seeing the several hundreds   Marxism  and  returned  to  the  Catholic   Watson. Director of the Wallace Collection.
                              of  paintings  by  Picasso  which  he  has   Church.  Glasgow.  New  Brunswick.  New   London. and Franco Russoli. Chief Curator
                              kept himself.  Picasso in fact seems to be   York  and  other  U.S.  museums  have   of  the  Brera  Gallery,  Milan.   Superb
                              the  whipping  boy  for  the  society  that   pictures·.  Three hundred essays deal with   photographs  illustrate  such  fabulous
                              , Mr.  Berger  condemns  and  there  is  a   movements.  ideas  and  processes.  etc.   interiors as that of the  Palazzo Colonna. a
                              strange  irony  in  the  fact that both  are.  or   The  second  section  deals  in  nine  parts   beautiful  panel  of  The  Concert  by  the
                              were.  brother  communists.   But  in  his   with  the  major  techniques  in  colour  and   Master  of  the  Half-length  in  the  Palais
                              success  materially  Picasso  has  failed  to   here the 50 plates are of particular interest   Harrach. Vienna. a sketch of the  Island of
                              produce  a  painting  that  carries  the   being  captioned  to  note  their  proportion   Hispaniola  by  Christopher  Columbus
                               Marxist  battle  nearer  to  world  victory.   in  relation  to  the  originals  which  are   owned by the Duke of Alba and the unique
                               Perhaps for the writer this was his greatest   reproduced  in  small  dimensions  beside   Sevres porcelain chamber pot of Napoleon
                              failure.  though. it must be added. the most   the  detail  in  colour.   One  hundred  and   I  in  the  Scholoss  Donaueschingen.
                              fruitful  period  of  activity,  from  1930  to   seventy pages comprise the  visual history
                              1  944.  is  accorded  the  credit  it  deserves.   of art in which all the five major schools of   Bernard  Buffet
                              A  book  that  will  provoke  discussion  and   Western painting. sculpture and engraving   Text  Maurice  Druon.  Photographs  Luc
                               disagreement but unique in its scheme and   are illustrated in small scale demonstrating   Fournol, Captions Annabel Buffet. 17 2 pp.
                              method of exposition.             the  progress  of  the  media in the  different   11½  by  70½ in.  (London: Methuen  &  Co.
                                                                countries  and  periods.  supplementing  the   Ltd.)  £3 7 Os.
                                                                earlier biographies.  Classified  and  alpha­  How  can  a  painter  survive  such  an  early
                               Stanley Spencer at  Burghclere   betical  bibliographies  complete  the  most   success  as  Bernard  Buffet?  The question
                              By George Behrend.  7 O¼ by 7 ¼ in.  64 pp.   comprehensive  illustrated  reference  book   is  an  academic  one  for  as  yet there  is  no
                               (London:  Macdonald  &  Co.  Ltd.)  21s.   on Western art since the middle ages that   sign  that  Buffet  is  not  surviving  and
                               In  the  Sandham  Memorial  Chapel  built   has  appeared  to  date.  Authors  are  both   comfortably  at  that.  although  in  recent
                              specially  to  house  them  are  the  mural   lecturers  on  the  history  of  art  at  the   years  there  has  been  a  diminution  in  the
                              paintings  by  the  late  Stanley  Spencer   University  of  London  and  Dr.  Peter   acclaim  that  formerly  accompanied  each
                              based  primarily  on  the  artist's experience   Murray  is  also  the  Witt  Librarian  at  the   exhibition  of  his  work.  This  de  luxe
                              during the  First  World  War  when  he was   Courtauld  Institute.   Both  were  trained   volume combines the contributions of.four
                              with a medical unit during the Macedonian   as  painters  which  gives  their  comments   participants:  the  author  Maurice  Druon.
                               campaign.  The  late  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John   the  authority  of  practitioners no less  than   a  critic  and  friend.  who  describes  the  art
                               Behrend  commissioned  Spencer  to  carry   historians:  on Jackson Pollock's methods.   and the life of the artist with candour and
                              out  the  plan  after  discussing  it  with  him   for  example.  the  comment  is:  'He  used   admiration; the photographer who follows
                              in  1932  and  in  1937  the  chapel  was   metallic  paints  and  ordinary  commercial   Buffet and his wife through church doors
                              dedicated  to  the  memory  of  the  late   synthetic  and  enamel  and  plastic  paint.   where his religious paintings are hung on
                               Lieut.  H.  W.  Sandham.  brother  of  Mrs.   with results that are already unfortunate'.   the  walls  and  into  the  home  and  studio
                               Behrend  who  died  in  1919  from  an                             where  he  draws  and  she  models  as  a
                              illness  contracted  during the  Macedonian   Great Family Collections   toreador;  Annabel  Buffet  the  wife  who
                              campaign.  George  Behrend.  a son  of  the   Edited  with  an  introduction  by  Douglas   captions  the  photographs  with  wit  and
                              donors.  here  describes  the  story  of  the   Cooper.  7 2½  by  7 7 i  in.  304  pp.  400   discernment  concerning  not  only  the
                              paintings  and  how  they  were  created.   plates includmg 48 colour pages.  (London:   subject  matter  of  the  paintings  but  also
                               Fifty-two   photographs   illustrate   the   Weidenfe!d  &  Nicolson.)  6  gns.  5  gns.   the  character  of  the  entomological
                              different canvases including the enormous   unuJ  31  December.     sculptures that surround the studio.  Chief
                              Resurrection  of  soldiers  handing  in   Museums  extend  their  collections  of  old   contributor to the success of the book is as
                              crosses  that  fills  the  end  wall  behind  the   masters  and  antiques  by  the  purchase  of   he should be-the  artist  himself. whether
                              altar.   Despite  the  somewhat  disjointed   old  family  heirlooms  that  once  adorned   seen.  reserved.  unimpulsive  at  work.  but
                              narrative  and  the  indifference  of  some  of   stately homes.  Modern private collections   chiefly  in  the  scores  of  reproductions.
                              the reproductions. ,his book is a reminder   are  acquired  on  the  basis  of  art  history   His  tenacity.  his  unimpaired  conviction.
                              of  an  astonishing  feat  of  picture-making   rather than taste.  Yet there still remain in   may  yet  serve  to  confound  those  critics
                              that  is  too  little  known.  The  chapel  is   Europe  houses  that  are  the  settings  for   who prophesy an early eclipse.
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