Page 10 - Studio International - June 1965
P. 10


                                                                                   Bonnard & Lautrec to  Cappiello &  McKnight  Kauffer
             ART  GALLERY                                                          14 June-16 July  Bryan  Ingham  Paintings David Hall Sculpture

                           • summer                                                Also  SCHWITTERS,  MODERN  MASTERS,  ART  NOUVEAU

                    WORKS      exhibition                               FLYING  HORSE
                      ARE                                               52, WILSON STREET,  LONDON,  E.C.2  (off  Finsbury  Square)
                      FOR                                                     EXHIBITION OF  PAINTINGS  by
                      SALE      2nd JUNE- 7th  AUGUST                         Robert Cook  and  Annette Wolfenden
                                        SIGNED  LITHOGRAPHS
             ORIGINAL  WORKS  BY:-      AND  ETCHINGS  BY:-                   from  16th  MAY
                                                                        Mon.-Sat.  11  a.m.-2.30  p.m.  5  p.m.-11  p.m.  Sunday 12 a.m.-2  p.m.  7  p.m.-10.30  p.m.
                      BORN FRIEND       BRAQUE
                             ERNST      CHAGALL
                        DE LACROIX      HAYTER                                     THE  FURNEAUX  GALLERY
                   FANTIN-LATOUR        LAUTREC
                       JAWLENSKY        JONES                                     37-39 Church Road, Wimbledon Village, S.W.I9
                             LOWRY      HOCKNEY                                           RECENT  PAINTINGS
                           HERMAN       BONNARD                                                    by
                       MODIGLIANI       VLAMINCK                                         ROBERT  POWTER
                       NICHOLSON        MIRO                            June 3rd-19th                                    9.15-5.30
                            RENOIR      MODIGLIANI
                           SICKERT      NOLAN
                      SUTHERLAND        PAUL  NASH                                       Tiranti  art  bookshop
                        TREVELYAN       PICASSO
                          VAUGHAN       SUTHERLAND                                       We have an enormous selection of art books
                         WHITELEY       WHITELEY                                         both English & foreign, just for you to choose from.
                                                                                         If you wish to keep in touch with the world of art
                                                                                         today, ask for our monthly catalogue of books.
                 2  DEANSGATE  ·  BOLTON  ·  LANCS  ·  TEL  25476                        72 Charlotte Street London W.1.  Phone Museum 1165
                                                                                         art books  from  the  corners of the world



       Works  by  A.I.EA  artists                                       Graphic  Design  Course  (full-time)
       may  be seen at Artists'                                         in General  Graphic and Publicity  Design
       International Exhibition
       Agency  Gallery.                                                 leading to LSIA
       1 st Floor                                                       Session  1965-67
       26  Kingly  Street
       London W.1.                                                      Particulars from  Registrar:
                                                                        IPSWICH  CIVIC  COLLEGE
       Roger Warren
       Woman &  Tray oil  36"  x 36"                                    (School of Art)  Rope Walk, IPSWICH

         until 8 june  ronald  williams
         9 june-22 june  s. c. mcmanus                                                studio  international  advertisement rates
         23june-29june  n.haddad
         artists own  gallery                                                         With effect from January  1 st,  1965 the advertisement
                                                                                      rates of this  publication were increased

         26  kingly street,  regent street,  london w1 regent 8308

                                         Winchester  Road,  Stroud,
        ASH BARN  Petersfield,  Hampshire                                             Enquiries regarding advertising should be made  to
        June 19th-July 18th                                                           The Advertisement Manager
               "Free  Painters and  Sculptors"                                        Studio International
                             Plus  Mixed Exhibition                                   Chestergate  House
        Open  10-7.30         Tel  :  Petersfield  662   Sundays  2-7.30              Vauxhall  Bridge  Road  London  SW1  Vic 2331

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