Page 15 - Studio International - June 1965
P. 15

studio international

                                  June  1965                                        Volume  169  Number  866            Founded  1893

                                                                                    Editor/G.  S.  Whittet
                                                                                    Art  Editor/David  Pelham
                                                                                    Advertisement Manager/Michael  Kinloch
                                                                                    European Artistic Director/Georges Salmann, Paris

                                                                                                                          -  - ---
                                  Editorial                                                                                      233
                                  Time dilates/Pol Bury                                                                          234
                                  Pol Bury, clinamen in art/Simon Watson Taylor                                        ----      235
                                  Jan Lebenstein, the anguish of a poet/Raymond Cogniat                                          240
                                   --- -------- -
                                  Oscar Rabin, Soviet solitary/Jennifer Louis                                                    246
                                  Eduardo Chillida, sculptor of space/Charles S. Spencer   '                                     250
                                 ·John Hultberg, tensions in space/G. S. Whittet                                                 256
                                  New sculpture fresh in old techniques.  New York Commentary/Dore Ashton                        260
                                                         - -
                                                              -- -
                                  The Academy, Armitage and the accidental.  London Commentary/G. S. Whittet                     264
                                  Jean Helion/Sheldon Williams                                                                   268
                                  Paris Notes/Georges Orley                                                                      270
                                  New  Books                                                ----- ----- ----                     272


                                  Pol Bury
                                  9 balls on a
                                  sloping plane 1964  (Detail)
                                  See page 239

                                  Next  month
                                  The story of Zero by John Anthony Thwaites
                                  Maltezos by Georges Boudaille
                                  Gia Pomodoro by Tony del Renzio
                                  David Partridge by Charles S. Spencer
                                  Toti Scialoja by Gillo Dorfles

                                  Studio /nternstionsl (incorporating  Ths Swdio)  is  published monthly by  the National Magazine  Company Limited. Chestergate House. Vauxhall Bridge Road,
                                  London. S.W.1. Printed in Great Britain. Publishing Department: 15 Lower  Grosvenor Place. London, S.W.1. Telephone Victoria 1591.
                                  Managing Director: Marcus Morris; Advertisement Director: Jack Blanche; Circulation Director: Allan Boddy.
                                  Great Britain. Single copy price 6s. Annual subscription £3 12s. (postage paid). Subscriptions may be booked from your local bookseller or direct through
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                                  C  NATIONAL MAGAZINE CO. LTD. ENGLAND 1965
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