Page 28 - Studio International - June 1965
P. 28

                               poets-Mirou  Bialaszewski  among  others.  For  him.   an  artistic approach,  to  discover  its  origins  and  locate
                               painting is one of the means of experiencing the anguish   its justifications in  the past.  it  is necessary to consider
                               of human existence-a means which. however personal   two  events  which  had  a  profound  effect  on  Jan
                               it may be,  does not exclude others.  In the depths of his   Lebenstein's spirit.  On the one hand.  it is necessary to
                               soul the anguish of a poet reigns supreme. He also set up   emphasise  the  importance  for  him  of  his  discovery  of
                               a small  experimental  theatre in his own home.  creating   Sumerian  sculpture  at the  Louvre:  this  was  to  have  a
                               for  it a  personal  avant-garde  method,  but not in  order   much greater effect on his artistic formation than all the
                               to become the leader of a 'school' and to surround him­  experiments  of  contemporary  art.  from  which  he  has
                               self  with  disciples.  but  more  for  his  own  liberation  of   always felt himself estranged.  He spent days in copying
                               spirit and method.  His first exhibition in 1956 confirmed   these sculptures:  he filled many  sketchbooks with  his
                               this requirement  of  the  individual  act.        impressions.  He  was  probably  so  extremely  affected
                                 If one wishes to try to explain so singularly individual   by the  power  of  their  individual  content.  and  perhaps



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