Page 16 - Studio International - November 1965
P. 16
3 British artists in New York by Bruce Glaser
Richard Smith photographed by Tony Evans
Bruce Glaser What were your reasons for coming to
America, and specifically New York, to work and stay
awhile? And I am referring to your more personal
motivations rather than exhibitions, fellowships or
teaching positions offered you.
Richard Smith I first came in 1959, and that was on
a fellowship which kept me here for twenty-one months,
but I had wanted to come to America for a long time
before that. I came not only because of the painting
that was going on, but because America was the home
of other cultural manifestations that I like, jazz, rock
and roll, the movies and a certain kind of architecture.
During this initial visit of about two years I had my
first one-man show at the Green Gallery, and I liked
the people I got to know. In 1959 the younger genera
tion of American painting was considered to be Al
Leslie, Mike Goldberg and people like that. The current
younger generation was just forming and just having
1 their first shows and I got to know my generation in
New York. I enjoyed them, I found them stimulating
and I find the place stimulating. But when my fellow
ship was up I went back to England for two years
because of visa problems, then I came back to America
about a year ago.
Glaser What aspect of American jazz and movies and
architecture is it that you liked?
Smith They seemed more twentieth century than
European manifestations. I think there has been a
shift in a way. In some ways London now seems to be
taking over from Milan in a style-setting sense.
London is becoming chic and hip in all the minor
decorative arts, in clothes and fashions, in looking and
eating, and fashions in sound. But that's not enough
for me. I think New York may be consuming a lot of
London ideas, as is apparent from looking through
magazines that reflect clothes interests and things
like that, and from listening to the radio stations that
are playing English popular music, but in the major
arts New York has more strength. New York is really
more radical than London.
Glaser Does your interest in American cultural mani
festations extend a direct influence on your painting or
Something equivalent to the 'brain-drain' in science has does your interest come merely from a desire to be
been approximated in the arts as a remarkable number surrounded by a more vital atmosphere?
of British artists find one cause or another to migrate, even Smith I think they have some influence, but I think the
if only temporarily, to the United States. In a recent influences are pretty devious and they get more
discussion broadcast over radio station WBAI in New York, devious all the time.
I questioned three expatriate Englishmen now residing Glaser What about you, Allen? Why are you here?
here about the attractions of America, the influence of Allen Jones I had a show here (November, 1964)
New York art and their development as artists in England. and that was ostensibly the reason for coming. But I
The artists, Allen Jones, Peter Phillips and Richard Smith, also came earlier in the year in the Spring for no obvious
range in age from 26 to 35 years and their responses are purpose. I quite liked the idea of coming with no axe
representative of the maverick attitudes associated with to grind, and I like it so much that I decided that at the
the younger generation of painters in Britain. The first available opportunity I could afford to get over
vigorous dialogue between them and American artists that here to stay for any length of time, I would. Those are
has resulted from their presence in the United States the most immediate reasons for coming here. But on
is a clear indication that, although they have been drawn another level the reason I am here is because in London
to America out of regard for her achievements, they you were very aware that the major force that towered
also have a good deal to question and propose as well. above any shows or anything that was going on in
Their work supports the strength of their position. painting, and it is used as a criterion, is American
painting. And it seemed that one just had to get in the
Two major exhibitions of British art organized in the past middle of it and go and see and work in this situation,
year by the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis (London: if only it was to lay some sort of ghost. And, in fact, I
The New Scene) and the Albright-Knox Museum found from my last very brief visit that my feeling about
in Buffalo (Contemporary British painting and sculpture), my identity as an English painter was asserted. I didn't
and a considerable number of gallery exhibitions from coast take it as badly as before when the idea of anything
to coast, confirm the reciprocal interest of Americans in going on in London was to me some sort of second
the new art of Great Britain. The edited discussion follows. hand reflection of what was going on in New York.