Page 20 - Studio International - October 1965
P. 20

choice and generous spacing.  Pasmore·s unadulterated
                                                                                and  choice  art  had  the most  favourable  possibility  of
                                                                                appreciation.  Patrick  Heron's  colour  chords  sang  in
                                                                                their  individual  harmonies  from  painting  to  painting
                                                                                and  proper  spacing  allowed  a  musical  strength  to
                                                                                establish a palpable mood.  Heron received an honour­
                                                                                able  mention.
                                                                                  By  contrast.  Spain  went  all  for  quantity  with  in  the
                                                                                end the sole success of Joan Pone who for subtle colour
                                                                                areas and wiry drawing received the Gold Medal as the
                                                                                best  foreign  draughtsman  Juan  Genoves·s  low  relief
                                                                                assemblages  of  old  clothes  and  plaster  objects  had
                                                                                morbid effect.  Besides  Pone.  draughtsmen  of  interest

                              Stanislav  Libensky,  Czechoslovakia               Marina  Numez del  Prado.  Bolivia
                              Blue  Composition  1965  Glass                    Madre Cosmica 1965  Basalt 98 x 80 ems.
                              Frank Stella.  U.S.A.
                              De la Nada Vida a la Nada Muerte 1965 81 ½ x 293 ins.
                                                                                were Jaimee  Muxart and Antonio Saurez.
                                                                                  Germany's  two  artists  provided  contrast  in  the
                                                                                informal leafings and branchings of Hann Trier coloured
                                                                                in pretty schemes  and by  Bruno  Goller in  the  homely
                                                                                hieratic  figures  of  people  in  costumes  of  bygone
                                                                                fashion set in pairs and fours of framed formality. akin to
                                                                                 Etruscan  imagery  as  adapted by Campigli.
                                                                                  Holland with independence confined its three artists to
                                                                                a variously figurative vein that had a  surprise  and the
                                                                                possibility of engaging speculation beyond the appre­
                                                                                ciation of form in their small dimensions.  Co Westerik
                                                                                contrived  some  strange  erotic  rites  in  his figures  fre­
                                                                                quently having the ambiguity of the zoomorphic and the
                                                                                topographic. Wide-eyed innocence-or indifference-in
                                                                                clean  faces  conceal  none  of  the  symbolism  in  other
                                                                                compositions.  He  received  an  honourable  mention.
                                                                                  In the  United States section. the overwhelming intent
                                                                                of painting in that country to become the background
                                                                                for life was well-intended in the wall-sized canvases of
                                                                                Barnett  Newman.  In  these deep mural claddings.  the
                                                                                sole question is where the space will be divided by the
                                                                                thin  vertical  band.  The  only  alternative  is  to  observe
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