Page 25 - Studio International - October 1965
P. 25

The  Bienal  of  Sao  Paulo


                                   imagery;  Felicia  Leimer. another previous winner. with  numbers  of  Studio  International.  Francis  Bacon  in  a
                                   a  group  of  her  intricately  branched  pyramids  and  bloodily  distorted  head  produced  that  sensory  shock
                                   F. Weissman  in  crushed  aluminium  sheeting.  Amilcar  which no cerebral fashioning can produce.
                                   de  Castro works simply in metal discs.             Brazil.  as  was  to  be  expected.  had  no  surrealist
                                     Brazilian printmaking presented variety in techniques  painters of any significance. The dynamic of the country
                                   from the prize winner  Maria  Bonomi and other leading  that one can experience so non-stop in Sao  Paulo and
                                   London  exhibitors.  among  them  Rossini  Perez.  Dora  in different ways elsewhere is reflected in an art that is
                                   Basilio.  Anna  Leticia  Ouadros.  Roberto  de  Lamonica  never introspective. always aware of the senses· signifi­
                                   and notably Marian Chiaverini Ferrari whose expansive  cance especially the visual. and above all informal and
                                   monochrome etchings of  people multiplied in  profiles  optimistic.  Sao  Paulo in the city's character rejects the
                                   made  a  strangely  moving  rubric  of  contemporary  past  because  the  present  offers more  excitement;  the
                                   figuration.                                        Bienal repeats the feeling of the city and if it includes
                                    'Surrealism  and  Fantastic  Art'  was  the  theme  of  the  much that is vulgar and opportune this is a consequence
           ,                       special  exhibition  on  the  top  floor  with  works  from  of metropolitan life. but unmistakably of life alive.   ■

           Liuba,  Brazil          international  sources  running  from  the  intricately
           81rd                    decorative drawing of Swedish  Max-Walter Svanberg
           Bronze                  to the  large  oppressively  compelling  head  by  Belgian
           2                       painter  Landuyt.  Max  Ernst reigned supreme in only a
           Amilcar de  Castro,  Brazil
           Torso 1964              few  typical  paintings  in  which  his  penetration  of  the
           Sculpture  ,n  ,ran     depth  of  the  third  dimension  was  accomplished  with
           3                       immaculate technique. Other masters of surrealism pre­
           Dora  Basilio,  Brazil   sented  in  excellent  canvases  were  Dali.  Chirico.
           Cremona  1965
           Etching                 Magritte.  Oelvaux  and  Labisse.  Strong  contributions
                                   came  also  from  Vladimir  Velickovic  of  Yugoslavia.
           Franz Weissmann,  Brazll   Richard  Oelze  of  Germany  and  Andreas  Nemes  from
           Sculpture ,n aluminium  1965
           90 x 120 ems.           Sweden. each of them the subject of an article in recent
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