Page 48 - Studio International - October 1965
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      1                                                                         tion.  is  one  of  the  most  mysterious  elements  in  art.
      Strucwre 33A.  November  1964
      Polished  aluminium                                                        Yet  it  is  precisely  this  un-analysable  quality  which
      48  ems.                                                                   gives  an  artist's expression  its  significant  individuality,
      Hamilton  Galleries
                                                                                 and in the case of a  great painter or sculptor produces
      2                                                                          relationships  of  infinite  evocative  power.  'Every  artist',
      Structure 39C.  January 1965
      Copper                                                                     says Gilbert, ·wants to create his own form'; and in this
      70 ems.                                                                    search  chooses  materials  which  help  him  and  which
      Hamilton  Galleries
                                                                                 he  can dominate.  Gilbert's sculptures are  not  welded;
      Structure 37A.  August  1964                                               every  section  is  screwed  to  the  next.  His  forms  were
      Polished  alum1n1um                                                        developed  from  rectilinear  constructions,  which  arose
      40 x 55 ems.
      Hamilton  Galleries                                                        out  of  the  architectural  maquettes,  and  then  became
                                                                                 tentative three-dimensional compositions held in what
      Structure 25A,  August 1962                                                he  terms  'space-frames'.  It  took  him  a  year  to  devise
      Aluminium and  perspex                                                     the means of removing the frames so that the structures
      80 x 60  ems.
      I lamllton  Gallrnes                                                       could be free-standing.
      5                                                                           From his architectural experiments he found aluminium
      Structure 208,  1962                                                       easy to handle in a studio, which is not a workshop, and
      51 ems.                                                                    appreciated  the  ability  to  make  sheer,  unblemished
      Le1cestor  Un1vers1ty                                                      curves  which  are  hand-manipulated  yet  also  have  a

                                                                                 machine-like  finish.  This  duality,  or  dichotomy,  of
                                                                                 artist-artisanship,  with  elements  of  our  machine  age,
                                                                                 perfectly  expresses  his  desired  relationship  between
                                                                                 art  and  modern  society.  Gilbert  has  recently  experi­
                                                                                 mented  with  brass,  which  he  finds  attractive,  and
                                                                                 copper which he describes as  'haphazard'.  He has also
                                                                                 completed his first commission for the  London County
                                                                                 Council,  a large  8  ft.  6  in.  high form in stainless steel,
                                                                                 thus  suitable  for  placing  out-doors.  It  will  eventually
                                                                                 stand  beside  the  lily-pond  in  The  Park,  the  charming
                                                                                 garden  of  the  former  Leverhulme  residence  adjoining
                                                                                 Hampstead  Heath,  which  was  recently  acquired  for
                                                                                 the public.
                                                                                  Gilbert's  current exhibition  at the  Hamilton  Gallery is
                                                                                 his  first  London  showing  since  the  Drian  exhibitions
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