Page 49 - Studio International - October 1965
P. 49

Stephen  Gilbert

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                                  of  1961  and 1963.  His work has acquired a new com­  architecture  in  itself.  He  does  not  wish  to  design  in
                                  plexity and dignity.  He is represented in the collections  relation  to  other static forms.  Space  and  air  are  the
                                  of the Tate  Gallery and the Arts Council. and this year  elements  he  wishes  his  structures  to  inhabit.  not  set
                                  he was included in the  British Council's representation  against the solid backcloths of buildings.
                                  ;:.t the Tokyo Biennale. where he won the Award of the   The  exhibition  at  the  Hamilton  Gallery  will  include
                                  Ministry of  Education.                           some  20  works  and  will  illustrate  an  important  new
                                   The  L.C.C.  commission  has  opened  up  new  possi­  development.  In  addition  to  the  organic.  plant-like.
                                  bilities  for  him.  Philosophically,  in  his  desire  for  the  petal  forms.  with  their  references  to  aeroplane  com­
                                  artist to be an integral  part of society and to reflect, as  ponents.  motor-car  design.  winged  Art  Nouveau
                                  well as initiate.  its visual manifestations.  he is anxious  figures-a group of  Duralminium constructions will be
                                  for art to be a public ambiance. not an exotic addendum  shown, based on 'two way curves· which add a nervous
                                  to  life.  He is less interested in chic interior decoration  intensity  to  the  former  balanced  calm.  This  is  an
                                  and  wishes  to  contribute  to  public  recreation  in  a  example  of  a  new  material  inspiring  form.  providing
                                  civilised  environment.  He  prefers  not  to  work  with  the artist with the possibility of developihg relationships
                                  architects.  A  building.  he  feels.  should  be  a  piece  of  unobtainable in previous media.   ■
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