Page 50 - Studio International - September 1965
P. 50

Ceci I  Skotnes and The Angst of Africa

                             by Walter  Battiss

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                             Cecil Skotnes. the artist. is married with two children and lives and   Johannesburg.  Skotnes  eventually  found  himself  in  the  cutting
                             works  in  Johannesburg  in  the  Transvaal.  He  is  the  son  of  a   of woodblocks that he coloured.
                             missionary and a  Canadian mother and was born in  East  London   In the end.  whatever inducements suggest certain directions of
                             in the Cape  Province.  South Africa. thirty nine years ago.   fulfilment.  the  realisation  of  an  artist's  best  creative  self  is  his
                              During  World  War  Two.  Skotnes  served  in  the  South  African   own  very  personal  affair.  This  move  to  realise  himself  is  to
                             forces in  Italy and at the conclusion of the war. he studied art in   essential  loneliness for  he  must  determine  every  step  since  art.
                             Florence. However. the first serious influences in his art came later   like death. has no proxy:  Skotnes pulled away to loneliness.
                             in London when Skotnes saw the sculptures of Henry Moore and   The  new  graphic  work  Skotnes  then  produced  earned  for  him
                             Barbara Hepworth. of which he still retains very clear impressions.   a  place  on  the  Biennales  of  Venice  and  Sao  Paulo.  Finally,
                              The meaning for Skotnes in these works of Moore and Hepworth   Skotnes came to his most recent large works on wood which he
                             was  the  meaning  that  the  primitive.  especially  the  primitive  of   calls  'incised  paintings·  and these came through  his  murals  for
                             Africa. had for the  European artist.             churches  in  South  Africa.  carried  out  in  sgraffito  and  inlaid
                              In South Africa.  after  completing his  B.A.  Honours in  Fine Arts   plaster techniques.
     Nudes m  Landscape      at  the  University  of  the  Witwatersrand.  Skotnes  became  an  art   These new incised paintings on wood make up the Skotnes 1965
     36x60in.                teacher at the Polly Street Centre. Johannesburg. and in develop­  exhibition  at  the  Grosvenor  Gallery,  London.  It has come  about
     2                       ing  the  art  here  he  animated  a  remarkably  virile  African  art   because Mr.  Eric Estorick. the Director of this gallery. had recently
     The  Censors            movement in South Africa.                         visited South Africa and looking around with a roving eye of quick
     60 X 48 in.              At first. Skotnes gave a great deal of himself to the students of the   discernment discovered  Skotnes as  one of the  artists he wanted.
     3                       Centre to get very little back for himself until one day he found a   The  large  panels  of  Skotnes  are  conceived  from  the  start  as
     Marrvr                  Zulu sculptor.  Sydney  Kumalo.  amongst his pupils who could be   'incised paintings· for there is never any intention to make prints
                             approached on both an  aesthetic and an  intellectual  level.   from  them.  Though similar in size they are very different in their
     4                        Sydney  Kumalo with his talent and his brain helped Skotnes to   cutting and treatment of colour from the monumental -Holzschnitt
     The  Conference
     48 X  60  in.           give  the  Polly  Street  Centre  a  new  life.  and  a  contemporary   prints  of  H.  A.  P.  Grieshaber  at  Documenta  1964  at  Kassel.
                             creative  climate  was  established.  the  reward  Skotnes  deserved.   Because  these  incised  paintings  are  something  new  both  in
                              Outside of his teaching. as an artist discovering himself. Skotnes   conception and scale they have attracted a great deal of attention
                             had started off as a sculptor. had then moved to oil painting until   in  South  Africa  and  there  are  already  oblique  quotations  of
     All  incised  pa1r111ngs  on  wood  are
     at  the  Grosvenor  Gal:ery,  London   later. supported by the prophetic conviction of  Egan Guenther of   Skotnes in the work of the younger artists.
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