Page 45 - Studio International - September 1965
P. 45

Peter  Startup

           3  +  4                 unreal,  exaggerated  shapes  'touch  off  something  in  forms, is the result of greater economy. the elimination
           Metamorphic Forms  No.  3
           Ash.  Yew &  Brass      one's  experience.  I  would  like  to  feel  that  I  can  find  of  extraneous detail.
           Two  views of Stage I   shapes which do this.'                              The  new  series  bears  the  generic  title  Metamorphic
           90  in.  High
           18  in. Wide              Before beginning a new work he makes only the most   Images.  Whilst  to  some  extent  all  art  is  the  result  of
                                   elementary  sketches although he starts with an image  metamorphosis,  the  name is appropriate.  Not only are
           5  + 6
           Metamorphic Forms No.  3   of sorts, which changes and develops in the process of  they transformations of shapes from the background of
           Two views of  Stage  II   making. The wood is cut into shapes and put together,  our  urban  lives,  to  which  the  artist  is  especially
                                   but  not  fixed.  The  final  statement  is  the  relationship  sensitive,  the  sculptures  themselves  undergo  internal
                                   between  these  different  shapes,  a  process  of  gradual   transformations-before  our  eyes!  They  are  made  in
                                   re-adjustment.  'I  am  happy  when  what  I  finally  end  hard,  handsome  woods-pine, mahogany, teak.  Whilst
                                   up  with  expresses  the  mood  I  want  to  transmit.  It's  he no longer uses paint, coloured formica is occasion­
                                   never exactly the form I imagined;  in fact, I find them  ally  incorporated  and  areas  of  wood  are  sometimes
                                   more  surprising  as  they  evolve.  If  you  work,  as I  do,   bleached. The only additional material are broad bands
                                   for  a  long  time  on  each  sculpture,  the  final  form  can  of leather, which act as hinges for the interchangeable
                                   never  be  premeditated.  Each  work  affects  the  next­  sections. One of the most elaborate structures has three
                                   is  a  variation,  a  step  further from  what went  before.'  positions.  On a central column made of mahogany and
                                    One cannot pin down  the 'idea·  of these sculptures;  pine,  in  Stage  1  two  free  elements  hang  from  an
                                   they  are  concepts  which  only  evolve  as  the  work  elaborately-made sledge-shape;  in  Stage 2  one of the
                                   develops, as much in the carpentry of the different parts  hanging sections is  brought  up  to fit  over this shape,
                                   as the  brilliant  organisation  of  the  whole.  The  shapes  making a flat,  head-like form;  and in  the  final  Stage,
                                   are never simple. although the new sculpture is smaller  the second hanging piece rests on top of the 'head' as
                                   and  more  positive  than  earlier  work.  They  are  also  a  disturbing  gesture.  In  each  variation  echoes  of
                                   more complex and more compressed, having discarded  African  sculpture  are  recognisable.  In  all  its  stages.
                                   purely  decorative  elements,  including  colour,  and  no  and indeed in all the recent sculpture, the craftsmanship,
                                   emotional  quality  of  the  works,  with  their  thrusting  all contribute to the impressiveness of the whole.  ■
                                   longer depend on clever craftsmanship. The heightened  the  purity  of  line,  and  the  beauty  of  the  materials,

           3                              4                               5                               6              PHOTOS:  PEGGY  MILLS

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