Page 61 - Studio International - September 1965
P. 61

�     '  HERALDIC  D E S I GN                                      hammerlunds

                ��        HEATHER          CHILD

                 With a  Foreword by A.  COLIN  COLE,  Portcullis  Pursuivant of            gallery
                 Arms. The first book of its kind for many years,  thoroughly prac­
                 tical,  by a  well-known  expert  and  lavishly  illustrated  in line  and
                 half-tone. The 32 pages of plates include a selection of outstanding    Tordenskioldsgt 3.  Oslo
                 work from  the  great  periods  of  heraldic  design  and  a  varied
                 sampling  of  modern work  in many crafts.  Also  118  drawings  by
                 the author. JO x 7½ inches. 63s.
                                                                                  music  paintings

                                                                                  until 11  september

                                                                                       1965 exhibitions include
                                                                                               k. f. dahmen

                   City of Stoke on Trent Education Committee                             7 swedish painters
                       PRINCIPAL  R.H. MARLOW  ARCA  MSIA  FRSA                               peter brUning
             COLLEGE ROAD,  STOKE ON TRENT, STAFFORDSHIRE                                  f. hundertwasser
           Three-year full time courses leading to the  Diploma in Art and  Design
           (  Dip  A.O. )  in  (a)  Three - dimensional  design,  with  Ceramics  as  the
           chief area of study  (b)  Graphic Design
           Further information will be supplied by the  Principal

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                   College Diploma Courses                                         drawn  ferrules  for  20/- postage  paid.  These  brushes
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                   Advertising  Design                                             performance-and are unconditionally guaranteed.  Send
                                                                                   today for this aid  to better  painting.  Simply complete
                   Exhibition Design                                               coupon  below  and  send  together  with  your  remittance
                                                                                   for 20/-.
                   Examination Courses
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                   Technical  Illustration                                             Please tick the correct box in the coupon below.
                   Window  Display                                                                         1 □    I enclose P.O. for20/-for
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   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64