Page 62 - Studio International - September 1965
P. 62
Classified announcements
The rates for advertising in the classified announcements column of Studio International
are 25s for the first twenty words (minimum), and 9d for each additional word.
Use of box number 4s. These advertisements are prepayable.
Tuition Interior Design and Decoration. A diploma Contemporary Artist, extensive studies Landscape Painting in Suffolk. Holiday
is awarded after the successful completion London and Continent, also with Koko classes for advanced students and begin
of our correspondence course covering schka, will give tuition in modern painting ners. Prospectus from Lawrence Self,
Draughtsmanship, History of English Fur at her Kensington studio. Twelve three a r.c.a , The Butterfly. Great Finborough,
niture, Building Construction, Design, hourly lessons. 1 0gns. Kristin Berge. 22 Stowmarket, Suffolk.
Materials, Furniture and Fittings. Colour, Campden Hill Gardens. London, W.8.
Application. Any subject can be taken Park 5777.
separately. Brochure from the Registrar.
Dept. St., Rhodec School. BCM/Rhodec.
London, W.C.1.
For Sale Studio-residence for sale. Re-converted For sale, Etching Press. Hughes & Kimber Thousands of contemporary original oil
railway station. Oxfordshire. Central heat 20" rollers. Recently completely over paintings on canvas by skilled artists,
ing. 13 foot ceilings. ½ acre land. £3,000. h3uled: also double demy Columbia hand 10 assorted samples, size about 20 in. x
Box 2547, Studio International. Chester press. In superb original working con 28 in. post paid £23. J_ E. Jensen, Ewalds
gate House. Vauxhall Bridge Road, dition. complete with guilt eagle counter Alie 81, Esbjerg, Denmark 61.
London, S.W.1 . balance. Offers? Phone RENown 5006.
Perspnal The Monkton Marriage Bureau, 1 Elm The Margaret Moody Marriage Bureau, When in Glasgow, visit Anthony Arm
Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. England, being 1008 Anlaby High Road. Kingston-upon strong's Gallery at 29 Charing Cross.
the country's leading Christian bureau, Hull. Yorkshire. The most successful and Permanent showing of paintings, drawings,
has persons of all age groups and in all efficient bureau in the North, with a prints by Gray. Armstrong, Storey.
parts of the British Isles available for nation-wide clientele. Scrupulously con
introduction. Persons also available fidential and discreet. Full details under
throughout the Christian World. Full con plain cover on request.
fidence assured.
Miscellaneous Tapestry Embroidery: artists, traditional Nude Figure Studies of 100 top models! Art Club in London. Life and portrait
and contemporary, able to handpaint Artists' aid to study anatomy and posing. models Tuesday evenings. Write Miss
designs (20 in. square) well on embroidery Sample set (Classical or Contemporary Mansfield, Heatherley Art Club, 33 War
canvas and to co-operate on long term style), 20s. plus s.a.e. (Overseas 5s. wick Square. London, S.W.1.
basis by post, please write and send additional airmail). No callers. State age.
samples of their work to Heinz Edgar Geo. Jordon (Dept. S), 17 Cheyne Close,
Kiewe, Art Needlework Industries Ltd .. London, N.W.4.
7 St. Michael's Mansions. Ship Street,
Oxford, England.
CONDITIONS OF SALE AND SUPPLY: This periodical is sold subject to the following conditions: that it shall not, without the written consent of the publishers first given. be lent. resold. hired out
or otherwise disposed of by way of the Trade except at the full price of Six Shillings: and that it shall not be lent. resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of in a mutilated condition or in any unauthorised
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