Page 21 - Studio International - April 1966
P. 21

father sent me a substantial sum and told me to look after  with our five senses. What we are trying to do is something
                                 Alexei and not return to Russia until the war was over so  deeper inside  the reality.'
                                 that Alexei would avoid military service. Russian students   Though Malevich used an involved phraseology, he was
                                 abroad were exempt from military service.          a serious person with a great devotion to an idea, and
                                  This freed me from my last exams. I knew I wasn't going  by 1917 and 1918 I was doing work with which he agreed.
                                 to be an engineer; I thought the teaching methods were  But he never agreed with my heads. In fact, both Male-
                                 idiotic—all those stupid bridge designs and so on.   vich and Tatlin also did naturalistic work first, as you can
                                  Now I was released and wandering, trying to find a  see by looking at the catalogue of the Russian exhibition
                                 place to work, just like a hen wanting to lay an egg. We  held in Berlin in 1922.
                                 went to Copenhagen, and then to Sweden, where Alexei   My period of testing ended in Norway. When I arrived
                                 wanted to study physics. We went to Christiana (Oslo)  in Russia at the beginning of 1917 I already knew I
                                 in the autumn, going through the fiords. It was there that  wasn't going to do any more heads. But I had many
                                 I clearly knew what I wanted to do. Already I was con-  drawings with me, mostly architectural drawings. I had
                                 centrating on the stereometric system. Because I had an  known that this system of mine was very very close to
                                 engineering background I was interested in economy of  architecture.
                                 structure and materials. The stereometric cube has so   Then I began making constructions which were archi-
                                 much economy with its four planes. Here you have the  tectonic in character.
                                 block, in a way the block the sculptor works with all the   Someone has asked me whether the Eiffel Tower was
                                 time. And what I asked myself was this : 'How can I bring  the first Constructive work of art. The achievements of
                                 this new outlook, these new materials, into sculpture?'   the Eiffel Tower were of enormous significance. But it is
                                  I was after an architectonic projection, with movement  an engineering work. I would say it is a Constructive
                                 in depth, a certain kind of elation, even heroism. It was  work, but not a Constructive sculpture. It was not done
                                 then that I did my heads. I wanted to prove to myself  in order to express an experience. It was done in order to
                                 that with the stereometric system I could make a natural-  see what could be done in its day.
                                 istic image. I knew I could do abstracts, of course, but   What was it I tried to do in these constructions ? I trans-
                                 I wanted also to make naturalistic images. I think these  ferred myself to the middle of the construction, to be in
                                 heads are among the most satisfying things I have done.  the middle of space, so to speak. Space is in me, it comes
                                  Because of this desire I never agreed with Malevich  out of me. There are ways in which the artist can make
                                 when he attacked nature. He was evangelical, intolerant  the spectator feel that he, the spectator, is within the
                                 of everything naturalistic. Once I told him, 'One thing  sculpture or painting.
                                 does not deny the other thing. It is a normal reaction to   I was preoccupied with space and time (and by 'time' I
                                 nature to be naturalistic. Whether what comes out will  also mean `movement'), and I wanted to create an image
                                 be art—whether films and photography take over—is  of the times I was living in and project it into the future.
                                 quite another matter. But you cannot eliminate human  In those years we were filled with elation. When I left
                                 beings from the image of nature as we conceive it only   Moscow in 1922 and went to Germany I found a some-

         Drawing for a constructed head 1916        A costume sketch for La Chatte 1926       Sketch for a square in Moscow 1919
         Pencil                                     Crayon                                    Pencil
         19x 17 in.                                 11 x 9 in.                                   x 14 in.
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