Page 30 - Studio International - March 1966
P. 30

Colin  Lanceley: between  painting  and  sculpture

                               by  Robert  Hughes

                               Colin  Lanceley  is  a  27-year-old  Australian,  but  the   implies two  things:  the  sculpture is fixed  at a  definite
                               cliches  of  New  Holland  get  no  grip  on  his  work.  He   point in space and hence in one specific relationship to
                               works in a corner  between painting and sculpture.  His   the painting, and it cannot be walked round-the spec­
                               wooden constructions are 3-dimensional, but they don't   tator's  viewpoint  is  determined  for  him  in  advance.
                               suggest  sculptural  mass;  they  are  too  open  and  fluid   (This  is essentially  a  Baroque  idea).  The  construction
                               for that.                                         and  the  painting  are linked firstly  by means  of colour,
                                The  more  recent  ones,  Laocoon for  instance,  appear   and  secondly  by the  play  of  shadows cast on  the  flat
                               to  grow  into  and  out  of  paintings  on  the  wall.  This   painted  surface  by  the  gesticulating  wooden  forms.
       Laocoon  1966
       Painted  wood
       78  X  63  in.

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