Page 24 - Studio International - July/August 1967
P. 24

Classic and neoclassic canons hardly apply when   ganja or hashish, i.e. cannabis indica—the  inspiring   missed the boat. And I said, But look how many of
      the art exhibit, the poem, the music, the play or   moondrink of Indra—to be identified perhaps with the   those boats have sunk.'
      painting, consist of nothing but the critics invited for   classic haoma or soma? Agehananda Pharati   Of Duchamp's  Nude descending a staircase:  'They
      the occasion—they apply progressively less and less   actually refers to LSD as producing an 'emotive   called it an explosion in a shingle factory. But they
      when there in only the one critic—when the verse-  approximation to ecstasy'.     were the iconoclasts.'
      music-sculpture is the critic locked out of the exhi-       Yours sincerely,
      bition room—when it is an object to be entirely identi-                    dsh    Measures against forgeries
      fied by the critic himself—when his choice of art-  Prinknash Abbey,              The ruling in May by the Art Dealers Association of
      object is himself as choosing it—or when it is every-  Gloster
                                                                                        America that forty-four paintings sold to the Texan
      thing in the cosmos other than that—or when it is the
                                               Art Nouveau                              collector Algur Meadows by a French dealer were
      cosmos including that. These surely are the sort of                               forgeries, and, the claim made by the Comité Pro-
                                               Dear Sir,
      rejections art is coming to be about now and they                                 fessionel des Galeries d'Art that certain works by
                                                I suggest Mr Gordon re-read my book again, since
      make perfectly good Tantric sense.                                                'Derain exhibited in a Left Bank gallery were of
                                               in my copy page 58 never mentions Beardsley in
       Finally, may I say I am not very sure if I fully under-                          'doubtful' authenticity are likely to result in more
                                               connection with the Kelmscott Press or, indeed, at
      stand Dr Eng's objection to the reference Mr Souza                                stringent French regulations covering the attribu-
      made to Timothy Leary: the League for Spiritual   all. Moreover, if Professor Gordon reads books front   tion of modern works. Hitherto the heirs of an artist
                                               to back, instead of back to front, he will find that on
      Discovery is certainly not a substitute for or equivalent                         or recognized experts have constituted the final court
                                               page 40, I categorically state both in the caption and
      to the Tantric exploration of inner space, but is an                              of appeal. As a spokesman of the Comité has pointed
      authentic and in many cases successful search for   in the text that Beardsley's Morte d'Arthur was com-  out, however, a widow may be aged, or a second or
                                               missioned and published by J. M. Dent: '... he
      that space and as such I consider it part of that                                 third wife, and may be unfamiliar with her late hus-
                                               [Beardsley] never won Morris's admiration and it was
      'repristinization' Dr Eng spoke about so lucidly in the                           band's oeuvre, while an expert on Canaletto or Rem-
      contribution he made to DIAS immediately before my   John Dent who commissioned his Morte d'Arthur.'   brandt may be anything but an expert on Chagall or
                                                                  Yours faithfully,
      own paper on apophatism as the art of art-destruc-                                Vlaminck.
      tion. In that respect would even have something of                  Mario Amaya
      the same anticipatory effect as the fourteenth and   London, S.W.10               In other magazines
      antepenultimate item in the preparatory rite of   Professor Gordon writes:
      Tantric union with the shakti or yum: the taking 6f   In my copy of Mr Amaya's book,  Art Nouveau,   Opus International
      what is called vijaya (victory giver), that, is bhang   Dutton Vista Picturebooks, 1966 the opening sentence   A new French quarterly, Opus International is edited
                                               of page 58 begins thus:                  by Jean-Clarence Lambert and published by Georges
                                                  The fine art books of the Kelmscott Press, illustrated   Fall. The magazine deals largely with the 'sociology'
                                                 by Burne-Jones, Morris and Beardsley...   of the arts, and casts a wide net. In the first issue
      74 years ago                              I am now, however, interested to find from a copy of   three articles by critics discuss the relative import-
                                               the reprint  of this book, from the same publishers,   ance/unimportance of Paris as a contemporary art
                                               and dated 1967, that Mr Amaya has admitted error,   centre; Gassiot-Talbot writes on Samuel Buri; Jean-
                                               and changed that sentence to read:       Clarence Lambert writes on Kujawski; and there are
                                                 The fine art books of the Kelmscott Press, illustrated   contributions from Alain Jouffroy and Jean-Jacques
                                                 by Burne-Jones, Morris, and others....   Leveque. Price per issue: 7.50Fr./US$1.95.
                                                                  Yours faithfully,
                                                                             D. J. Gordon   New journal on art and technology
                                               University of Reading,                   An international congress under the title of 'Visions
                                               Berks.                                   of the Present' was held in Stockholm, in the autumn
                                                                                        of 1966, under the auspices of FYLKINGEN, an
                                               Post-war paintings in churches           organization for experimental art. Artists, scientists
                                               Dear Sir,                                and technicians took part in the discussions. Some of
                                                I am compiling a handlist of post-war paintings in   the lectures given at the congress are appearing in
                                               churches in Britain and I would be most grateful for   the first number of FYLKINGEN International Bulletin,
                                               any help (e.g. photographs, measurements, literature,   a new publication devoted to art and modern tech-
                                               press cuttings, correspondence or records relating to   nology, which is being printed in English, French and
                                               commissions or briefs given to artists) which your   German. (Price in the U.K.: 7s.)
                                               readers might be kind enough to give me.
                                                                  Sincerely yours,      Sending-in dates
                                                              (Reverend) T. Devonshire-Jones
      Sir,                                     Portsmouth College                       Edinburgh Open 100—final date for sending-in of entry
       I don't think photography has had any influence   of Technology,                 forms (open to all artists working in the U.K. and
      upon modern art at all.                                                           Eire) is July 28. Exhibition secretary: Dr Jean Russell,
       The use of photographs by artists, however, is a very   Hampshire.               c/o Richard Demarco Gallery, 8 Melville Crescent,
      different matter, and I do not propose to give away the                           Edinburgh 3.
      tricks of the trade. By refraining I have no doubt I shall  Man Ray's birthday     Northampton Today—sending-in dates August 1-5.
      receive the silent blessings of the multitude of duffers   A gathering in Paris recently celebrated Man Ray's   Secretary: W. H. Girling, 'The Paddocks', Spratton,
      among whom I find myself.                77th birthday. Among the guests were Marcel   Northampton. The Selection Committee is composed
                              Yours truly,     Duchamp, Sir Roland Penrose and Patrick Waldberg.   of Peter Cannon Brookes, Terence Mullaly, and John
                                  Joseph Pennell   According to reports, Man Ray recalled Duchamp's   Hutton.
           From a correspondence on the subject of 'Is the   arrival in America, when Duchamp's knowledge of
                      camera the friend or foe of art?'                                 In brief
                                               English was confined to 'love' and 'yes'—which, said
                                               Man Ray, was fine on the tennis court: Man Ray would   An exhibition at Dartington College of Arts, Totnes
      The September issue                      call out 'love', and Duchamp would shout 'yes' from   (until August 5) commemorates forty years of patron-
      The issue will include coverage on the artists—  the other side of the net.       age of the arts by Dartington, and recalls the asso-
      Jeremy Moon, John Furnival, Ian Stephenson, Barry   Among pearls reportedly dropped by Man Ray at the   ciation of Bernard Leach, Willi Soukop, Mark Tobey,
      Flanagan, Mark Boyle, Colin Self and Michael Sandie   party:                      Kurt Jooss and many others.
      — chosen to represent British painting and sculpture   Dada 'goes back to Aristophanes' and was 'the   Bradford City Art Gallery is planning a print biennale.
      at this autumn's Biennale des Jeunes in Paris; repro-  pursuit of liberty, and the pursuit of pleasure. Liberty
      ductions of some hitherto unrecorded drawings by   is harder, but pleasure demands a certain reck-  Exhibition posters from the U.K., Holland, France,
      Malevitch; and an article on Negret, the Colombian   lessness.'                   Japan and other countries are being shown at Ply-
      sculptor, by Donald Hall.                 Of his own career: 'They told me so often that I   mouth Arts Centre (38 Looe Street)—until July 22.
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